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Bubble Dizzy +3

Bubble Dizzy +3 Released by :
The Paranormal Federation [web]

Type :
C64 Crack

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

Credits :
Crack .... Rickmeister of The Paranormal Federation
Trainer .... Rickmeister of The Paranormal Federation

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User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 15 December 2013
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 15 December 2013
damn, I've disasmed the prg AFTER I patched it :P
091B  A9 3B     LDA #$0B

this is the original code, it turns off the screen =)
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 15 December 2013
The intro is supposed to start with black screen, and when a certain value is written by the music player at $d400 the screen is turned on. Too bad this value is never written. Probably was tested on another tune, which has been replaced on this intro.
091B  A9 3B     LDA #$3B
091D  8D 6C 09  STA $096C
0961  EE 19 D0  INC $D019
0964  A9 20     LDA #$20
0966  CD 12 D0  CMP $D012
0969  D0 FB     BNE $0966

096B  A9 3B     LDA #$3B
096D  8D 11 D0  STA $D011
09AE  20 21 10  JSR $1021
09B1  AD 00 D4  LDA $D400
09B4  C9 A4     CMP #$A4  <<<
09B6  F0 05     BEQ $09BD

09B8  C9 34     CMP #$34
09BA  F0 07     BEQ $09C3

09BC  60        RTS

09BD  A9 3B     LDA #$3B
09BF  8D 6C 09  STA $096C 
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 15 December 2013
There is just music instead of a intro. Dunno if it's broken, or supposed to be like that.
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