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Released At :
Oxyron Party 2008
Achievements :
C64 Demo Competition at Oxyron Party 2008 : #5
Credits :
Code | .... | Axis of Arsenic, Oxyron, Stonehead |
Music | .... | Fanta of Chorus, Oxyron, Plush, Viruz |
| | Kasmo of Arsenic, Oxyron |
Graphics | .... | Archmage of Andromeda, EN0NE, Instinct |
| | Sphinx of Arsenic |
| | Yazoo of Arsenic, Oxyron |
Charset | .... | Yazoo of Arsenic, Oxyron |
Loader | .... | Graham of Arsenic, Oxyron |
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User Comment Submitted by Oswald on 24 April 2008
I have just realised that the tunel is indeed the best of its kind as clarence says (and after checking the code:), thumbs up !:) tho I'd prefer twice the dots in 25 fps, and the 'cam' staying in the middle of the tunnel. then it would be a true a500 level dottunnel \o/ :) | User Comment Submitted by Ksubi on 24 April 2008
Great demo! The alround mix of splendid code / music / graphics makes this one of my faves, simply because of the atmosphere that is created. One question, where's the hidden part though?
Edit: just noticed some of the 'humour': t(oxy)c on the bottle. | User Comment Submitted by Motion on 23 March 2008
I just love the pic by Yazoo in the end part and those extra fx. That vert scroller stands out nicely - great tune in that screen, too.
| User Comment Submitted by Yazoo on 24 February 2008
@Scout: it made you laugh? so it did the job. we tried it with cliches and humor this time ;-) seems the scene lost its humor and tries to interpret everything in a serious way. this demo is a joke... no more no less | User Comment Submitted by Scout on 24 February 2008
Codewise, this demo is above average.
I like eerie and dark concepts (not only in demo's) but the graphics in this demo are a bit mediocre that they even made me laugh (ie. the vampire pic).
Also the intro with Archmage's great logo and happy music don't fit the overall concept. | User Comment Submitted by Twoflower on 24 February 2008
Nice plotscroller, but the Arsenic logo by Archmage clearly outshines every other graphics in this demo. To be honest, I would have left it out - the demo would be much more coherent without it. | User Comment Submitted by Radiant on 24 February 2008
I like the effects, music and atmosphere. The gfx could have been better from a technical viewpoint, but they do the job of adding to the mood. Well done. | User Comment Submitted by Tim on 24 February 2008
Hmm, I think I would have indeed voted this demo a bit higher if viewed on monitor and not big screen. Well, that and I still think Sphinx picture could have been a lot better and slightly spoils the demo for me.(sorry just honest) | User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 24 February 2008
too bad the dotstuff wasnt really visible on the bigscreen :( | User Comment Submitted by Linus on 23 February 2008
Great tunnel, atmospheric final screen. Really dig the music. | User Comment Submitted by Ed on 23 February 2008
Raus, die farben entfernt... ;)
| User Comment Submitted by SECRET MAN on 23 February 2008
Which dude turned on the lights in the church?
Cant await to see the other demos from da party :-)
| User Comment Submitted by Clarence on 23 February 2008
Nice production. Some quality dot routines again by Dotmeister Axis, that tunnel is the best of it's kind on c64, considering it's 50 fps! Nice gfx and soundwork aswell. Great atmosphere on the end screen. | User Comment Submitted by Wisdom on 23 February 2008
Quite nice plotscroll, very well done and atmospheric end tune. | User Comment Submitted by JackAsser on 23 February 2008
Ahh, nice stuff and lovely to finally see Archie's logo used in a demo! ;D | User Comment Submitted by Luca on 23 February 2008
The plotscroll part is really cool and smooth. | User Comment Submitted by Joe on 23 February 2008
Nice old-school feeling once more. Some ghost'n'goblins and we're on the safe side.
EDIT: This sure ain't Farbrausch. |
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