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Opus X  

Trivia :
I did grafix for Venom and some other groups. I worked with Guardian and Necropheliac in brainstorming ideas. My graphic output wasn't stunning but it was unique (mostly because of the sheer incompetence of a thirteen year old). Even though 8bit digital art has nothing to do with the art I make now, growing up with demos as my first main creative outlet has definitely left its mark.

I was a founder of Crionix but I sadly had to cut my C64 activities short before the project got off the ground.

Death Merchant's blog entry about his time on the scene- http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2005/07/my_commodore_64.html

Other handles used by this scener :(Display only info for current handle)
Death Merchant(Currently used handle)

Country :
United States

Credits :
Under handle: Death Merchant
DownloadInfluence by Shade, The Force ...  1990 Demo  (Graphics)
DownloadNEC Intro by Venom ...  1990 Crack Intro  (Graphics)
DownloadOutline #1 by Lords, Outline Staff ...  1990 Diskmag  (Graphics)
DownloadKrak Houz ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Graphics)
DownloadContact Venom by Venom ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Graphics, Text)
DownloadIncest by Evil ...  1990 Demo  (Graphics)
DownloadFinal Frontier Co-Op [ntsc] by Havok, Lords, Shade, The Force, Venom, X-Factor ...  1990 Demo  (Graphics)
DownloadSuicide Sucks! by Shade ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Graphics)
DownloadAardvark's June Ranks by The Force ...  1990 Charts  (Graphics)
DownloadTSA Contest Demo by Venom ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Graphics)
DownloadSonic by Evil, Venom ...  1989 Demo  (Graphics)

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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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