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Chuck Laboratories  (CLT)

Ex member of :
Intelligent Decision Limited
Functions :
Coder, Cracker

Handle alternative spelling :
Chuck 1936, Chuck Industries

Other handles used by this scener :(Display only info for current handle)
Felix Schmidt

Country :

Releases released :
Download1942 ... 1986 Crack
DownloadDestroyer ... 1986 Crack
DownloadHoliday Rap ... 1986 Music
DownloadRallye Ost-Afrika ... 1986 Crack
DownloadStreet Surfer ... 1986 Crack
DownloadThe Music of Marble Madness ... 1986 Music
DownloadWorld Games ... 1986 Crack
DownloadRallye Ost-Afrika ... 1985 Crack
DownloadArchon III - Exciter ... 1985 Crack
DownloadFussball Bundesliga [german] ... 1985 Crack
DownloadLaw of the West ... 1985 Crack
DownloadRallye Ost-Afrika ... 1985 Crack
DownloadRallye Ost-Afrika ... 1985 Crack
DownloadAirline [german] ... ???? Crack
DownloadBiggles ... ???? Graphics
DownloadBMX Simulator ... ???? Crack
DownloadBoulder ... ???? Graphics
DownloadChuck Music IX ... ???? Music
DownloadChuck to TCQ ... ???? One-File Demo
DownloadCopy Plus V3.1 ... ???? Tool
DownloadDavis Cup ... ???? Crack
DownloadFast Loader ... ???? Tool
DownloadFist II Preview ... ???? Crack
DownloadGalivan + ... ???? Crack
DownloadHappy II ... ???? Graphics
DownloadHappy Swappy ... ???? Graphics
DownloadHeroin ... ???? Graphics
DownloadIDL Intro 5 ... ???? One-File Demo
DownloadKGB ... ???? Graphics
DownloadKnight Rider 99% ... ???? Crack
DownloadKobold ... ???? Crack
DownloadLeaderboard Executive ... ???? Crack
DownloadMr Angry ... ???? Crack
DownloadNinja ... ???? Graphics
DownloadPaperboy ... ???? Crack
DownloadPartygirls ... ???? Crack
DownloadPen ... ???? Graphics
DownloadPolice Cadet ... ???? Crack
DownloadPolice Cadet ... ???? Crack
DownloadPorno Show ... ???? Graphics Collection
DownloadPorno Show ... ???? Graphics Collection
DownloadPorno Show VI ... ???? Graphics Collection
DownloadProfessional Writer ... ???? Tool
DownloadRallye Ost-Afrika ... ???? Crack
DownloadRallye Ost-Afrika ... ???? Crack
DownloadRed Max ... ???? Crack
DownloadSex Games ... ???? Crack
DownloadTag Team Wrestling ... ???? Crack
DownloadTrailblazer ... ???? Crack
DownloadTut ... ???? Graphics
DownloadUHR ... ???? Graphics
DownloadVorspann Programm für Blazing Paddles Bilder ... ???? Tool
DownloadWerner ... ???? Graphics
DownloadYie Ar ... ???? Graphics

Credits :
DownloadMessage Construction Set by Annex ...  1988 Tool  (Music)
DownloadMega Intro 2001 by The Mega Crew ...  1988 Intro Collection  (Music)
DownloadGCS Dia-Show II by Gambler Cracking Service ...  1988 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadSound Monitor Collection Part 1 by West-End Connection ...  1987 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadHowlin's Remix by R.C.S. Industries ...  1987 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadNew Year Song II by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadNew Year Song III by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  1987 Music  (Ripping)
DownloadNew Year Song I by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  1987 Music  (Ripping)
DownloadNew Year Song IV by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadConfusion! by Firelord ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadHifi Box 34 by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  1986 One-File Demo  (Code)
DownloadHoliday Rap by Chuck Laboratories ...  1986 Music  (Music)
Download1942 by Chuck Laboratories ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadStreet Surfer by Chuck Laboratories ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadThe Music of Marble Madness by Chuck Laboratories ...  1986 Music  (Ripping)
DownloadRallye Ost-Afrika by Chuck Laboratories, Maksoft Group 2507 ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadWorld Games by Chuck Laboratories ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDestroyer by Chuck Laboratories ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRallye Ost-Afrika by Chuck Laboratories, Tosoft ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadFussball Bundesliga [german] by Chuck Laboratories ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRallye Ost-Afrika by Chuck Laboratories, Pater Becker ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadArchon III - Exciter by Chuck Laboratories ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRallye Ost-Afrika by Chuck Laboratories ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPolice Cadet by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCopy Plus V3.1 by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Tool  (Code)
DownloadLeaderboard Executive by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDavis Cup by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadKnight Rider 99% by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadAirline [german] by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSex Games by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadHifi Box Three by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Code, Ripping)
DownloadVorspann Programm für Blazing Paddles Bilder by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Tool  (Code)
DownloadMa Tsu [german] by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadProfessional Writer by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Tool  (Code)
DownloadHifi Box II by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Code, Ripping)
DownloadHifi Box IV by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Code, Ripping)
DownloadChuck Music IX by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Music  (Ripping)
DownloadGreased Mix and Maxi Version One by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  ???? Music  (Code)
DownloadBMX Simulator by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadPartygirls by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGalivan + by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack, Trainer)
DownloadFast Loader by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Tool  (Code)
DownloadReset Editor V1.0 [german] by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  ???? Tool  (Code)
DownloadRed Max by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadTrailblazer by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadRallye Ost-Afrika by Chuck Laboratories, The Cruncher ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadChuck to TCQ by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Text)
DownloadPorno Show by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Graphics Collection  (Code, Graphics)
DownloadHifi Box III by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Code, Ripping)
DownloadTag Team Wrestling by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadZone 7 Part II by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadKobold by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadIDL Intro IIX by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  ???? Intro  (Code)
DownloadMr Angry by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadWerner by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadHappy II by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadYie Ar by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadBiggles by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadUHR by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadKGB by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadHappy Swappy by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadPen by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadNinja by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadPorno Show VI by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Graphics Collection  (Code, Graphics)
DownloadPaperboy by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadArts Cracker V3 by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSky Runner by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadIDL Intro II by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  ???? Intro  (Code)
DownloadRallye Ost-Afrika by Chuck Laboratories, Migges ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadGreased Mix and Maxi Version One by Intelligent Decision Limited ...  ???? Music  (Code)
DownloadPorno Show by Chuck Laboratories ...  ???? Graphics Collection  (Code, Graphics)
DownloadPolice Cadet by Chuck Laboratories, Gregor Žan ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)

Under handle: Felix Schmidt
DownloadHigh Tension by Black Hell ...  1989 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadIntro-Muzak 2 by The Program Rippers ...  1988 Music  (Music)
DownloadSunset Skyline by Ninja Skateboarders of Death ...  1988 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadSound Monitor Collection Part 2 by West-End Connection ...  1987 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadThe Music Box by The Last Warriors ...  1987 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadExciting by Dr Moscow ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadYour Tears by Dr Moscow ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadSCS Contact by SCS 3003 ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadHi-Fi Music Box V1.0 by Goffy Crackings ...  1987 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadWOW Demo III by Cool Cracking Team ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadTuesday 10/02/87 by Hanseatic Cracking Association ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadShort Circuit Music by Wizax ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
Download11 Nice Tunes by Delta 4 ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadMusic-Collection I by Bitbuster Inc. ...  1987 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadMusic Power Pack No. 1 by Hanseatic Cracking Association ...  1987 Music  (Music)
DownloadWoodstock I by The Polluter ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadSuper Sero's 16 by Goffy Crackings ...  1987 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadDruid Demo by XL-Crackers ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadContach USA by Mike ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadAmiga Swap by Best Company ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadDiasound Show by Gronauer Cracking Crew ...  ???? Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadMega Demo by Cracking Force Germany ...  ???? One-File Demo  (Music)

User ratings :  
As Coder:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
As Cracker:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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