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User Comment Submitted by Twoflower on 18 March 2009
As I predicted, you have got competition. I will agree that it is not as professional to develop in DotBASIC as in DurexForth - but please mind that BASIC is a widely accepted language amongst hobby and small business-developers.
Unlike your product, the DotBASIC developer team offer you the possibility to get the software on CDROM and (which I requested from you!) a laser-printed copy of the manual in a 3-ring binder for only $20 extra. That's service.
I won't say that i'd stop developing completely in DurexForth, but concidering the lack of printed documentation i'll certainly concider the alternative. If you only had taken my advice seriously, this would never have happened. | User Comment Submitted by Frantic on 13 February 2009 User Comment Submitted by Mathman on 8 February 2009 User Comment Submitted by Jucke on 8 February 2009
El Topo: "c128'an Lever!", (: I remember how sad i felt when he abandoned the c128 article in DMZ. If anyone is a c128 hero in sweden, it must be him. And Twoflower. Those were some damn good suggestions. Especially CP/M. 80col mode on c128 rocks. Durex forth would look and feel great in that environment. Mogwai for president! He made a choppy scroller in durexForth and I saw it myself with me own eyes. Skyhawk wonders when Cobol is going to be released for c64? | User Comment Submitted by El Topo on 6 February 2009
Twoflower: I'm starting to think your name is Anders Reuterswärd :) | User Comment Submitted by The Shadow on 6 February 2009
This new system has great potential :) | User Comment Submitted by Twoflower on 6 February 2009
Atlast! Finally a serious development language for the Commodore 64 machine have surfaced. A lean version of Forth, complete with proper and attractive documentation. Finally there is the option to develop serious applications using tools from this century.
Even though this release is great, I would also like to see some improvements to make this release attractive to an even bigger crowd:
* Is there any possibility to buy a ring-bound copy of the durexForth manual?
* Is it possible to run durexForth from cartridge (for smoother execution)?
* Would it be possible to modify durexForth to run on the C-128 (under CP/M, ofcourse) or under Geos V2.0? | User Comment Submitted by Skate on 6 February 2009
it was fun to play with it for half an hour but I'm afraid not many ppl will use this language for something useful. I appreciate the hard work. |
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