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Released At :
The Party 1994
Achievements :
WiLD Demo Competition at The Party 1994 : #12
Credits :
Code | .... | CyberBrain of Acheron, BlastMaster, No Name |
| | Ghostrider of No Name |
| | Gigabyte of No Name |
| | Jer of No Name, Panic |
| | Perff of No Name, The Cats |
| | Rør of No Name |
Music | .... | booker of Amorphis, Caution, No Name |
| | Flotsam of Phonics, Soundstorm |
| | Fozzie of Gothic Design, Noice |
| | Laxity of Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants |
| | Rap of No Name |
| | Tracker of Padua |
Graphics | .... | Celtic of Genlog, No Name |
| | CyberBrain of Acheron, BlastMaster, No Name |
| | Ghostrider of No Name |
| | Louis of No Name |
| | Quac of No Name, The Cats |
| | Tristar of Jam, No Name |
Idea | .... | Gigabyte of No Name |
SIDs used in this release :
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User Comment Submitted by booker on 22 September 2010
Again, my apologies to No Name crew for a hell of misunderstanding we had at the party back in 1994 due to my totally crappy English.
At the end of the day this demo has my first C64 tune which contains large rip-offs from Zyron's "Cotton Brain". I have no idea why I gave this tune to the mates, especially I knew it contained ripped parts and what I believe must've happened I told folks the tune is original - I must've taken it for something else. :\ (yeah WTF) As you expect this has brought a shame to the group. No hard feelings for kicking me out of No Name after this incident. ;) | User Comment Submitted by iAN CooG on 10 August 2009
Who is this "Pizza-man" who did the digi track? (part 04)
Anyway, found 2 unripped sids by Booker in this demo.
Edit: sidlist completed |
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