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Censor Halloween Party 1990
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User Comment Submitted by HBH.ZTH on 15 July 2014
Bob: The demo was released officially outside the compo. Think it was mainly because the Eddie picture part. Did some small changes (music). Perhaps I shared the "beta" version with someone at the party. I can't remember 100% perhaps BHF can jog my memory as we went to the party together.
Funny, but true, we was hassled by the police on our way home (At Oslo S). Perhaps we looked suspicious with our long hair and ragged clothes? We were profiled man! And of course they found my Italian switchblade knife which (almost) was impounded. I had to come up with a pretty good story to get that one home with me. They let us go after a couple hours though, finding no illegal drugs or other stuff on us. Just C64 stuff :D | User Comment Submitted by Bob on 12 September 2013
HBH/ZTH: hmm bit currious why this demo was released outside the compo ? missed out the deadline? | User Comment Submitted by Medicus on 23 May 2010
How could I have missed this one :( ? The screenshot screams: "Quit everyhting else download and watch it NOW"...
Just the voices in my head again ;) | User Comment Submitted by Cresh on 23 May 2010
One of my fav. ones from Panoramic. | User Comment Submitted by Motion on 15 March 2009
A great demo with some awesome intro music and a nice haunting piece by Henning, in part 3 (BOB Part). Part 2 has some very strong opinions - makes for some interesting reading!
Part 4 is just brilliant! Graphically and musically - you must check it out!
Part 5 is a real head-expander! LOL! ;D
The last part has a great IRON MAIDEN theme, with a cool fullscreen pic of 'EDDIE', from the maxi single, 'The Trooper'. The sprite overlay detail for the eyes, really makes it.
Enjoy the show! I did...
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