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BCC Party #8
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C64 Music Competition at BCC Party #8 : #3
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User Comment Submitted by celticdesign on 2 March 2014 User Comment Submitted by TheRyk on 26 February 2014
checked once again, definetely 8580.
on 6581 it doesn't sound bad either but volume sometimes drops for a few beats due to filter use | User Comment Submitted by TheRyk on 24 February 2014
Of course I might have thought twice about celtic normally composising for 6581 but this one was flagged as it was released, didn't get any 6581 warning, so I didn't change any of the flag or compo machine settings.
I just listened to it on 6581 emu, also sounds interesting, but cannot really imagine it is meant to be 6581 only. I like best on stereo-in-sid with double mono 6581/8580 :) | User Comment Submitted by spider-j on 24 February 2014
Could it be that the SID file was tagged with wrong SID rev.? It says 8580, while directory art says 6581. It was played on 8580.
Anyways: distortion is always a matter of taste. I think the sound is great. But as I also love early Sonic Youth and other noise rock stuff I'm probably not a standard listener :-) | User Comment Submitted by celticdesign on 24 February 2014
thx for the feedback sceners...
the tune is a bit unfinished and just my first try about 4x speed.
ohhh, it's really pain in the ass if it comes to sound programming, especially if using an out-of-date editor (over 20 years old!) like i do.
see, i am just an lazy old bastard and prefer composing instead of doing all this filter investigations. so what!? just call me lame or stupid!
if you talk about filter distortion (same goes to sid*nation XII) you should have a listen with older vice versions (2.1/2.2).
those filter sound much more realistic and harmful to me. at least what i have in mind in comparison to back in the days.
honestly i can't remember any real HW were those filters becomes that easily distorted.
that's why i go back using older vice versions (even if's more buggy in handling etc...) instead of winvice 2.4. i'll try to provide some digital recordings with the correct "sounding" very soon...
oh, and sorry about my bad english.
thanks | User Comment Submitted by spider-j on 24 February 2014
Intro is awesome! But then it's somehow strange that the volume seems to go down. Also I do miss some sort of climax.
Personally I <3 the distorted sounds, but they were probably too much for the party crowd to rank this higher. Would imho have deserved at least #2 in the compo. | User Comment Submitted by E$G on 24 February 2014
sorry I do usually like celticdesign tunes but not so much this one, too distorsion? | User Comment Submitted by Sixx on 23 February 2014
Massive! Thanks Ryk for helping out. ;) | User Comment Submitted by MacGyver on 23 February 2014
Also my favorite one from the music compo. Thanks the tune itself, and for releasing it within BCC! ;) | User Comment Submitted by TheRyk on 23 February 2014
My personal fav in _this_ competition, looking 4wd to more multiple speed stuff from you, celtic, hope it was ok to use Roland Hermans player for showing it, ran out of time to code a display myself. | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 23 February 2014 User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 23 February 2014
YAY finally you released this! =) |
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