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Tetris (Atari Arcade Conversion)   [2013]

Tetris (Atari Arcade Conversion) Released by :

Release Date :
28 December 2013

Type :
C64 Game

Released At :
the Ultimate Meeting 2013

Achievements :
Mixed Game Competition at the Ultimate Meeting 2013 :  #1

User rating:********__  8/10 (14 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Karoshier of DaCapo
Music .... fieserWolf of Metalvotze
Graphics .... Karoshier of DaCapo
  Sampaguita of DaCapo

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User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 4 February 2018
Some issues with rotating but this version is very playable. Also FieserWolf's tracks rule.
User Comment
Submitted by Zaphod on 13 March 2016
This seems nice. but i will provide info for proper gameplay.

1) pieces other then i rotate on the left side of the bounding box.
2) If rotation fails because it would overlap, the piece will be tested one square to the left in the same orientation, and if that works the piece will rotate to there.

Please see tetrisconcept wiki.

User Comment
Submitted by daison on 9 March 2014
Wow, well done!

Tnx for doing this!
User Comment
Submitted by Chrom_ on 8 January 2014
Wow, I love this piece of code! A proper tetris conversion was badly needed. Though, since I love it so much I think it would be great to fix some bugs. Here are the ones I suggest to take care of:

- comparing to the original arcade, some pieces rotate on the wrong pivot block (check for example how the T shaped block behaves)
- pieces can't be rotated when pushing on the side of the "pit" (eg. try to keep pushing on one side, and when you reach the side border you can't rotate anymore)
- it seems that on the advanced levels pushing down doesn't really accelerate the drop
- after a few levels (eg, after 6) pieces don't seem random anymore. Perhaps the randomizer should be checked
- why not staying with the original colour instead of a black piece? :)

I hope my little list is useful if the author has the motivation to look into the code again

Thank you!!
User Comment
Submitted by Karoshier on 4 January 2014
Thanks for the nice words and all the constructive criticism! I'm happy that some code written when I was a kid, got such a high rating. :) With regard to the font I preferred to use the Commodore one because it's so similar to the one originally used by Atari. With regard to being unable to rotate the pieces while pulling down, I was so used to it that I didn't actually realize. Now that you mention it, it bothers me as well. It's in my plans to fix this and also add a high saver. But the next release has precedence on this stuff. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Jak T Rip on 3 January 2014
Nice version. I would have liked some mad extras, but yes: finally a playable tetris on the C64 for 2 players.
User Comment
Submitted by spider-j on 30 December 2013
Even if made in a hurry the tunes are a perfect match to gameplay and optics. Regarding the game: good one, still doesn't beat DuoTris for me. But you have the arcade level-design, which is very nice.
User Comment
Submitted by Medicus on 29 December 2013
You can not rotate the pieces while accelerating the speed. This feels so wrong and therefore this version of Tetris is absolutely nothing for me. Sorry!
User Comment
Submitted by Paul Bearer on 29 December 2013
Really nice version of Tetris, great playability, it just feels "right". Graphics could use a bit of polishing (at least a different font) and highscore saver is IMO a must for this kind of game.
User Comment
Submitted by Doc Strange on 29 December 2013
Finally a playable version of Tetris for C64. BTW Never liked the Mirrorsoft conversion.
User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 29 December 2013
"actually one of the rare tetris games on c64 that plays like it should"

the Mirrorsoft conversion still rocks
User Comment
Submitted by fieserWolF on 28 December 2013
made these three little tunes the night before the compo... so don`t expect much... :)
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 28 December 2013
Very enjoyable game!
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 28 December 2013
Good job! :)
User Comment
Submitted by Fierman on 28 December 2013
a bit rough on the graphical side, but this is actually one of the rare tetris games on c64 that plays like it should. well done. thanks!
User Comment
Submitted by The Shadow on 28 December 2013
Yeah! This rules!!!
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