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My very first tune   [2009]

My very first tune Released by :

Release Date :
5 August 2009

Type :
C64 Music

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (2 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Music .... Fredrik of Avatar

SIDs used in this release :

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User Comment
Submitted by TheRyk on 2 March 2014
Totally missed your debut

Lookin 4wd to a new version of this one in the announced Software of Sweden Demo
- in acceptable filesize
- with proper filter use
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Submitted by icon on 6 August 2009
Frankly I like this version of "something to do"....
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Submitted by Tim on 5 August 2009
Hmm, I doubt any of the conventional demo makers / picture showers would be able to do that.. but I could be wrong.

As mentioned before, memory $1000 - $2000 is usually reserved for music,
I’ve just checked about 5-6 random demomakers/logo showers and all of them use memory above $2000 or best case $2800 for graphics/coding.

However, I am sure if you ask kindly enough, someone might be inclined to help.
Why don’t you put a request in one of the forums on csdb? (I’m not able to code that well)
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Submitted by Matt on 5 August 2009
I'm glad to hear that but I'm affraid I won't be coding any demos this year.
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Submitted by Fredrik on 5 August 2009
Matt. I am glad that I made your day :)
Perhaps you can be the one to put my tune in a demo?
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Submitted by NecroPolo on 5 August 2009
Sorry, it's a bit off:

Cover: I love Jarre's ZooLook album and my jaw dropped when I heard Rob Hubbard's SID cover and later on jaw dropped more when Geir stepped further with that. Those are brilliant, too.
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Submitted by Matt on 5 August 2009
"a demo with sprites, no matter what the pic is"

sorry but that just made my day :)
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Submitted by Fredrik on 5 August 2009
Thanx NecroPolo for the answer.
Would be nice to add some pic or text to my sids. I don´t know how to do that yet.
Have tried a basicprogram called "sing along", that did not work with my tunes either.

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Submitted by Fredrik on 5 August 2009
I have tried a program called "sidpic" but it did not work, perhaps it is not compatible with Cybertracker tunes?
The program is, that you can add a sidtune to a pic.
The Sidtune plays in the background when the picture is displaying.
Is there any other programs like that?
User Comment
Submitted by Tim on 5 August 2009
$1000-$3721 .. sure technically there is plenty of room left for graphics + coding to work with.

There are demo's with digi/samples too.. they eat FAR more memory, it's just that it's not optimal/necessary for a player to abuse so much memory

oh and ps, another example I can't resist: Dane's excellent Madonna covers Sorry Madge I just don't like grannies in sexy clothing ;)
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Submitted by Fredrik on 5 August 2009
Yes, I get your point. That I can discover groups thanks to the covers.
There you are right.
Can the sidtune (loadrange is $1000-$3721) be integrated in a demo ?
I would be glad if someone used my tunes in a demo with sprites. No mather what the pic is.
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Submitted by NecroPolo on 5 August 2009
But when is "huge" a problem? This is internet with "huge" harddrives ?


No, at the moment it is not a problem of any kind. Now, your releases are intended to be standalone tunes - end of story.

But later as you advance as a SID composer, you'll probably start to cooperate with coders and GFX guys, join groups etc-etc. That time, even the calmest coder will jump out the window screaming if he sees a 3-minute SID with such a huge chunk of data. If your music "escorts" an intro / demo / game (etc.) - you MUST be aware of that things.

That way, Cybertracker might be not the best choice...
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Submitted by Tim on 5 August 2009
@Ian *grin* yes a lot better, yet still (I don’t know cybertracker) why is it so huge?


well maybe I’m just old-fashioned.. but the c64 being quite short of memory, and the average tune standard being more or less been $1000-$2000 for 2 decades, it just strange this player takes up so much memory that’s why I asked :)

Besides that, a lot of programs such as notemaker take only this specific memory location, at one point someone might want to use your tunes whilst writing a note and think.. HEY what’s this? Less memory = more chance a tune would get used in something I guess.

Well, we’re different.. I Actually love sid covers :)
Sometimes I discover original music through the cover (a good example: Elenor Rigby, http://www.c64.org/HVSC/MUSICIANS/T/The_Dungeon_Master/Eleanor_.. by TDM in a 92 triad demo.. I only found out it was from the Beatles years later!)

Oh and last, but certainly not least, there are so many sids that (in my opinion)are better (!) then the original (in my opinion).. The best example I have:
This is how crazy I was about this sid as a kid: It’s a cover of a popular dutch tv-show opening music, which even came out as cd-single. So I bought this cd-single (even though it’s terrible) ONLY because of EVS’ awesome sid and played that only once or twice. I still have that cd-single of course, was hoping some day to get it signed by Edwin van Santen, but never got the chance to see him in person. *grin*

And last but not least.. in HVSC (in your HVSC directory, or http://hafnium.prg.dtu.dk/~theis/stil/ ) you’ll find a lot of information on covers (full or partial) which is excellent to get a feel bout some of the stuff that inspired people to make their stuff.
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Submitted by Fredrik on 5 August 2009
Thank you Linus. But when is "huge" a problem? This is internet with "huge" harddrives ?
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Submitted by Linus on 5 August 2009
But Ian, what is the problem, if the loadrange is $1000-$3721 ?

It's fucking huge for a tune like this, that's the problem :)
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Submitted by Fredrik on 5 August 2009
Cant remember how i did that snare...
it sound not so bad I think..
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Submitted by Fredrik on 5 August 2009
Ian, I will do that - sorry for my misstake
But Ian, what is the problem, if the loadrange is $1000-$3721 ?
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Submitted by iAN CooG on 5 August 2009
bordeaux: better than the 23k of every cybertracker unpacked ones.
fredrik: now go repack all the others and provide also PSID64 converted prgs, not only the sid file. And please stick to ONE Title/Filename for each entry, not like this where
entry="My very first tune"
sid filename="Depeche.sid"
sid title=" f"rsta jag gjorde" <- wrong umlauts in windows
what's the REAL title for this?
User Comment
Submitted by Fredrik on 5 August 2009
As you probably know, i don´t know a shit about coding and I am not a mathematician, so I will forward that to the creator of the packer.
But, what is the problem, if the loadrange is $1000-$3721 ?
What difficults does that mean?

And one more thing, i don´t like when covers in being merged to the original. It can never be as good as the original, so why compare them?
Just listen to the cover.

User Comment
Submitted by Tim on 5 August 2009
hey Fredrik.. me not being a big Depeche Mode fan (me ducks knowing it's depeche is cult in csdb), what's the original (I always like checking covers if i don't know the original)

Ehm.. Load range: $1000-$3721 (notice my supprised look).. that's huge for a sid file like this. Are you sure the packer worked like it should?
User Comment
Submitted by Fredrik on 5 August 2009
My very first song made with the tracker.
You probably know the original song.
I have always liked that "loop" with Depeche Mode.
Now, this sid is packed with the real packer, so it is:

Load range: $1000-$3721
Init address: $1EFA
Play address: $1F4B
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