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Pyjamarama   [1984]

Pyjamarama Released by :
ABC Crackings

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Type :
C64 Crack

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

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DownloadABC Crackings Intro by ABC Crackings

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User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 4 January 2022
I don't know if it's born bad or there are some bad bytes due to bad transfer, but what I noticed is:
1) byte at $a000 is $55, most probably due to a memory dump done after a reset, while the xor pattern tells me that should be a $ac.
9FF0:  9C 9D 9E 9F-A0 A1 A2 A3-A4 A5 A6 A7-A8 A9 AA AB
A000:  55 AD AE AF-B0 B1 B2 B0-B4 B5 B6 B7-B8 B9 BA B5

9FF0:  9C 9D 9E 9F-A0 A1 A2 A3-A4 A5 A6 A7-A8 A9 AA AB
A000:  AC AD AE AF-B0 B1 B2 B0-B4 B5 B6 B7-B8 B9 BA B5

2) it manipulates $01 to bankswitch too many times without stopping interrupts. It's a call for disasters.
AB1F  20 81 FF  JSR $FF81
AB22  78        SEI 
AB23  A9 EA     LDA #$EA
AB25  8D 15 03  STA $0315
AB28  A9 31     LDA #$31
AB2A  8D 14 03  STA $0314
AB2D  58        CLI <- patched with 78 (SEI)
AB2E  60        RTS 

3) same after decrypting, it leaves $01=#$35 but doesn't set the vector $fffe/fffe before calling another CLI, and there happens the disaster, IRQ is triggered too soon and crashes by jumping to $ffff.
.C:09f7  A5 01       LDA $01
.C:09f9  09 01       ORA #$01
.C:09fb  29 FD       AND #$FD
.C:09fd  85 01       STA $01   ; $01=#$35
.C:09ff  20 D4 09    JSR $09D4 ;<- decryption for the next bytes

.C:0a2c  58          CLI       ;<- nah, don't!
.C:0a2d  20 3C 42    JSR $423C

to patch it, and have a SEI ($78) there, the original byte at $0a2c which contains $80 must be patched with $a0 ($58^$80 gives the xor value used in that location $d8, then $78^$d8 is $a0)

The fixed d64 is added only to show that the program can be fixed to work.
User Comment
Submitted by Celtic on 4 September 2014
doesnt work for me past the intro.
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