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QUOD INIT EXIT V1.1   [2010]

QUOD INIT EXIT V1.1 Released by :

Release Date :
8 November 2010

Type :
C64 Game

QIE V1.1

Website :

User rating:*********_  8.7/10 (9 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... saimo of Retream
Music .... Richard of Blazon, People of Liberty, Psytronik Software, Scene World Magazine, The New Dimension
Graphics .... saimo of Retream
Idea .... saimo of Retream

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User Comment
Submitted by Impaler on 29 October 2011
Funny little game!! :D
User Comment
Submitted by Asphodel on 19 October 2011
I added this one to 'my' forthcoming 64 collection on Xbox; and found myself actually playing this quite a lot! very very addictive :)
very good graphics too! Why couldn't all c64 games be this 'hires ?
User Comment
Submitted by saimo on 30 August 2011
Heavy Stylus, that's just great! Thank you so much!!!
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Submitted by Heavy Stylus on 16 May 2011
Blogged... http://rgcd.blogspot.com/2011/05/quod-init-exit-c64.html (better late than never!)
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Submitted by Heavy Stylus on 5 December 2010
Hi Saimo, actually it isn't a problem. I was able to create a DFI container for the D64 file, and now it works fine on the MMC-REPLAY via the DFI Plugin. :)

Happy days!
User Comment
Submitted by saimo on 4 December 2010
Hey, Heavy Stylus! Nice to hear from you :)
I'll see what I can do as soon as I find some free time - at the moment I'm rather busy with the 14th update of BOH ;)
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Submitted by Heavy Stylus on 25 November 2010
I don't know about other people, but I'd really appreciate a single-file version so I could play the game using my mmc64 cart ;) of course, this would require some sort of write protect test for the score saving (although I'm sure you've already thought of that)
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Submitted by saimo on 10 November 2010
I didn't know Pucrunch/Exomizer can do that (I had never used them before). I might consider putting everything into a single file if there will ever be something more to justify another release. Thanks for the hint :)
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Submitted by iAN CooG on 9 November 2010
Of course hiscore tables should be loaded and saved, I meant all the data you load in the init. It's no big deal really, just load all the files in memory BUT DON'T RUN it and crunch everything. Pucrunch and Exomizer can do it in one command, just list all the files you need to link and they'll do it for you placing them in memory where they need to be. Of course interactive loading in the game init code should be removed and leave only the hiscore load/save routines. No need for the rle depack routines either. Loading level files from disk should be only done if you plan to make multilevel games that require to overwrite previous level data at every level, this is not the case of this game. Anyway take this just as a hint.
PS: if there is enough room, even multilevel games can be onefiled: Castle of Jasoom +3D ;)
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Submitted by Stainless Steel on 9 November 2010
Thats where 3rd party developers come in (read : cracking groups) :-D
User Comment
Submitted by saimo on 9 November 2010
It's the executable that has been packed (with pucrunch; most of the other files are packed as well with custom RLE method).
As for putting everything in a single file: strictly speaking, that's not possible as the hiscores should stay in a separate file anyway. So, at most, the number of files could be reduced to 2. That said, the only way I can see to do it, is freezing the game right before loading the hiscores and storing to disk the memory state, which is something I don't fancy particularly.
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 8 November 2010
packed? you still load the pieces from disk, cant you just link them all and pack in one single file? =)
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