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Propaganda List #1 2019 Errata [2019] |
Propalist #1 2019 Errata
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User Comment Submitted by Doc Strange on 8 April 2019
I have been away so I am bit late on this. We recognised the mistake and fixed because it wasn't unfair towards you guys. However, we won't be changing our new approach to the list, we still believe that's the way want to go. See you all next quarter for more "fun & games". | User Comment Submitted by Smasher on 6 April 2019
homebrew or commercial stuff could happen one day soon. but we refuse plain introlinking. | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 6 April 2019
ZeSmasher: I have a suggestion for you guys: start releasing again! ❤️ | User Comment Submitted by Smasher on 5 April 2019
"people should be able to do as they want" - wise words, I fully agree with that!
still this errata doesn't give any advice about what the correct procedure should. let's assume a scener who belongs to a known group coded a cool game, he/she wants to share it for free with all c64 aficionados, he/she has a lot of respect to the cracking scene and he/she would like to be judged for the quality of his/her game only, not about how he/she released it.
so let's assume for a while I care about modern cracking-rules :) what's cool and what's lame for the propa standards?
- release it as crack with an intro in front? cool/lame?
- upload it here as "c64 game" without intro, automagically meaning the game becomes an original another group can introlink? cool/lame?
- add a trainer menu to the game or a coder can't add trainers to his own game because that steals a cracker's job? cool/lame?
- should he/she release it as crack under a fake handle? cool/lame?
- should he/she pass the game to another group coz indirect release is cool and direct release is lame?
- should he/she keep the game for him/herself, play it for the rest of his/her life inside the family only and not share it because whatever option is lame? :)
well dudes, I have a simple solution for you that solves all the problems (no need to thank or credit me for the idea, hehe): make *3* lists instead of one!!
- a list with cracked releases (i.e. new/old unreleased commercial games); apply any rule you prefer for point counting
- a list with introlinked releases (new/old games done by sceners or amateurs, where you added an intro, trainers, docs or whatever); apply any rule you prefer for point counting
- a list with scene-games releases, where cracking makes no sense and points make no sense
call the mag "Propaganda ListS" and that's it :) | User Comment Submitted by The Overkiller on 5 April 2019 User Comment Submitted by TheRyk on 5 April 2019
It does not change my opinion on the rules update and I was not waiting for any apologies.
But it takes balls to admit mistakes (here the retroactive enforcement) and say sorry. I respect that, so apology (no matter if necessary or not) accepted I guess. | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 5 April 2019
E$G: Feel free to contact us, preferrably on e-mail or PM. | User Comment Submitted by E$G on 5 April 2019
Thanx for update. We're goin' to talk soon, providing some suggestions. As you said we can probably have different list or more in the future, the aim will and always will be fun for everyone. |
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