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Ex member of : Oase (1990 -> 1991), Silence
Function : Cracker
Handlestory :
Doublehandle of SCouT/Silicon Ltd.
Trivia :
My first encounter with the Commodore 64 was in 1984 (I was 12).
The C64 was used in math-class by the teacher who programmed some educational stuff for us pupils.
A friend and I were very intrigued by this machine. The teacher noticed this and let us play and program it during lunch-breaks and in-between hours.
Finally in 1987 I got my own Commodore 64 and started program in BASIC.
On some saturday in 1988 I was visiting Computershop Utrecht and some guy was showing off some weird stuff on the C64; swinging logo's, special effects, rasterbars....
I spoke to the guy and he told me he was R.O. of The Ixions (years later he was better known as the infamous dutch hacker RGB).
That was my first introduction to the demoscene.
I visited him several times and teached me the basics of assembler code.
The first things I released (erm...) were some ripped scrollers and stuff done with intromakers.
Somewhere in 1989 I did my first real demo as Metallica.
After that I formed some groups together with friends like Silicon Forces.
In 1990 I formed Stun. At some computermeeting at Buurthuis Einstein (home of the famous Silicon and X parties) I met Tim.
He was experimenting with graphics and already had a lot of swapping contacts.
One of his contacts was King of Eurasia. This guy asked us to join Eurasia and so we did.
We released some demo's as Eurasia when we met the guys of Silicon Limited at one of the Venlo parties.
The rest is history =)
In 1993 I was a bit bored with the demoscene and quitted but it started itching again when I saw Future Crew's Unreal demo on the PC.
I learned assembler on the PC and was asked to join the PC section of the Amiga group JetSet Crew.
I finally met those guys in person when we went on a bustrip to The Party 93; what a bunch of assholes!
On that same bustrip we (Tim and I) decided to start the PC section of Success (the C64 cracking group).
We contacted the old SCL crew (Harlequin and Astray) if they wanted to join. And they did.
We bumrushed the PC demoscene with our Commodore 64 attitude and became quite SuccesS-full.
In 1997 I lost interest in the boring PC Demoscene. I had more fun making music with FastTracker.
At the moment I'm a semi-professional electronic music producer.
Doing C64 stuff is something I spent in those lost hours now.
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