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T.P.C.T.S.   [2017]

T.P.C.T.S. Released by :
Bonzai [web]

Release Date :
11 February 2017

Type :
C64 Music Collection

The Phoenix Code The Soundtrack

Released At :
Datastorm 2017

User rating:**********  9.5/10 (9 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Trap of Bonzai
  Walt of Bonzai
Music .... Drax of Bonzai, Camelot, Crest, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants
  Jeroen Tel of Focus, Maniacs of Noise, Oxyron
  Laxity of Bonzai, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants
  Metal of Bonzai, Camelot, Vibrants
  Scortia of Bonzai
Graphics .... Dize of Bonzai

SIDs used in this release :
Hasta La Vista(/MUSICIANS/D/DRAX/Hasta_La_Vista.sid)
Phat Phunk(/MUSICIANS/M/Metal/Phat_Phunk.sid)
The Phoenix Code End Tune(/MUSICIANS/D/DRAX/Phoenix_Code_End_Tune.sid)
The Phoenix Code Intro(/MUSICIANS/L/Laxity/Phoenix_Code_Intro.sid)
The Phoenix Code Turn Disk(/MUSICIANS/L/Laxity/Phoenix_Code_Turn_Disk.sid)
Tjainese Pops(/MUSICIANS/S/Scortia/Tjainese_Pops.sid)
Too Many Notes(/MUSICIANS/M/Metal/Too_Many_Notes.sid)

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Production Info
Submitted by Trap on 15 February 2017
So, I posted the code for the spectrometer on codebase. Find it here: http://codebase64.org/doku.php?id=base:spectrometer
Some fun facts you may or may not immediately notice:
The hearts are random plots. There's actually 2 plotters - one for random hearts and one for random single pixels.
You can use Joy and keys to control it.
Scrolltexts different per song.
The colors running through the printlanes when decrunching is the actual decrunching binaries floating through.
Did you notice the small reference to the demo with the soundtrack logo shaking during the intro tune?
I originally wanted to add a reference to the swapping-part from the demo, but couldn't find a nice solution for doing that.
The crunched music uses $55d5 of memory and I am using the exomizer plugin by Triad to handle it all during compile time.
My biggest grief of this release is the time it takes decrunching the main demo. It destroys the flow from the vertical blue splits to the raster dropdowns.
... now we can finally get started on the demo for X'18 ;)
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