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Released by : tlr
Release Date :
9 March 2010
Type : C64 Tool
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Summary Submitted by tlr on 9 March 2010
Box Check "Type" tries to determine the type of your box.
The results are presented on the form:
"<machine> <glue> <vic-ii> <sid> <cia1> <cia2>"
The test is run a number of times. If the results are 100% repeatable the
box will be green. If the results are slightly flaky the box will be
brown/orange. If the results are very flaky it will say "FAILED".
(R/S RESTORE + RUN to redo the test)
Typical breadbox:
"C64 DL 6569 6581 6526 6526"
Typical C64C:
"C64C IC 8565 8580 6526A 6526A"
Typical C128:
"C128 DL 8566 8580 6526A 6526A"
The main code is at $c000-$c1c1 and returns a two byte value in Acc and X
which will end up at $cf00 & $cf01 followed by the string representation.
Bit 3 = 8566
Bit 2 = 6569R1
Bit 1 = Glue Logic (0 = discrete, 1 = custom IC)
Bit 0 = VIC-II model (0 = 6569, 1 = 8565)
Bit 5 = SID present
Bit 4 = SID model (0 = 6581, 1 = 8580)
Bit 3 = CIA2 present
Bit 2 = CIA2 model (0 = 6526, 1 = 6526A)
Bit 1 = CIA1 present
Bit 0 = CIA1 model (0 = 6526, 1 = 6526A)
Thanks to nojoopa for ideas and to Rubi and MOS6569 for C64C testing.
- C64
- C64C
- C128
Aggregated guess of machine type.
A question mark after machine denotes an unlikely combination, like a
6581 sid in a C64C and so on...
DL = Discrete Logic (C64/C128)
IC = Custom IC (C64C)
Type of glue logic implementation.
6569R1 = Very old VIC (5 lumas)
6569 = Old VIC (9 lumas)
8565 = New VIC (C64C)
8566 = New VIC (C128)
Model of VIC-II chip.
6581 = Old SID (C64)
8580 = New SID (C64C/C128)
Model of SID chip.
6526 = Old CIA (C64)
6526A = New CIA (C64C/C128)
Model of CIA chips.
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