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ASCII <--> PETSCII Converter for Windows [2010] |
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User Comment Submitted by Hoild on 17 July 2010
Conrad: My comment about 'sed' and 'tr' was a Mac user comment. You peeceeheads really know bullshit about Macs, and talk bullshit about Macs. ;b | User Comment Submitted by Moloch on 16 July 2010
@El Topo - Yep, Gnylf is a nice program and that is what used in the past. | User Comment Submitted by Stainless Steel on 16 July 2010
Quoting enthusiMac can neither display PETSCII nor ASCII =) OH NOES!! but ... it doesn't have .NET 4.0 either, so i guess that evens it out. | User Comment Submitted by enthusi on 16 July 2010
@Conrad: Mac can neither display PETSCII nor ASCII =) | User Comment Submitted by Conrad on 16 July 2010
Where's all the mac user comments?? | User Comment Submitted by El Topo on 16 July 2010
Those that have no access to .NET (like myself, I own no Windows box, ok there is Wine butI'dprefernotthankyou) can try Gnylf V1.2 under VICE. Haven't had the need to try that either yet. | User Comment Submitted by Marauder/GSS on 16 July 2010
@Medicus: good one, hehe
@King Durin: I don't have any problems with your release, as I have .NET 4.0 installed, but also don't need your proggy - did a class for that already long time ago for my internal project. (c;
Anyway, imho projects should be compiled/released with a minimum requirements, and .NET 4.0 is sure oversized, don't you think? But you're right, everybody and every n00b got a VS installed and can compile it itself :D so who cares?! hehe no offence! | User Comment Submitted by Medicus on 16 July 2010
MFC FTW!!! Who needs .net? | User Comment Submitted by Hoild on 16 July 2010
Anything in this a single line of 'sed' (or even 'tr') can't do? | User Comment Submitted by King Durin on 16 July 2010
1) 16-bit DOS programs don't run on 64-bit Windows.
2) Runs under the .Net 4.0 client profile which is much lighter than the full .Net 4.0 installation.
3) I wrote it cause I need it. I released it because I figured at least one other person mind find it useful.
4) It's open source. Don't like how it's compiled? Compile your own copy with whatever settings you like. | User Comment Submitted by Moloch on 16 July 2010
@Groepaz - The coder doesn't even know petcat exists.
... and all the crying about .NET ... who cares, don't like it? Don't download it.
| User Comment Submitted by Marauder/GSS on 16 July 2010
waaaah... .NET 4.0 is sure not needed and oversized for such a small proggy! .NET 1.x or 2.0 would be definitly enough, which I guess most windows-user already have installed...
@King Durin: next time check your project-settings for "target-platform" ;D | User Comment Submitted by Stainless Steel on 16 July 2010
"Boohoo, i dont want to install .net4.0" .. cry me a river.
Sure, why not, let's all code in fortran or something equally ancient. What is it with you people and your reluctance towards .net ?
Or are y'all still using win 3.1/95/98 or whatever .. | User Comment Submitted by enthusi on 16 July 2010
"Requires .Net Framework 4"
| User Comment Submitted by chatGPZ on 16 July 2010
thats the way of the future :o)
(i wonder what this can do that petcat cant *shrug*) | User Comment Submitted by LHS on 16 July 2010
Is really necessary to code this Win text converter with installer and .NET 4.0 requierement? |
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