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Burning Horizon  (bhz)

Currently member of :
From the Ashes [web]
Ex member of :
Noble Order of Thieves [rebuild]
Function :
Founder of :
From the Ashes

Handle alternative spelling :
bh/fta, bhz/fta

Handlestory :
I had a couple other handles pre-scene, Firestalker and I stayed up late one night thinking of handles; We were trying to think of handles that had something to do with fire as our group name was already decided to be "From The Ashes". This is what we came up with. I apparently offended Horizon/NEC and others with my choice of handles, good. :P

Another tid-bit: I once tried to go by "bh/fta" which is why my first demo was called "meet bh/fta" and not "meet bhz/fta" BUT "Bounty Hunter" liked to go by "bh" so I added another letter and became "bhz" Lovely story eh? Where is Bounty Hunter anyway?

Trivia :
Burning Horizon is alive and not dead as once rumored.
Legend has it that bhz lives on an IRC server and can be found rambling on #c-64 (EFNet) with dW/Style, MagerValp/M&M, Dokken/Electron, Wyndex, and others!

Country :
United States

Sysop on BBS :
The Dragon's Tower (Co)

User on BBS :
Citadel of Illusion

Releases released :
DownloadScottFree128 V2.1 ... 2020 C128 Release
DownloadTinyrinth Escape Preview ... 2018 Game Preview(Released at ECCC Chicago Expo 2018)
DownloadColdrake Rules ... 1992 Fake Demo
DownloadOzz Timmy Bozzo! ... 1991 One-File Demo
DownloadNASA-Rag Demo V1.0 ... 1990 One-File Demo

Credits :
DownloadScottFree128 V2.1 by Burning Horizon ...  2020 C128 Release  (Code)
DownloadTinyrinth Escape Preview by Burning Horizon ...  2018 Game Preview  (Code)
DownloadDriven #30 by Driven Staff ...  2005 Diskmag  (Text)
DownloadC=Hacking #21 by Wyndex ...  2002 Papermag  (Text)
DownloadTinyrinth ...  2001 512b Game  (Code)
DownloadDomination #11 by Jazzcat ...  1998 Diskmag  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadDriven #25 by Driven Staff ...  1998 Diskmag  (Text)
DownloadDomination #10 by Jazzcat ...  1997 Diskmag  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadDomination #9 by Jazzcat ...  1997 Diskmag  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadNTSC Co-op 1997 ...  1997 Demo  (Graphics)
DownloadDomination #8 by Jazzcat ...  1997 Diskmag  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadCrillion +2H by Acrise ...  1996 Crack  (Test)
DownloadTemplate Tutorial by From the Ashes ...  1996 Tool  (Code, Graphics, Design, Idea, Charset)
DownloadDomination #7 by Jazzcat ...  1996 Diskmag  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadTemplate Magic by From the Ashes ...  1996 Tool  (Code, Graphics, Design, Idea)
DownloadColdrake Rules by Burning Horizon ...  1992 Fake Demo  (Code, Text)
DownloadNOT Intro by Noble Order of Thieves [rebuild] ...  1992 Crack Intro  (Code, Graphics, Text, Charset)
DownloadNoble Order of Thieves Intro by Noble Order of Thieves [rebuild] ...  1992 Crack Intro  (Code, Graphics)
DownloadKontrol Intro by Kontrol ...  1991 Crack Intro  (Code, Graphics, Text, Charset)
DownloadOzz Timmy Bozzo! by Burning Horizon ...  1991 One-File Demo  (Code, Graphics, Text)
DownloadOutlaws Intro by Outlaws ...  1991 Crack Intro  (Code, Graphics)
DownloadThe Citadel of Illusion Demo by Kontrol ...  1991 One-File Demo  (Code, Graphics, Text, Charset)
<karate game> by Kontrol ...  1991 Crack  (NTSC-Fix)
DownloadPhreaky Pholder V3.0 by White Collar Criminals ...  1990 Misc.  (Help)
DownloadNASA-Rag Demo V1.0 by Burning Horizon, Phantom Lord ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Code, Graphics, Text, Charset, Ripping)
DownloadFTA Intromaker V3 by From the Ashes ...  1990 Tool  (Code, Graphics, Design, Idea)
DownloadBurning Horizon Intro by From the Ashes ...  1990 Crack Intro  (Code, Charset)
DownloadMeet BHZ by From the Ashes ...  1990 One-File Demo  (Code, Graphics)

Attended :
ECCC Chicago Expo 2018
ECCC Chicago Expo 2017
ECCC Chicago Expo 2015
ECCC Chicago Expo 2014
ECCC Chicago Expo 2013
ECCC Chicago Expo 2012
ECCC Chicago Expo 2011
ECCC Chicago Expo 2010
ECCC Chicago Expo 2009
ECCC Chicago Expo 2008
ECCC Chicago Expo 2007
ECCC Chicago Expo 2006
Chicago EXPO 2005
Chicago EXPO 2004
Chicago EXPO 2003
Chicago EXPO 2002
Chicago EXPO 1998

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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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