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Wolfenstein 3-D
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User Comment Submitted by AmiDog on 29 May 2017
With the SCPU one can force color data onto the databus by writing to I/O during the three FLI-bug cycles. That didn't work in VICE the last time I tested it (VICE 3.0 probably). See C=Hacking issue 21 for a detailed explanation. | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 26 May 2017
"the code is very well written, with a lot of comments and more importantly - it is full platform-friendly, ie total abstraction of functionality from the operating system layer, so it is easy to port it to any platform from outer space"
are you sure you have looked at the original DOS source - and not some revisited SDL thingy? i remember looking at the original DooM code - it was full of weird things :) | User Comment Submitted by Slajerek on 26 May 2017
@Jammer I'm referring to the README inside zip file which states that:
. The 16-color FLI mode is fullscreen on real hardware but VICE doesn't currently support the method used to create a fullscreen FLI display. | User Comment Submitted by Jammer on 25 May 2017
@Slajerek: I was running the game in Vice 3.1 and could normally use 16col mode. | User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 25 May 2017
I am disappointed, expected a better framerate, but probably its just me not having an understanding of the power / what has to be done, ratio. great to see wolf on c64 tho :) | User Comment Submitted by Slajerek on 25 May 2017
The Wolfenstein, Doom and Quake code is IMHO a compulsory reading for everyone who would like to learn how to make game development, or just any programming in general. Even nowadays, the code readability and general organization is really outstanding.
There are 3 things that make this:
A) at the time when the game was published, everyone was shocked mainly because of something that was almost impossible was included in the game
B) a couple of years later there was always a source code release - everybody was shocked the second time mostly due to "ah! so that's how they did these optimizations", and the world used the ideas from released code in their games
C) the code is very well written, with a lot of comments and more importantly - it is full platform-friendly, ie total abstraction of functionality from the operating system layer, so it is easy to port it to any platform from outer space
Nice work really to have it on Commodore platform! Cool!
Anyway, just curious question - what is this 16-color fullscreen FLI method which is not currently supported in VICE exactly? | User Comment Submitted by Compyx on 24 May 2017
Very nice indeed. Get someone to do proper fonts/logo's etc for the HUD and menu's and this would really kick ass. | User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 24 May 2017
I'm speechless, it's wonderful. | User Comment Submitted by soci on 24 May 2017
Really cool ;) Unfortunately I don't have a memory board and can't try it on real hardware, but it worked nicely on 2.4.
If there's a small test case runnable on an unexpanded v2 then I could have a look on the timing next month or so. | User Comment Submitted by Majikeyric on 24 May 2017
Tested on real hardware with an IDE64. Really impressive! Thumbs up ! :) | User Comment Submitted by AlexC on 24 May 2017
Agree with TWW. Maybe this will bring a new wave of SCPU releases. BTW you need Vice 3.x - I was unable to run it on 2.x | User Comment Submitted by TWW on 24 May 2017
I think this is fucking awesome! Good job and cool to see what can be done with a SCPU. |
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