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Fucking Awesome Demo   [1988]

Fucking Awesome Demo Released by :
The Motley Crue

Release Date :
8 October 1988

Type :
C64 One-File Demo


User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

Credits :
Code .... Diskkracker
Music .... Rob Hubbard

SIDs used in this release :
I, Ball(/MUSICIANS/H/Hubbard_Rob/I_Ball.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 21 August 2023
Thanx Ian!
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 21 August 2023
Quoting 'iAN CooG'
I want to believe

Made my day :D

plus kudos for the quick analysis!
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 21 August 2023
First of all, it's NTSC only. About the crash, I want to believe it's actually a bad transfer.
After running, at the first screen message, enter Vice monitor:

break c800

then press space. At this point you can disasm the code and see what's wrong:
(C:$c800) d c800
.C:c800  A0 00       LDY #$00
.C:c802  B9 00 C9    LDA $C900,Y
.C:c805  99 80 06    STA $0680,Y
.C:c808  A9 00       LDA #$00
.C:c80a  99 AE 91    STA $91AE,Y <- wtf
.C:c80d  58          CLI         <-
.C:c80e  F6 D0       INC $D0,X   <-
.C:c810  F0 A0       BEQ $C7B2   <-
.C:c812  00          BRK         <- 
.C:c813  B9 C8 C9    LDA $C9C8,Y
.C:c816  99 70 07    STA $0770,Y
.C:c819  A9 01       LDA #$01
.C:c81b  99 70 DB    STA $DB70,Y
.C:c81e  C8          INY
.C:c81f  C0 28       CPY #$28
.C:c821  D0 F0       BNE $C813
.C:c823  60          RTS

this should be a copy of some logo and the color attributes on screen, better nop the wrong bytes:

f c80a c812 ea

then see the actual fist part, or what's left of it, press space to proceed to other parts.
Fucking ugly demo, but surely those few wrong bytes are not as intended.
User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 21 August 2023
yeah needs to be RUN twice,
press RETURN in 2nd part to play some kind of sample - probably the 100 blocks of text they refer to? not sure if I'm getting it...
also not sure if it should be flagged as corrupt as currently, probably just f---ed up linking/crunching, tried on NTSC emulation as well, no meaningful difference
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 21 August 2023
After the first text screen, just write RUN again, and it will continue.
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