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Nemesis - The Final Challenge +2DMFGH   [2016]

Nemesis - The Final Challenge +2DMFGH Released by :
Mayday! [web]

Release Date :
25 July 2016

Type :
C64 Crack

Videosystem: NTSC fixed
Proper release: 101%

101% Jewel Version

User rating:**********  9.8/10 (8 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Graphics .... Awsm of C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!, Vision
Crack .... TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!
Trainer .... TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!
Original Supply .... TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!
NTSC-Fix .... Sesselschwitzer of Sitzgruppe
Linking .... TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!
Bug-Fix .... TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!
Docs .... TheRyk of Arsenic, C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!
Test .... Awsm of C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!, Vision
  Sesselschwitzer of Sitzgruppe
Help .... Sesselschwitzer of Sitzgruppe
Directory Art .... Awsm of C64 Club Berlin, Mayday!, Vision

Intro used in this crack:
DownloadHotDayMayLine by Mayday!

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Submitted by TheRyk on 25 July 2016
I'm confused. What was exactly done on this version that makes it a jewel release?

@Fierman: Though hedning once threatened to sue me (<- I'm kidding, okay?) as Genesis Project is said to have invented the term, there is only a very vast concept of a jewel version. Genesis Project entry here says:
... the group invented a new label for them, calling them "jewel versions" - a term later adopted by other groups for their special versions of games.

I use it for cracks of oldies which I would not have done if any proper versions had existed already.

About what's special/make it shine "jewelish" to us:
- With choice of space bar as additional key to upgrade this version is much more playable on real hardware than any previous version.
- The music actually works - unlike in all other versions we know, it does not become mute if you die when tune 2 is playing.
- With very respectful touch AWSM managed to make the title picture show scenes from the game much more recognizable.
- About the rest "+2DMFGH" should tell enough. I put GFX bugs I had already fixed back in, as the Easter Eggs don't work on C64 but I still found removing them too blasphemous. The HiSaver located in TapeBuffer rescuing lower pages to/from RAM under I/O is kinda overkill for saving 10 bytes, and also including the speech digis brought me close to 202 blocks, but both were things people requested.
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