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User Comment Submitted by TheRyk on 27 July 2015
no longer commercial and hence uploaded disk image, enjoy! | User Comment Submitted by spider-j on 28 May 2014
Thanks guys for feedback. I think it's no shame to lose first release against 3ad. I've learned my lesson and next time will release sth. when it's finished and not wait any longer.
And to get this right: as you see in credits I'm responsible for this version and not Achim. He only send over the files and wasn't involved in the crack as I wasn't involved in making the game. So it's not like "we" (MYD) were the developers.
So despite the fact that I got some files probably earlier and from a 100% reliable source, I did all the work as usual. Sitting in front of my C64 with retro replay monitor and a sheet of paper, browsing through the disassembly, scanning for unused memory for the trainer, writing down important memory locations.
So there was no shortcut or sth. like that.
I wanted to make a good, convenient (joystick controlled) trained version and I think I made it. What really bugs me is that I didn't find enough free time to finish my solution+map file that I started. | User Comment Submitted by Sixx on 25 May 2014
Editing still disabled. YAY!
"Not my kind of game THO". | User Comment Submitted by Sixx on 25 May 2014
What's silly about the first release scene? Middle age men (and women) having fun computing?
If you don't crack your own game, someone else does, so in my book it's totally fine.
The game and package looks ace, not my kind of game. I'd wish Darkipede was the main game here. Maybe N0S can make a faster playing Centipede with more accurate..
Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread.
Nice release! | User Comment Submitted by TheRyk on 24 May 2014
Yeah, this time we wanted to be fast/first. But it seems we were "beaten" considering first release.
Looking back, I'm not so convinced about "Nice to see Mayday fight in the first release scene". I still find it somewhat silly, personally ;) Criticism about cracking own game made me giggle a bit, btw. But I admit it's a little... hmh... tragic, though, to say the least, since we were done a week ago and just waiting with respect for publisher. I feel some pity for spider-j who worked hard over the last weeks, so it does hurt a little which might even enrich 3ad's victory.
However, we're not sore losers but respect the fact that Triad entered the finish earlier, congratulations! From the publishers' and poducers' view, any publicity is good publicity, so check out both our and Triad's version and make up your mind which one's better... and most important: don't forget to buy the original! | User Comment Submitted by Sixx on 24 May 2014
The danger of not releasing your own game the day before commercial release. Nice to see Mayday fight in the first release scene, next time release the game earlier, looks like TRIAD won the race on the boards. | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 24 May 2014
I do think it's a nice version. Don't get me wrong. I am more impressed by Triad's version though - simply because they fought the creator of the game releasing a crack of his game. | User Comment Submitted by taper on 24 May 2014
Nice version of a great game! Well worth to buy, just have to decide which flavour.
Also great crackintro (can't find an entry for it, so I bluntly comment it here anyways). | User Comment Submitted by Didi on 24 May 2014
It's not uncommon to do so. ;) | User Comment Submitted by hedning on 24 May 2014
Cracking your own games! Yeah. Great work indeed. :D | User Comment Submitted by Jazzcat on 24 May 2014
Now this is more like it, real quality, thanks! |
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