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Retro Replay ROM V3.8p [pal]   [2006]

Release Date :
8 January 2006

Type :
C64 Tool

rr-rom V3.8p

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (6 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Count Zero of CyberpunX, Dienstagstreff, Success + The Ruling Company
Bug-Fix .... Hannenz

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User Comment
Submitted by Count Zero on 26 October 2011
"fixed" category to align with other replay roms.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 14 June 2006
if you had read all the comments you would know. this isnt an official release, so its not on the official page.
User Comment
Submitted by Jak T Rip on 14 June 2006
Why isn't this put on the RR homepage itself? Or is it the same as the one from 2002 (v3.8 without p)?
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Submitted by Ninja on 10 January 2006
It was not unreliable on my C128 (flat model).
User Comment
Submitted by FMan on 10 January 2006
It's about time these things are told to people. The whole RR has been shrouded in mystery with much information kept secret. Which is only made worse by the Cyberpunx website not carrying new versions and last updated over THREE YEARS ago!

Changing from FlashUtil 5 to version 3.8 was extremely confusing! Until it was explained that "5" was in fact 0.05... And having fought with "no FlashROM found" I am annoyed that no-one took the time to tell buyers that it doesn't work with new RRs.

Owning a C128, it was also a big surprise that the crappy cart is extremely unreliable on a 128! Jens could've done a *LOT* better job on documentation instead of putting down IDE64...
User Comment
Submitted by Count Zero on 10 January 2006
3.8b has the load bug fixed, but is not publicly released yet, since NO feedback on it's stableness was given so far.

The version change from FlashUtil 0.05 to 3.8b is supposed to be there for not confusing people. It's planned to release both things together in the future and "hacking" into the stuff is ok, but not recommended.
Also it seems superior to not let me know on such bugs - must be to avoid having such patches in the public releases then ... :(

Well, future ... whenever I find the time I might release an update to the real rom and add some smaller things to the flasher, we'll see ...
User Comment
Submitted by hannenz on 8 January 2006
i startred a topic in the forum...:) let's discuss there ;)
User Comment
Submitted by RaveGuru on 8 January 2006
What exactly is the bug? I've never noticed any problems with the program flasher. Except with the user interface perhaps.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 8 January 2006
btw an inofficial version with the loader bug fixed is on the hitmen website, afaik hannenz also used that one for his patch work
User Comment
Submitted by Frantic on 8 January 2006
ok, thanks for clarifying.
User Comment
Submitted by hannenz on 8 January 2006
ok, let's start from beginning:
the ROM coming with the RR is called v3.8b. It contains a FlashUtility (envoked by TOOL, not TASS) which is called v3.8b too. (that IS confusing, I know! There are Versions v0.04 and 0.05 of the FlashUtility too, but they don't work with the newer, red RRs).
This FlashUtility v3.8b itself contains the ProgramFlasher which lets you flash single rograms to the FlashROM. And there is a bug. Now it is fixed. Anyone who doubts this bug should try to use the v3.8b Flash Utility to flash single programs. Try and see.

Nothing else is fixed in this ROM.

And it is only necessary for RR-Users with the newer red RR (revision 2004) because they cannot use the FlashUtilities v0.04 and v0.05. (which work fine).
Since i did this patch in accordance with Jens Schoenfeld, from now on shipped RRs will have this patched ROM when shipped.

I hope this is a little clearer now.
User Comment
Submitted by Frantic on 8 January 2006
The flasher always worked fine for me so far. Dunno what bug this was supposed to be. Anyway, someone (me!? naaahh...) should fix the annoying loader bug in 3.8. (Corrupting some adress at $9xxx when loading, can't remember exactly right now, I have it written down at home.) Should be quite easy to fix I guess.

Also, it is incorrect to call this flasher tool "version 3.8", since this is the version of the ROM-file and not the flasher. (I hope hannenz is refering to the flash tool that is in the ROM-image on the carts when shipped, which is invoked by typing "tass"? If not, then there is some serious conceptual confusion going on here.)
User Comment
Submitted by hannenz on 7 January 2006
no. this is a PATCH!!! to the latest RR-ROM (v3.8b) And it IS released on January 8th, 2006. It patches the Flash Utility v3.8b which contained a bug in the program-flasher.
(There IS a bug and it doesn't work (ever tried to use theprogram flasher???)! I know because I fixed it;))
User Comment
Submitted by Scout on 7 January 2006
Isn't this the ROM that's already in the current productionrun of the Retro Replay?
The flashutil in that one works like a charm.

If that's true, the releaseday can't be January 8th, 2006 but should be somewhere in 2004 or 2005.

I also edited the name of this entry and changed it to a less cryptic name which helps when searching the database.
User Comment
Submitted by hannenz on 7 January 2006
this is a patched version of the RR-ROM V3.8B (the latest RR-ROM available) which fixes the bug in the FlashUtility v3.8b
concerning the program-flasher.
check "flash utility v3.8p" for the bugfixed flash utility as stand-alone.
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