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Music Player V1.0   [1992]

Music Player V1.0 Released by :
Intruders, Revenge, Warriors of the Wasteland [web]

Release Date :
8 March 1992

Type :
C64 Tool

Videosystem: PAL fixed

Revenge music collection vol. 1 - PAL fixed

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

Credits :
Music .... Andreas Montecchio
  David Whittaker
  Drax of Bonzai, Crest, Vibrants
  EVS of 20th Century Composers
  GT of Moz(IC)art, Paradize
  JCH of The Dominators, Vibrants
  Jens Blidon of Lords of Sonics
  Johannes Bjerregaard
  Jörg Rosenstiel of Sharon Soundworks
  Laxity of Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants
  Markus Schneider of Lords of Sonics, X-Ample Architectures
  Metal of Bonzai, Imagination Developments, Vibrants
  Michael Hendriks
  Reyn Ouwehand of Di-Art, Paradize, Scoop
  Rock of Finnish Gold
  Scortia of Bonzai
  Steel of Origo Dreamline, Padua, Success
  Stefan Hartwig
  Trond Kjetil Lindanger of Moz(IC)art, Paradize
  Wiz-Art of Giant
  Xayne of Beat Machine, Crest
Import .... Stormlord of Warriors of the Wasteland
PAL-Fix .... Stormlord of Warriors of the Wasteland

SIDs used in this release :
4 Tina Turner(/MUSICIANS/R/Rosenstiel_Joerg/4_Tina_Turner.sid)
A Little Sample(/MUSICIANS/F/FAME/Hendriks_Michael/A_Little_Sample.sid)
Brain Artifice(/MUSICIANS/T/Tjelta_Geir/Brain_Artifice.sid)
Contest Demo (part 4)(/MUSICIANS/R/Rock/Contest_Demo_part_4.sid)
Enigma Intro Tune(/MUSICIANS/0-9/20CC/van_Santen_Edwin/Enigma_Intro_Tune.sid)
Flimbo's Quest (intro)(/MUSICIANS/O/Ouwehand_Reyn/Flimbos_Quest_intro.sid)
Fusion Jazz 2(/MUSICIANS/T/Tjelta_Geir/Fusion_Jazz_2.sid)
Ghostbusters II(/MUSICIANS/W/Whittaker_David/Ghostbusters_II.sid)
Ikari Intro(/MUSICIANS/L/Laxity/Ikari_Intro.sid)
Jump Out(/MUSICIANS/W/Wiz-Art/Jump_Out.sid)
Lance of Age(/MUSICIANS/S/Scortia/Lance_of_Age.sid)
Mazemania Mix(/MUSICIANS/S/Steel/Mazemania_Mix.sid)
MDG Radwar Party Demo(/MUSICIANS/B/Blidon_Jens/MDG_Radwar_Party_Demo.sid)
No More...(/MUSICIANS/J/JCH/No_More.sid)
Rhenus Demo '88(/MUSICIANS/S/Schneider_Markus/Rhenus_Demo_88.sid)
S. of Playency(/MUSICIANS/L/Lindanger_Trond/S_of_Playency.sid)
Sliding Skill(/MUSICIANS/B/Beat_Machine/Xayne/Sliding_Skill.sid)
So-Phisticated III (part 2)(/MUSICIANS/0-9/20CC/van_Santen_Edwin/So-Phisticated_III_part_2.sid)
Title/Highscore (preview)(/MUSICIANS/T/Tjelta_Geir/Title_Highscore_preview.sid)
Tjohei 3(/MUSICIANS/T/Tjelta_Geir/Tjohei_3.sid)
Ultimate Intro Studio (tune 07)(/MUSICIANS/H/Hartwig_Stefan/Ultimate_Intro_Studio_tune_07.sid)
Xcellence (part 2)(/MUSICIANS/D/Digiblaster/Xcellence_part_2.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 1 January 2014
player is not very user friendly, I stopped trying to use it when I saw I have to type in the file name to load, can't be bothered =)
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