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2612    (?? - 1983)

Function :

Handlestory :
His birth date.

Trivia :
Is listed at Radwars True C64 Legends Page
with following text:

Oliver Thomas Dietz, aka OTD and the 'DI' in JEDI 2001. He's the real man behind 'PROLOGIC DOS and the 64'er DOS' and was also responsible for some old copiers on the 64 like DUBBER.

Other handles used by this scener :(Display only info for current handle)
OTD(Currently used handle)
Mr. O(1983 - ??)

Country :

Releases released :
DownloadMoon Shuttle ... 1983 Crack
DownloadPooyan ... 1983 Crack
DownloadRobbers of the Lost Tomb ... 1983 Crack
DownloadSurvivor ... 1983 Crack
DownloadSurvivor ... 1983 Crack
DownloadSurvivor ... 1983 Crack
DownloadVultures ... 1983 Crack
DownloadBug Blast ... ???? Crack
DownloadColossus Chess 2.0 ... ???? Crack
DownloadDragonHawk ... ???? Crack
DownloadFür Elise ... ???? Music
DownloadH.E.R.O. ... ???? Crack
DownloadJuice! ... ???? Crack
DownloadRoboservant ... ???? Crack
DownloadSerpentine ... ???? Crack
DownloadStar Trek ... ???? Crack
DownloadThe Blade of Blackpoole ... ???? Crack
DownloadThe Heist ... ???? Crack
DownloadTime Runner ... ???? Crack
DownloadWarlok ... ???? Crack

Under handle: OTD
DownloadElite [german] ... 1985 Crack
DownloadHyper Circuit ... 1985 Crack
DownloadLittle Computer People ... 1985 Crack
DownloadAnkh ... 1984 Crack
DownloadArtillery Duel ... 1984 Crack
DownloadBattlezone ... 1984 Crack
DownloadBattlezone ... 1984 Crack
DownloadBC's Quest for Tires ... 1984 Crack
DownloadColossus Chess 2.0 ... 1984 Crack
DownloadDark Star ... 1984 Crack
DownloadH.E.R.O. ... 1984 Crack
DownloadMonster Smash ... 1984 Crack
DownloadMoon Buggy! ... 1984 Crack
DownloadMoon Buggy! ... 1984 Crack
DownloadMr. Dig ... 1984 Crack
DownloadMr. TNT ... 1984 Crack
DownloadOmicron ... 1984 Crack
DownloadOrc Attack ... 1984 Crack
DownloadPengo ... 1984 Crack
DownloadPinball Wizard ... 1984 Crack
DownloadSeven Cities of Gold ... 1984 Crack
DownloadSon of Blagger ... 1984 Crack
DownloadStar Command ... 1984 Crack
DownloadThe Attack of the Phantom Karate Devils ... 1984 Crack
DownloadToy Bizarre ... 1984 Crack
DownloadWestworld ... 1984 Crack
DownloadZim Sala Bim ... 1984 Crack
DownloadLinker ... 1983 Tool
Download80 Zeichen ... 1983 Misc.
DownloadDiskmon ... 1983 Tool
Download80 Zeichen ... 1983 Misc.
DownloadArcadia 64 ... 1983 Crack
DownloadArmageddon ... 1983 Crack
DownloadAztec Challenge ... 1983 Crack
DownloadBackgammon Game ... 1983 Game
DownloadBuck Rogers - Planet of Zoom ... 1983 Crack
DownloadBuck Rogers - Planet of Zoom ... 1983 Crack
DownloadCentipede ... 1983 Crack
DownloadCup Final ... 1983 Crack
DownloadDisk Tape-Copy 186 [german] ... 1983 Tool
DownloadDisk to Tape Copy 185.45 [german] ... 1983 Tool
DownloadDubber ... 1983 Tool
DownloadForbidden Forest ... 1983 Crack
DownloadFort Apocalypse ... 1983 Crack
DownloadGalaga RGB ... 1983 Crack
DownloadInternational Soccer ... 1983 Crack
DownloadLaser Zone ... 1983 Crack
DownloadMoon Flight ... 1983 Crack
DownloadQuark IX ... 1983 Crack
DownloadRepton ... 1983 Crack
DownloadSeige ... 1983 Crack
DownloadSquish 'em ... 1983 Crack
DownloadStar Post ... 1983 Crack
DownloadStix ... 1983 Crack
DownloadSupa-Catcha-Troopa! ... 1983 Crack
DownloadTrooper Truck ... 1983 Crack
DownloadVoodoo Castle ... 1983 Crack
DownloadAction on Protection ... ???? Crack
DownloadAgent USA ... ???? Crack
DownloadAlien Brood ... ???? Crack
DownloadAquaplane ... ???? Crack
DownloadArdy the Aardvark ... ???? Crack
DownloadAstral Zone ... ???? Crack
DownloadAstro-Panic ... ???? Crack
DownloadBC's Quest for Tires + ... ???? Crack
DownloadBitmania ... ???? Crack
DownloadBlack Hawk ... ???? Crack
DownloadBlagger ... ???? Crack
DownloadBlue Thunder ... ???? Crack
DownloadBonzo ... ???? Crack
DownloadBooga-Boo ... ???? Crack
DownloadBreak Dance ... ???? Crack
DownloadCalifornia Goldrush ... ???? Crack
DownloadCaverns of Khafka ... ???? Crack
DownloadCaverns of Khafka ... ???? Crack
DownloadCircus ... ???? Crack
DownloadComputertest ... ???? Tool
DownloadCosmic Convoy ... ???? Crack
DownloadCuddly Cuburt ... ???? Crack
DownloadCuthbert in the Jungle ... ???? Crack
DownloadDancing Feats ... ???? Crack
DownloadDavid's Midnight Magic ... ???? Crack
DownloadDeep Space ... ???? Crack
DownloadDragonsden ... ???? Crack
DownloadDuck Shoot 64 ... ???? Crack
DownloadEgbert ... ???? Crack
DownloadEspial ... ???? Crack
DownloadFalcon Patrol ... ???? Crack
DownloadFrogger II - Threeedeep ... ???? Crack
DownloadGalaxian ... ???? Crack
DownloadGorf ... ???? Crack
DownloadGyruss ... ???? Crack
DownloadHektik ... ???? Crack
DownloadHexagon ... ???? Crack
DownloadHunter on Ice ... ???? Crack
DownloadIndian Attack ... ???? Crack
DownloadInfiltrator Part 2 ... ???? Crack
DownloadJumpin Jack ... ???? Crack
DownloadJungle Trouble ... ???? Crack
DownloadLaser Strike ... ???? Crack
DownloadLode Runner ... ???? Crack
DownloadMagic Carpet ... ???? Crack
DownloadManic Miner ... ???? Crack
DownloadMind Control ... ???? Crack
DownloadMoby Dick ... ???? Crack
DownloadMothership ... ???? Crack
DownloadMr. Mephisto ... ???? Crack
DownloadNew York City ... ???? Crack
DownloadNiterider ... ???? Crack
DownloadOils Well ... ???? Crack
DownloadOmega Race ... ???? Crack
DownloadOne on One ... ???? Crack
DownloadPerseus & Andromeda ... ???? Crack
DownloadPigs in Space ... ???? Crack
DownloadPirate Adventure ... ???? Crack
DownloadPogo Joe ... ???? Crack
DownloadPolyps from Pluto ... ???? Crack
DownloadPool ... ???? Crack
DownloadPrologic Copy V3.0 ... ???? Tool
DownloadPurple Turtles ... ???? Crack
DownloadQ*Bert ... ???? Crack
DownloadQuintic Warrior ... ???? Crack
DownloadRoland's Ratrace ... ???? Crack
DownloadSave Me, Brave Knight ... ???? Crack
DownloadSlurpy ... ???? Crack
DownloadSnokie ... ???? Crack
DownloadSOS Terrorists ... ???? Crack
DownloadSpike ... ???? Crack
DownloadStalag I ... ???? Crack
DownloadSupercopy 64 ... ???? Crack
DownloadSuperman ... ???? Crack
DownloadSurvivor ... ???? Crack
DownloadSynthesound 64 ... ???? Crack
DownloadTen Little Indians ... ???? Crack
DownloadThe Evil Dead ... ???? Crack
DownloadThe Golden Baton ... ???? Crack
DownloadThe Pyramid ... ???? Crack
DownloadTwin Kingdom Valley ... ???? Crack
DownloadVortex Raider ... ???? Crack
DownloadWhere's My Bones? ... ???? Crack
DownloadWord Feud ... ???? Crack

Under handle: Mr. O
DownloadApshain Tie [finnish] ... 1985 Crack
DownloadGenesis ... 1985 Crack
DownloadDonkey Kong ... 1984 Crack
DownloadGateway to Apshai ... 1984 Crack
DownloadHell Cat Ace ... 1984 Crack
DownloadIFR ... 1984 Crack
DownloadCritical Mass ... 1983 Crack
DownloadG-Pascal Compiler Version 3.0 ... 1983 Crack
DownloadGenesis ... 1983 Crack
DownloadPooyan ... 1983 Crack
DownloadSpare Change ... 1983 Crack
DownloadSurvivor ... 1983 Crack
DownloadDefender ... ???? Crack
DownloadEagle Empire ... ???? Crack
DownloadGateway to Apshai ... ???? Crack
DownloadJumpman Junior ... ???? Crack
DownloadLode Runner ... ???? Crack
DownloadShamus ... ???? Crack
DownloadWay Out ... ???? Crack

Credits :
DownloadMoon Shuttle by 2612 ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSurvivor by 2612, J.R. Ewing ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSurvivor by 2612 ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPooyan by 2612 ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRobbers of the Lost Tomb by 2612 ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadVultures by 2612 ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSurvivor by 2612, Oleander ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Blade of Blackpoole by 2612 ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSurvivor by 2912 ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSerpentine by 2612 ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadFür Elise by 2612 ...  ???? Music  (Code)
DownloadH.E.R.O. by 2612 ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Heist by 2612 ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGames Collection by Technoid Software ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBug Blast by 2612 ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadTime Runner by 2612, Antiram ...  ???? Crack  (Linking)
DownloadJuice! by 2612 ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRobot Fabriek ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadStar Trek by 2612 ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRoboservant by 2612 ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadWarlok by 2612 ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDragonHawk by 2612 ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadColossus Chess 2.0 by 2612, Agel ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)

Under handle: OTD
DownloadSquish 'em + by 5211 ...  1988 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadLittle Computer People by OTD ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadElite [german] by OTD ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadHyper Circuit by OTD ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadOmicron by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadZim Sala Bim by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMr. Dig by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadWestworld by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadH.E.R.O. by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPengo by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSeven Cities of Gold by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMoon Buggy! by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadArtillery Duel by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadFlak by Antiprotect ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDark Star by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBC's Quest for Tires by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAnkh by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMr. TNT by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBattlezone by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadToy Bizarre by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Attack of the Phantom Karate Devils by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSon of Blagger by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadStar Command by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPinball Wizard by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMonster Smash by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadColossus Chess 2.0 by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMoon Buggy! by OTD ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadOrc Attack by OTD, Section 8 ...  1984 Crack  (Linking)
DownloadBattlezone by OTD, Bad Brothers ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadLinker by OTD ...  1983 Tool  (Code)
Download80 Zeichen by OTD ...  1983 Misc.  (Code)
DownloadDiskmon by OTD ...  1983 Tool  (Code)
DownloadGalaga RGB by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadArcadia 64 by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadStar Post by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadTrooper Truck by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadFort Apocalypse by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBuck Rogers - Planet of Zoom by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCup Final by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadLaser Zone by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMoon Flight by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadArmageddon by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAztec Challenge by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSquish 'em by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBuck Rogers - Planet of Zoom by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadQuark IX by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCentipede by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadStix by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadForbidden Forest by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDubber by OTD ...  1983 Tool  (Code)
DownloadRepton by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadVoodoo Castle by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadInternational Soccer by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
Download80 Zeichen by OTD ...  1983 Misc.  (Code)
DownloadDisk Tape-Copy 186 [german] by OTD ...  1983 Tool  (Code)
DownloadBackgammon Game by OTD ...  1983 Game  (Code)
DownloadSeige by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSupa-Catcha-Troopa! by OTD ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDisk to Tape Copy 185.45 [german] by OTD ...  1983 Tool  (Code)
DownloadJungle Trouble by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAction on Protection by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadHektik by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDuck Shoot 64 by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadHunter on Ice by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBooga-Boo by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBitmania by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCuddly Cuburt by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDragonsden by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadJumpin Jack by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCuthbert in the Jungle by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadNiterider by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPigs in Space by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMagic Carpet by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPurple Turtles by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadStalag I by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadEspial by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMind Control by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGalaxian by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAstro-Panic by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDancing Feats by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCircus by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBlagger by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRoland's Ratrace by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSOS Terrorists by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadNew York City by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDavid's Midnight Magic by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadManic Miner by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadQuintic Warrior by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBonzo by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMr. Mephisto by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBreak Dance by OTD, Bad Brothers ...  ???? Crack  (Linking)
DownloadVortex Raider by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSave Me, Brave Knight by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBlue Thunder by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadArdy the Aardvark by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadWord Feud by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPolyps from Pluto by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadQ*Bert by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSynthesound 64 by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadFrogger II - Threeedeep by OTD, Bad Brothers ...  ???? Crack  (Linking)
DownloadThe Golden Baton by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadTwin Kingdom Valley by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPerseus & Andromeda by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadTen Little Indians by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSnokie by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBlack Hawk by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSpike by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCosmic Convoy by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadLaser Strike by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDeep Space by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadFalcon Patrol by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAstral Zone by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadEgbert by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadOmega Race by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCalifornia Goldrush by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMoby Dick by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMothership by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadComputertest by OTD ...  ???? Tool  (Code)
DownloadPogo Joe by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSuperman by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadInfiltrator Part 2 by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSupercopy 64 by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAgent USA by Blade Runner, OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Linking)
DownloadSlurpy by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadWhere's My Bones? by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSurvivor by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadOils Well by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCaverns of Khafka by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadLode Runner by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCaverns of Khafka by Max, OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAquaplane by Nonprotect, OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Linking)
DownloadPrologic Copy V3.0 by OTD ...  ???? Tool  (Code)
DownloadBC's Quest for Tires + by Kevlar, OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGorf by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPirate Adventure by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Pyramid by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Evil Dead by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAlien Brood by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadHexagon by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGyruss by OTD, Bad Brothers ...  ???? Crack  (Linking)
DownloadPool by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadIndian Attack by OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadOne on One by Ali, OTD ...  ???? Crack  (Linking)

Under handle: Mr. O
DownloadGateway to Apshai Trainer by Druids ...  1989 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGenesis by Mr. O, Probyte ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadApshain Tie [finnish] by Mr. O ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAztec by JEDI ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGateway to Apshai by Mr. O ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadHell Cat Ace by Mr. O ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAztec by JEDI ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDonkey Kong by Mr. O ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadIFR by Mr. O ...  1984 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPooyan by Mr. O ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGenesis by Mr. O ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSurvivor by Mr. O ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCritical Mass by Mr. O ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSpare Change by Mr. O ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadG-Pascal Compiler Version 3.0 by Mr. O ...  1983 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadJumpman Junior by Mr. O ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadLode Runner by 1103, Mr. O ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadEagle Empire by 1103, Mr. O ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGateway to Apshai by Mr. O, The Living Daylights ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDefender by Mr. O ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadWay Out by Mr. O ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadShamus by Mr. O ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGateway to Apshai [german] by Map ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)

User ratings :  
As Cracker:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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