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Retro Replay ROM V3.8p [pal]   [2006]

Release Date :
8 January 2006

Type :
C64 Tool

rr-rom V3.8p

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (6 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Count Zero of CyberpunX, Dienstagstreff, Success + The Ruling Company
Bug-Fix .... Hannenz

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Production Info
Submitted by Broti on 19 June 2006
There (definitley) is a bug in the ProgramFlasher v3.8b which is envoked by TOOL from the latest RR-ROM v3.8b. (yes, they have same version numbers.)
There are FlashUtilities Versions v0.04 & v0.05 which seem to work well but won't work on the newer revisions of RR (red board), because they don't recognise the new M29F010B FlashROM which replaced the M29F010 on older RRs.
So, owners of the new (red, revision 2004) board can't use the v0.04/ v0.05 FlashUtility and the v3.8b-one has a bug in it concerning (only!) the PROGRAM FLASHER. (Flashing whole ROMs works with v3.8b fine)

The bug is a fact. Hannenz know because he fixed it. Believe him!!
(Flashing Programs will work, but they fail to "load" after power up, because the "download" routine, which should be executed in RAM is executed in FlashROM, which crashes the machine)

He fixed this bug and "released" FlashUtiliuty v3.8p (he called it "p" because of "patch") here in CSDb.

Then he told Jens Schoenfeld about this patch and he asked hannenz to fix the whole RR-ROM v3.8b so that he can ship RRs with the patched FlashUtility from now on. To get it straight, hannenz called the ROM v3.8p as well. (He didn't start with confusing version numbers...;))

And to get another thing clear: Hannenz is not a member of Cyberpunx or such. He simply recognised the bug and did a fix to it. Unfortunately he couldn't get in contact with Count Zero until now.
This is no official Cyaberpunx release.

Furthermore this ROM is nothing more than the v3.8b-ROM, it just saves the patched FlashUtility v3.8p to disk when typing TOOL.
This ROM is intended to replace the v3.8b on future shipping of the RR, there's no need to update, there is a version of the FlashUtility v3.8p here in CSDb as stand-alone as well. Simply download this and use it if you want to have a working ProgramFlasher on your (new, red board) RR. Owners of older RRs can use the FlashUtility v0.05.
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