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Jake the Snake V2.2   [2018]

Jake the Snake V2.2 Released by :

Release Date :
23 January 2018

Type :
C64 Game

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User rating:awaiting 8 votes (6 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Fredrikr

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User Comment
Submitted by fredrikr on 4 February 2018
New version has now been released: Jake the Snake V3.0

The maximum speed of the snake has been radically increased (but you can choose to play with a lower top speed).
User Comment
Submitted by fredrikr on 25 January 2018
I'm not interested in compiling the game. My goal with the project was to try to write a challenging and fun game in pure Basic, and release it in a way that would allow anyone who feels like it to examine the source code and learn something, alter it, experiment with it, and even release their own modified version if they like. Part of my goal was to make it run as fast as possible, but not if it meant compiling it, writing parts in machine code etc.

The license allows anyone to use the source code for pretty much anything, including modifying it as they see fit, compiling it and releasing the result. So, for anyone wanting to do this, go wild! :)
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 24 January 2018
As was already suggested by Morphfrog in comment on 2.1, consider compiling it, either with Blitz or with Basic BOSS, to make performance faster, reduce BASIC interpreter slowdowns.
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