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Depression, Angst, Misery   [2006]

Depression, Angst, Misery Released by :
MultiStyle Labs [web]

Release Date :
20 March 2006

Type :
C64 Music

Depression / Angst / Misery

Released At :
Forever 7

Achievements :
C64 Music Competition at Forever 7 :  #10

User rating:********__  8.3/10 (11 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Music .... Randall of MultiStyle Labs

SIDs used in this release :

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User Comment
Submitted by Pece on 20 September 2015
This is so catchy! I listened to the tune once or twice and after some time it just reappeared in my mind. I love it!
User Comment
Submitted by Conrad on 29 September 2010
It would have been either:
1.) The party hall was a bit large and had a lot of space, causing too much sound bouncing which can affect how the tunes are played rather than from headphones.
2.) It's a multi-platform 8-bit party, where ZX's/Atari guys have some controversy over how much more easy it is to compose SID music than write sound drivers and then the music for their own platforms.
3.) Randall was just simply excellent at what he was doing, so people deliberately gave other people a chance (I doubt that was the reason though).

Anyway, this is a great piece of work! I think this was the second tune I heard from Randall... 1st one was "Press Space (8580)" from one of the HVSC intros.
User Comment
Submitted by Linus on 29 September 2010
No idea, but who cares anyway? It´s a very catchy piece still in my playlist ever since it´s release. Still love it.
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Submitted by booker on 28 September 2010
Fucking A this one! FFS how can it ended up #10 at the party? Hate or what?
User Comment
Submitted by G-Fellow on 21 March 2006
Steppe said: "I don't get your logic, G-Fellow. If someone votes you 9 who makes crap music, you'd vote him a 9 in return? :-/"

Answer: LoL no! You simply dont understand my world shocking and wonderfull english :o)! ... Er hat mich auf 3 gewertet, ich hab das als downvote angesehn und hab nen re-down vote gemacht. Und nein, wenn einer mich mit 9 bewertet bekommt er keine 9 zurück von mir. Ich vote so wie ich es für richtig halte. Ausserdem downvote ich nicht, es sei den es ist wie oben beschrieben.
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Submitted by Intensity on 21 March 2006
A great tune! Doesn't really fit to the topic of "Depression, Angst, Misery", but it deserves a 10 anyway! GOOD WORK RANDALL! YOUR MUSIC IS AWESOME! :D
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Submitted by Moloch on 21 March 2006
wow, people care about CSDb ratings?!
User Comment
Submitted by Steppe on 20 March 2006
I don't get your logic, G-Fellow. If someone votes you 9 who makes crap music, you'd vote him a 9 in return? :-/

To get back on topic, that tune is fscking cool, a shame it ranked so low.
User Comment
Submitted by Linus on 20 March 2006
Indeed, he deserved no less than '10' =)
No offence, just wondering, especially since his other tunes are on a similar quality level, if not better (masterpieces such as 'Vinyl Headz', 'Sahara Takeover' e.g.). Anyway, tastes differ.
User Comment
Submitted by G-Fellow on 20 March 2006
@Linus: This was re-down vote becourse i dont think that i deserve a 3 or lower ranking. I know how good or bad i´am. The ranking system on CSDb is not that good, many people can downvote somebody if they really want... This tune from him is quite good. And he is not really 2 in ranking system but he also not a 9 :). And normaly before i vote for somebody i look at many releases and not only at one. I wished more people would look at many releases from one person and than vote...
User Comment
Submitted by CreaMD on 20 March 2006
All this confusion about author is probably caused by my (a bit) incosiderate editing of party results. Still it's quite obvious from the sound and style who is the author so I wonder why Ramos added a new "french" scener called Angst without hesitation or checking with (e.g.) me (Only french at Forever party was some CPC scener (or two) afaik). I hope this style of CSDB data adding is just exception.

Anyway, Randall must be quite surprised by all the support, but I think being french for 1 day is just enough. ;-) Apologise to all who were fooled few days before 1st of april. It was really unintentional.
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Submitted by jailbird on 20 March 2006
This music sounded really weird at the party. But now as re-listened it at home, I also think it's definitely a very pleasureful tune!
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Submitted by CreaMD on 20 March 2006
Drax, you would understand if you heard what is going out of speakers of the party visitors (that means Atari, Speccy and C64 sceners) at F7. I try to imagine how it could sound on parties of DATA-liking sceners.. is there data-music all around? 'Coz on Forevers the tastes are different. Same goes for Polish North PArty.. you wouldn't win there with first places from Forever.. you wouldn't win with data tunes either, but something like this one would get quite high.
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Submitted by Linus on 20 March 2006
It's quite strange to read a positive comment about this tune by you, G-Fellow.
You voted the composer (he's hiding his regular handle this time) '2'. Very interesting indeed.
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Submitted by DRAX on 19 March 2006
Nice tune. Definately deserved to be ranked much higher - sometimes I really can't see any logic in how there is being voted...
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Submitted by psych on 19 March 2006
Great tune!!
User Comment
Submitted by Linus on 19 March 2006
Nice tune indeed, Michal, well done.
User Comment
Submitted by Tch on 19 March 2006
This is a very nice tune!
I´d probably have used this in notes to contacts!! (a big compliment,btw!)
Somehow the appreciation of tunes at Forever is totally in inverse!
Must be the other scenes casting votes on things they are unfamiliar with..
User Comment
Submitted by Richard on 19 March 2006
I wonder about this myself as well. This is an excellent piece of music, which deserves better than 10th place in the compo. However, it is all just a matter of taste :)
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Submitted by G-Fellow on 19 March 2006
I dont know why this tune is on place 10? I dont really have a clue..is better than some other tunes in the compo for my opinion..should be in the top 5 ! Really cool multi speed tune. I had votet this tune #1
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