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#r3b1r7h: A.   [2014]

#r3b1r7h: A. Released by :

Release Date :
23 January 2014

Type :
C64 Graphics  (HiRes)

User rating:*********_  9/10 (26 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  9.2/10 (10 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Code .... Clarence of Chorus
Music .... Drax of Bonzai, Camelot, Crest, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants
Graphics .... Leon of Chorus, Resource, Singular, Storm
Loader .... Doc Bacardi of The Dreams
  Ninja of The Dreams

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User Comment
Submitted by Karoshier on 28 January 2014
Awesome use of colors. A really nice picture!
User Comment
Submitted by Cargo on 25 January 2014
I love your impressionistic-pixel style. Keep drawing like this!
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Submitted by Hammerfist on 25 January 2014
@Jammer: Agreed, that is a possibility that works. That said, I would give higher praise to a picture where such details are obvious instead of open for discussion, except when that discussion is intended by the artist.
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Submitted by Jammer on 25 January 2014
At first I also thought that her arms are a bit too short, then realized that she might have her them slightly rised towards the horizon. I love the whole series - it's like more romantic rendition of Silent Hill.
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Submitted by leonofsgr on 24 January 2014
Creating this picture, the spark the brought it to being was simple. Portraying birds in a brutal way as dark, evil animals was my plan for a long time. Of course I had Hitchcock's "Birds" on mind as an inspiration, but I had no specific message to convey via such a picture. I am in good contact with a girl and asked her "Hey, listen, you got a favorite kind of bird?", "Oh yeah, hummingbirds are so tiny and beautiful..", and there was my concept to pixel.

The essence and meaming of the picture is an interesting one, basically about innocence and virginity. The naked woman is a symbol of unspoiled wholesome innocence, the kind of fragile feminity so rare in the world. The wicked crows/ravens manifest the evil inside men, the covert power that abuses and corrupts innocence and pure virginity, overpowering the feminine, knocking it, enslaving it, entrapping, strangling, and spoiling it... The hummingbird is the soul hidden behind innocence, that can absorb and purge the evil from men and rises above all the troubles of the world, all the rape, corruption, bullying and so on...

The title is Rebirth, rebirth as "A", as the alpha, the point of origin, the beginning, first letter of the alphabet, the spirit that precedes every thought and sentence, without which nothing would exist. The "A" here is the woman herself, the innocence, delicate fragility, beauty, and charm... and so on... X_D

I can't claim it to be a photorealistic picture, and obviously that was not the intention either, but rather I tried to improve and train my "brush stroke"... I enjoyed the dark, black tone. The blotch of blood is the best part of the picture that I am really proud about, that I managed to pixel it well this time... X_DDDD

Thanks for your attention... blaaaaah...

User Comment
Submitted by Bob on 24 January 2014
Just come to my mind there is an album from Skinnypuppy named Too Dark Park...

the name would fit this Dark Art PERFECTLY!!! ... there was some scenes from dark parks...
User Comment
Submitted by Bob on 24 January 2014
Awesome as usually... I want your pictures in demos in the future...

This dark series should be compiled into a gothic mood demo ;) with awesome scroll text..... it would be something to consider enjoying as much as a friday night movie with popcorn...... Awesome awesome...
User Comment
Submitted by Hammerfist on 24 January 2014
Another beautiful piece from your hand, Leon. Well done! I love the contrast between the pretty and bright humming bird, the dark crows (or ravens?) and the light but colorless girl. Point of criticism: Her arms are too short. Otherwise very good and especially very suggestive: no obvious topic or reason for this combination of girl and birds, so free for interpretation!
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Submitted by DRAX on 24 January 2014
Some of the best I've seen from you... A 10 from me ;)
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Submitted by Count Zero on 23 January 2014
Nice ass :)
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Submitted by Ksubi on 23 January 2014
Really nice, love the technique and style of these recent pieces. One thing: the bird (humming bird?) looks rather big compared to the woman.
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Submitted by Thierry on 23 January 2014
Awesome , 10/10
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Submitted by Steppe on 23 January 2014
This is stunning! Chapeau!
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Submitted by Peacemaker on 23 January 2014
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Submitted by leonofsgr on 23 January 2014
100% no copy!
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