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Nemesis - The Final Challenge +2DMFGH   [2016]

Nemesis - The Final Challenge +2DMFGH Released by :
Mayday! [web]

Release Date :
25 July 2016

Type :
C64 Crack

Videosystem: NTSC fixed
Proper release: 101%

101% Jewel Version

User rating:**********  9.8/10 (8 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Graphics .... Awsm of C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!, Vision
Crack .... TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!
Trainer .... TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!
Original Supply .... TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!
NTSC-Fix .... Sesselschwitzer of Sitzgruppe
Linking .... TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!
Bug-Fix .... TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!
Docs .... TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!
Test .... Awsm of C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!, Vision
  Sesselschwitzer of Sitzgruppe
Help .... Sesselschwitzer of Sitzgruppe
Directory Art .... Awsm of C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!, Vision

Intro used in this crack:
DownloadHotDayMayLine by Mayday!

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User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 9 March 2018
IIRC I picked Gradius for the title screen
_because_ it is slightly different and you hear subtune 1 of Nemesis.SID early enough (when you passed first savepoint) :)
Crammin everything into one file was some work, e.g. I had to do some hacking of speech digis to include them at the beginning
User Comment
Submitted by ThunderBlade on 9 March 2018
The Nemesis music playing in the new title pic sounds different from the in-game one. Have you enhanced it, aswell? Or re-did it?
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 25 August 2016
PS (to late for editing) about Glitches: There definetely are some issues left, 101% does not really mean EVERY little issue is fixed :) At the beginning I focussed on fixing at least some of those unnecessary VIC-reg writes in the middle of the screen, e.g. when you die, it can look really ugly when player sprite suddenly points into garbage because $D018 was switched. Later on I realized that timing is rather problematic anyway due what Sesselschwitzer reports here http://csdb.dk/release/?id=149696&show=notes#notes so I didn't bother making things worse/fuck up timing just to avoid glitches, e.g. by forcing VIC writes into out of screen area. Behaviour of the "stalkers" in Volcano level is also slightly buggy, also some other enemies' behaviour.

About the stranger thing again: Just tried and failed to reproduce on WinVICE. And I'm really surprised as I played it both on WinVICE and C64 for many, many, many hours this summer :) Anyway, feel free to contact me with details if you like.

User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 25 August 2016
Hey rainstorm, Quote:
By the way, after dying, the music doesn't start from the beginning (maybe it was intentional)
is not a bug at all, as within each level there are
- points where music switches to the other subtune.
- what today's gamers might call "checkpoints", i.e. points you need to pass in order NOT TO be sent back to very beginning of level.
Those two types of points are not necessarily identical, in level 1 they are definetely not, music changes when you reach proper volcano background area (cave), checkpoint is a little after the "broken mountain" (the one with gfx bug that indicates Easter Egg in NES version), music should work better in this version than in any other as all voices became mute when you died _after_ checkpoint in level 1 with music running due to setting $d418 #$00, the bug we fixed.

That thing with "losing" boss fight lvl 1 and then being sent fwd to mid of lvl 2 sounds interesting, yet hard to believe and maybe not easy to reproduce even if you're right and really detected some spooky stuff.
seem to remember that the wrong start of level also happened to the original game sometime

A sensation would be the discovery of actual warps in the C64 version, as they are only known on NES. Might(!) of course also indicate another bug to fix, no matter if original or not. Maybe you want to PM or mail me some details(!) about your system settings or which emulator with which settings you used. Then it's easier to try to reproduce that phenomenon myself.

Another theory, however, don't get me wrong here, might(!) be you did not _actually_ die/lose boss fight but only think you did. There's sth strange with the boss fight mechanics in original game: If you just avoid boss's shots without firing yourself, boss ship will explode anyway after some countdown.

User Comment
Submitted by rainstorm1977 on 15 August 2016
(About the comment I wrote before: I tried another game with the same things happening - losing a life at level 1-2, losing another life at the giant ship - but the game worked perfectly, even the music started from the beginning).
I also tried loading the game again with the same settings, and the bug was there again (anyway, I seem to remember that the wrong start of level also happened to the original game sometime). I think this should be investigated further... By the way, it seems that there is a little glitch on the expanded sprites just as they appear on screen...
User Comment
Submitted by rainstorm1977 on 15 August 2016
There's a bug, maybe: I've just played the game (without the trainer); I've lost a life during the second half of the first level, then died again at the giant mothership; then, instead of being sent back, I've been sent forward (!!!) to the second part of the second level. How strange... By the way, after dying, the music doesn't start from the beginning (maybe it was intentional).
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 25 July 2016
Trainers aren't what makes a release good or bad, it's just an extra. ;)

Most trainers + buggy game = bad.

Some trainers = other actual relevant things like fixing bugs and stuff = good.
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 25 July 2016
I think I checked out most versions available on the web, Pugsy's indeed was one of the best and its trainer options are even superior to ours. Matter of taste. To me, "Spartan" invincibility plus unlimited lives are all you need, as it's easy to get all the weapons you like within next to no time, then. Also thought about including the multicolor title pic of the rerelease somewhere, but as you can see, 200 blocks were filled already, and to me, making it more than one file was out of the question.

And really, I don't get anyone wrong, I just appreciate feedback by responding to it/explaining our decisions. :)
User Comment
Submitted by www.gb64.com on 25 July 2016
Don't get me wrong - the new intro is fantastic!!! It would have been even better to be able to choose the original intro as well instead of leaving it out.

On top of that I liked two additional trainer options that could have improved this release. Check out Pugsy's old version:
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 25 July 2016
Fierman: No worries, I also keep being confused by crackers lingo:
+2 -> 2 trainers
D Docs
M Modifications (space key, ingame music default)
F Fix - rather adjusting to video standards (here NTSC) than bugfix (<- that is why "101%")
G Additional GFX
H HiSaver

@www.gb64: the speech samples _ARE_ included, they play right after loading and RUN _if_ you have an old SID 6581

User Comment
Submitted by www.gb64.com on 25 July 2016
Cool release, indeed! Sad that you left out the original intro with the speech sample.
User Comment
Submitted by Fierman on 25 July 2016
TheRyk: thank you for the explanation, it contained actual humour - which is a rarity these days.
And the one thing that confused me here was the "+2DMFGH" indeed .. I was wondering what was done in this release, not questioning your use of 'jewel' label whatever. I still have no clue what "+2DMFGH" means, but I will have to accept that that is caused by my limited cognitive skills.
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 25 July 2016
Fierman: Hope, I pointed it out, here now.
If it's just philosophical about term "Jewel", start forum thread.
I am not willing to defend this release here, though. If you don't like it, play any older version you prefer by another group. :)
User Comment
Submitted by Dr.j on 25 July 2016
haven't checked it out yet but looks for a great release TheRyk. will try it very soon of course ! glad it was finally have been released!!!
User Comment
Submitted by Fierman on 25 July 2016
I'm confused. What was exactly done on this version that makes it a jewel release?
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 25 July 2016
Yeah what could have happened? Anyway a great crack!
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 25 July 2016
I've nothing to do with that download counter up-klicking, can't really imaginge 500 people waited for this at 2 am *shrug*
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