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O.M.Alfred  (OMA)

Ex member of :
Niwa Soft
Functions :
Coder, Cracker

Handle alternative spelling :
O.M. Alfred

Trivia :
Recruncher and Recracker.

Country :

Releases released :
DownloadAccelerator Boot Utility ... 1988 Tool
DownloadCircus Charlie ... 1988 Crack
DownloadColony ... 1988 Crack
DownloadDaley Thompson's Decathlon ... 1988 Crack
DownloadDan Dare II ... 1988 Crack
DownloadFist III ... 1988 Crack
DownloadFrightmare ... 1988 Crack
DownloadMag Max ... 1988 Crack
DownloadNIKI II Cruncher ... 1988 Tool
DownloadProgramma Conversione Videate ... 1988 Tool
DownloadRussians ... 1988 Demo
DownloadSaboteur II ... 1988 Crack
DownloadTrasferimento Nastro/Disco ... 1988 Tool
DownloadVideate Grafiche ... 1988 Tool
DownloadBravestarr ... 1987 Crack
DownloadDeath Race 64 ... 1987 Crack
DownloadMega Apocalypse ... 1987 Crack
DownloadOut on the Tiles + ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Living Daylights ... 1987 Crack
DownloadThe Mystery of the Nile ... 1987 Crack
DownloadDonkey Kong ... 1986 Crack
DownloadOMA Fast Loader ... 1986 Tool
DownloadPolar Pierre ... 1986 Crack
DownloadCauldron ... 1985 Crack
DownloadLe Avventure di Jack Byteson III [italian] ... 1985 Crack
DownloadMr. Do's Castle ... 1985 Crack
DownloadRed Arrows ... 1985 Crack
DownloadBakhan Episode III [italian] ... ???? Crack
DownloadBlade Runner [italian] ... ???? Crack
DownloadDust Hanter 3 [italian] ... ???? Crack
DownloadHighlander ... ???? Crack
DownloadOMA Copy System ... ???? Tool
DownloadOMA Disk to Tape V1.0 ... ???? Tool

Credits :
DownloadCircus Charlie by O.M.Alfred ...  1988 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadSaboteur II by O.M.Alfred ...  1988 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadColony by O.M.Alfred ...  1988 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDaley Thompson's Decathlon by O.M.Alfred, Section 8 ...  1988 Crack  (Import)
DownloadDan Dare II by O.M.Alfred ...  1988 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadFist III by O.M.Alfred ...  1988 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadMag Max by O.M.Alfred ...  1988 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadFrightmare by O.M.Alfred ...  1988 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadProgramma Conversione Videate by O.M.Alfred ...  1988 Tool  (Code)
DownloadThe Mystery of the Nile by O.M.Alfred ...  1987 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadBravestarr by O.M.Alfred ...  1987 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDeath Race 64 by O.M.Alfred ...  1987 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadOut on the Tiles + by O.M.Alfred, Fairlight ...  1987 Crack  (Import)
DownloadOMA Fast Loader by O.M.Alfred ...  1986 Tool  (Code)
DownloadPolar Pierre by O.M.Alfred ...  1986 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadCauldron by O.M.Alfred ...  1985 Crack  (Linking)
DownloadLe Avventure di Jack Byteson III [italian] by O.M.Alfred ...  1985 Crack  (Crack)
DownloadOMA Disk to Tape V1.0 by O.M.Alfred ...  ???? Tool  (Code)
DownloadBakhan Episode III [italian] by O.M.Alfred ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadDust Hanter 3 [italian] by O.M.Alfred ...  ???? Crack  (Crack, Translation)
DownloadHighlander by O.M.Alfred ...  ???? Crack  (Crack)
DownloadOMA Copy System by O.M.Alfred ...  ???? Tool  (Code)
DownloadBlade Runner [italian] by O.M.Alfred ...  ???? Crack  (Crack, Translation)

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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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