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Robooty   [2009]

Robooty Released by :

Release Date :
19 September 2009

Type :
C64 Music

Released At :
Silesia Party 3

Achievements :
C64 Music Competition at Silesia Party 3 :  #6

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (4 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Music .... NecroPolo of Ancients Pledge Inc.

SIDs used in this release :

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User Comment
Submitted by Mace on 6 March 2010
Freaky, but quite nice!
User Comment
Submitted by wacek on 25 November 2009
@necropolo: composing for the scene using GMC since 1994, check my releases ;) by the way, i am now doing some fixes on GMC 2.0 with fenek, do you dare to participate in some test drives? ;)
User Comment
Submitted by NecroPolo on 6 October 2009
@wackee: ...an another GMC user? Wow, welcome :D

@Tonhuvudet: Thank you sir, I'm glad you like it!
User Comment
Submitted by wacek on 5 October 2009
GMC composers, unite! ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Fredrik on 2 October 2009
Good one, this!
You are very good in rythmics, and have a dirty sound.
User Comment
Submitted by NecroPolo on 23 September 2009
@booker: You're right, I'm kinda "socialised" into DMC line and I have a lot to explore. Many things were missed since my 1994 SID composing exit. Recently tried 2.0 4.0 (released a tune with that) and 7.0 but composing with them felt too sterile for me somehow. Advanced but sterile. Much like any classy Ibanez Prestige guitar against my juicy Warmoth LPS massive riff machine I'd never part with.

As time allows, I'll definietly go for a test drive with 5.1 and Sync. Everything that bleeds can go :) THX for the tip!

Silesia #3 must have been a massive fun. For me, it would have been fun to see the faces when the mutant zombie redneck rhino tune of mine rams the china shop ;) Instant reactions vastly overpower opinions. That's why I love playing live. I hope next year I'll be able to go.

@Joe: Thanks for kind words. WD = uncompromising underground, so considering attitude and the road behind we have much in common. In the way of understanding creation, starting with the belief that I need a better instrument, object, "weapon" for creation; then, with time, realising that mind is the weapon; then after a long time releasing that I am the instrument, and finally understanding that I am a part of an instrument - but from that point, the reality can blend anywhere. We have gone through all of that, in a different scene, different time.

That way, I am 'Wrather' and always have been, from the start. 1989... Awww... Feeling old... :)
User Comment
Submitted by booker on 22 September 2009
Yeah, Joe. NecroPolo is dirty, and this dirt gets more and more polishing...at least for me. I had a good impression at the party and I have it after it (besides the main part). So - really promising.

Well, I'm actually thinking about making some nice 'wrath' but that will go 'my way'. That is... either I'll get a quality similar to your pics, or I won't get it at all ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 22 September 2009
NecroPolo is working hard: A true "Wrather", even though he isn't within this group.
It is with love we adore these distinct (rough) attitudes and people who admire the work they perform, coming from other parts of the world.
Keep those (positive) experiments continue and let it be just what you want them to, I´d say!
User Comment
Submitted by booker on 22 September 2009
Well, what I wanted to say is - you like GMC and editing notes in DMC 5.1 is pretty much the same way, so nothing really changes. But what you get is the better player, with more possibilities - meaning, you can still do your dirty stuff and if you'd suddenly want to make it more dirtier, v5.1 will let you :)

Also other .dur editor, Sync may be interesting :)
User Comment
Submitted by NecroPolo on 22 September 2009
@booker: Thanks for the feedback!

Getting better? Me? Haha, I do the same thing for (er... let me face it ;) ) 20 years: making dirty sounds and going the opposite direction most of the time ;D

I have much better tunes uploaded here, created with much more care of detail and skilled hands of that times long gone.

If SIDs were statues, most SIDs that people make would be nice, elegant and artistically carved - my ones like rhinos, cut with axe, from the beginning. If you feel RoBooty better than my previous releases - I don't know, perhaps you just got used to my style ;)

There were development phases, though: the day when I started to use 15-17-41-47-51-55-57 only; the day when I put my hands on the first Seymour Duncan Invader; the day when I got my first Marsahall amp and so on. The last event of such that I can recall was in 1993 - since that, there is no any musical development, believe me ;)

Why GMC... I stuck in the '90s and I love to be there. 15 years after the end of my active SID composer days, now I really enjoy squeezing out some dirty stuff from my old Beast again. Unfortunately I don't have the patience and available time to spend more than a couple of hours per tune for that anymore. So, I stuck with the editor I've already known by instinct.

You're right anyway, I'm on a mission of finding its successor. I've tried some others in the last couple of months but in my hands this one is still the most chaotic and dirtiest sounding so far and that is exactly where I want to go with my SIDs.

One day I might release the tunelets I did with other programs. They are not dirty enough, so it's not probable :)
User Comment
Submitted by booker on 22 September 2009
Promising start, but then too hardcore for my hat. Some nice sounds here and there.

You're getting better though. But why o why GMC? Get DMC 5.1! :))
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