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Offence XMAS2012 Graphics Competition

- The best of santaclaus and his environment

Event Type :
Standalone Compo

Merry merry XMAS2012

Dates :
15 December 2012 - 6 January 2013

Organizers :

Organizer Groups :

Competition Results :

C64 Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Santa Can Fly by YazooDownload9.09.1
2Hoaxmas 2012 by grasstustDownload7.2
3Hokuto Claus by RaffoxDownload7.68.2
 Tomteninsel by hedningDownload7.8
??This Night Is Mine by PievspieDownload3.9
??Bearing Gifts by PievspieDownload5.3
??God Jul by Wild - VildeDownload2.4
??Zombie Christmas by ZapLiteDownload3.7
??Dracula Wishes by CrayonDownload5.5
??Boddy's Xmas by JSLDownload6.0
??Blackbones the Evil Santa Yeti by PievspieDownload5.0
??Sorry Kids by PievspieDownload3.0
??Santasour by SkyffelDownload6.5
??Xmas 2012 by JSLDownload5.6
??Santa Leaving Factory by PievspieDownload6.4
??Christmas 2012 by JSLDownload5.4
??The Flat Santa by RonDownload3.5
??Naughty X-mas Present to CSDB Elites by LaserboyDownload3.4
??The Square of X-Mas by G-FellowDownload1.7

Attendants : (5)
grasstust, Pievspie, Raffox, Ron, Yazoo

Releases containing information on this event :
God Jul  

User Comment
Submitted by user on 7 January 2013
Gratz to the winners and thanks to all for the pics. But my biggest thank you goes to PAL for creating this compo.

User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 7 January 2013
Congrats Yazoo! You are flying high - a worthy winner. :) And thank you grasstust and Raffox for your great pics. Thanks PAL for organizing this; it's a great idea, and you are a great artist. Keep it up!

About my picture: I wanted the idea of my pic to be the thing; if you miss that, you miss the whole point: it's a paraphrase of a well known masterpiece: "Die Toteninsel" ("Isle of the Dead") by Arnold Böcklin. Thank you Zyron for lending me your awesome and spooky tune "Clowns Insane" from 2005. Merry Pixmas everyone!

User Comment
Submitted by grasstust on 7 January 2013
YAHOOO!!! Thank you very much for 2nd place! I absolutely loved this little compo initiative, it was very inspiring and I had such a great time both pixeling and cooperating with the very cool bunch of Hoaxers. And Yazoo - f### y##!!!!! ;) Just kidding, you really deserved it, great pic, man! Also Hedning and Raffox, great stuff!

Edit: As for my picture, it really was drawn without too much planning. I just wanted to paint a morbid, kind of gritty world. Several times I just put some random pixels on the screen, stared at it and said: Hey - I can see a face here! And after some experimenting, something I liked appeared... :)

User Comment
Submitted by Yazoo on 7 January 2013
Unbelievable. Thanks for all your effort with this pal and everyone who competed. Will write more tomorrow

edit: ok, after (too less) sleep i wanna let you know that i am quite happy now. though i had expected a little more quality in the compo. but when i think about it - romppainen may be absolutely right.
short before xmas ppl often have no time because of family-business and so on. and right after xmas it may be almost the same (new-years day, hangover... whatever).

also i did only make it because of the extended deadline to be honest.

but in the end it did not become a desaster i think, as some nice entries are there (#2, #3 and one or two more) - and i hope you are not too disappointed pal. the fact that you have sponsored such price-money yourself shows again how much love and enthusiasm you put into whatever you do

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 7 January 2013
Ok so we have the results of the Offence PIXMAS2012 Graphics Competition, the result is based on the csdb votes and the jury.


Winner is:

Santa Can Fly by Yazoo
csdb vote - 8.9

Jury: This is the real spirit of pixmas... there is warm special light and a happy and cozy mood, the image is beautifully executed in a style we have all got to know and love: Yazoo style! Congratulations and you are a deserved winner in our book. You made a "professional" - funny - cool and super illustration for this compo and we love you for that!


Seccond place goes to:

Hoaxmas 2012 by grasstust
csdb vote - 7.3

Jury: This is the work of some really weird dude and we just love it, this is really imaginable and creative and totally something we have not seen before, it is good in pixel work too. The whole production holds the great image and also a fantastic tune and scrolltext. Hoaxers you make pixmas worth while!


On third place we have splittet it up, two winners here:

Hokuto Claus by Raffox
csdb vote - 7.7

Jury: Your image is really something that could have been in a print ad back in the days and it holds much joy and also the best gift that anyone could ever get for any pixmas, ever!

Tomteninsel by hedning
csdb vote - 7.5

Jury: Hedning, it is so nice with the instagram old photo look(he he) and the clever move of keeping the colors to let the viewers eyes land on the happy center and also then at the santa!


We hope you that made art for this compo will also create new art for future compos and that you all had a great time doing this. We must now get some floppys and prepare the prize for you all, send me PM with your adresses so that we can send a real swapping letter to you with the floppys, we just have to make them and so on so it will take some time. Our great winner Yazoo, PM me or send me a fb private or e-mail me and give me your bank information and the prize money will soon be on your account.

Congratulations to all of the winners and also to the ones entering the compo, young and old... the same... happy new year and see you next pixmas!

Your member of the jury, PAL

User Comment
Submitted by Romppainen on 6 January 2013
I can speak only for my own behalf but, no matter how nice the idea for this compo is, in this case time of the year was its worst enemy: All the hassle with christmas preparations followed almost instantly by new year's eve was more than enough to keep me away from all the time-consuming stuff, including pixeling, and I'm quite sure I wasn't the only one with similar obstacles on the way :(

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 5 January 2013
Well here is the fact... There are most not that great entries but there are some great ones too... And I am a man of many silly words, but I am a man that stand for what I have said and will continue to do so. The money prize is there and it were never a issue of removing it from this compo, there are actually some that has worked a lot to make great images here, and if there were only one that did that, the prize would ofcourse be up for grabs too...

I did arrange this compo because I got really inspired by the music compo from ole and I just wanted to make something for the art departments too.

It is something I have to consider if I want to do again, that is just what it is... I think it is because some of you really did great work for it and I also know that some others have struggeled and I hope they make it til the deadline.

Maybe it was wrong having a money prize, maybe that is what made this differ from the rest of the compos? I do not know why not more did art for this as it were just nice for pixmas.

I did one piece to inspire you all but we kind of thought I could not be in the compo because we in a way said that we would hold this and also be sort of jury here. And if I had entered that would be wrong for some to and I just did not want that discussion.

Now it is soon Datastorm and maybe LCP in the summer, just maybe we can arrange another compo in between those two... I do not know!

I hope more will make it in the last day, if not I think we already have some great ones.

Your PAL

User Comment
Submitted by Yazoo on 3 January 2013
still i want to try and compete - because i think pal deserves to have more pictures in the compo. the stretched deadline may make it possible (without guarantees) for me. doesnt matter if i win or become last (ok, thats a lie - i want to win that handshake, hehe). but those csdb standalone compos need more support. and i really hope that pal isnt disappointed and is going to organize another compo of this kind

User Comment
Submitted by Frantic on 3 January 2013
Although some of the pictures are quite nice in a general cosy way I wouldn't blame the organizers if they don't pay those prize money. None of the pictures had that top quality character. Seems that the CSDb users agree.. The average score for the entries is only 4,7 which must be considered low (I think) even when one takes into account that several pictures are more of the joking kind.

User Comment
Submitted by v3to on 3 January 2013
actually i planned to partitipate but had no time (due to a current project at work).
imo this is a good idea for worth repeating. do not know why some compos are highly popular (rambo revisited) and others less. pretty sure it is not the compo price... enthusi and me had similar issues with quantity of entries with the double screen compo two years ago.

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 29 December 2012
I am abroad and can not get results ready for new years day. I therefor extend the deadline by one week. New deadline is then sunday 6 of jan. Hope that is ok for all!!

Pal of offence

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 8 December 2012
NO - music and pixels can be from different... it is not hard this... make your own pixmas graphics that hold a santaclaus... put on music and animation or what ever but not a big part changing demo!?!?!? I think that is pretty much the drill here. Ofcourse one can use the music one wants!

User Comment
Submitted by Fredrik on 7 December 2012
JSL, well, i am so bad in graphics, but perhaps a little better in music :)

User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 7 December 2012
Fredrik: well, now you have to pixel something yourself, guess you want to participate this compo, well.. you have my pic I did, but it should be your own creation, do your best. The Santa I did for you, is actually from the web, not that important. Go pixeling.. :DD

User Comment
Submitted by Fredrik on 7 December 2012
So both graphics and music must be made by the same person, right?

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 7 December 2012

1. Must be your own creation from start to finish, you may use what ever software and production lines you want!
2. Must be in a .prg or d64 disk, and must run on a real c64 and all borders are allowed, even long scrolling images.
3. All formats, overlays and tricks but rau, must run on a standard c64 with diskdrive.
4. Santaclaus and his surroundings is the theme, must hold a santaclaus in a way and rest is up to you.
5. The entry can hold graphics and music, but not be a demo... just one part... and that is it... you can fade out text before and so on... you may load more graphics from disk for image or animation but not change part... so please do understand no intro and part and effects and so on... it should be graphics, or graphics with sound and that is it.

User Comment
Submitted by grasstust on 7 December 2012
Last pixmas I gave you my art, but the very next day you gave it awaaay! Thiiiiiis year...

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 4 December 2012
It came in here in magic way thet first entry so guess one can do that when uploading then... COOL!

User Comment
Submitted by Kristian on 2 December 2012
Maybe you don't have to unlock it... what do I know. It seems to me to be setup pretty much the same way as the music compo event. Just add releaes! Looking forward to see them :)

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 2 December 2012
unlock? how? I am a lamer you know? guess we do that then... I am sure it will be all like we all wantz itz

User Comment
Submitted by Kristian on 2 December 2012
Waddayamean, PAL? It's easy, ain't it? Just add releases and participants from the "update" button below and all the magic happens automatically :)

Edit: Perhaps you should unlock this entry so people can add their releases themselves?

User Comment
Submitted by Dane on 2 December 2012
Tempting, I might try to get something together during my Christmas break even though I'm already fed up with Santa Claus. :)

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 2 December 2012

OK - I think the best is to release on the fly to actually... and it is more living that way... HOPE LOTS OF THINGS WILL BE RELEASED.

So then we make such a compo thing place as ole and kristian had for the highscores then? Kristian... can we create such one for this too? You master of this forum you are!!!


User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 2 December 2012
I finished a Xmas 3-Screener for this.. So you can count me in.. :)

User Comment
Submitted by CreaMD on 2 December 2012
There is reason for adding compo entries on-fly. Motivation of other people to enter the competition. With compos running online I never did it other way, so I can't tell for sure if there is far less entries that way. As you could see with Rambo Revisited, it got plenty of entries in the end.

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 1 December 2012
OK... Dudes... will it be the best if all entries were sent to me at my e-mail... in that way I can upload them all at the same time and it will be a more spectacular bombing here that if they came like one now and then... I really think it will be coolest if all were to be displayed at the same time really... whay do you all think?

I really hope that a lot of you are making stuff for this one too... the highscore compo made me smile so much and let this one put on a big smile too... I want to make one toooo... hmmmm....

Let there be love in PIXMAS!

Your pal

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 20 November 2012
Come on... hope there will be much to stare at in this one... would be so cool! Come on you sleepy heads, make your own pixels!

User Comment
Submitted by FATFrost on 9 November 2012
Hmmmm.... 200 euro would buy me a Chameleon..... Hmmmm

User Comment
Submitted by BHF on 9 November 2012
Great stuff , come on Grasstust ! yeah :)

Joe: Im 110% sure that Bob would love to have graphics from you! :) Censor need more he told me at X ;)

User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 9 November 2012
Wow Censor? Now that would have been a dream come true for sure! Really!
I could easily reuse the objects we (me and Clone) made for L'Encyclopédie Géométrique thirteen years ago.

User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 9 November 2012
Nice initiative. Part from finishing H's graphics, perhaps I should finish C's things, SOA etc before taking on more... :) Hopefully in one way or the other there will be more Joe'ish things before the end of this year.

User Comment
Submitted by grasstust on 9 November 2012
Sphinx: Your expression "PIXMAS" is so good, I think Pal should adobt it. It really sticks with me!

User Comment
Submitted by CreaMD on 9 November 2012
PAL, you mean how to organise it? As you said. The participant will add the CSDB entry, and add it into the compo. If you won't lock this entry, everyone will be able to add their compo pic.

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 9 November 2012
hmmm... what is the best way to do it? delivery vise? csdb upload release and all post link to their contribution in this tread when they upload maybe?

User Comment
Submitted by CreaMD on 9 November 2012
Pal, will there be some material (gfx) that could be used for promo?

User Comment
Submitted by Sphinx on 9 November 2012
Supercool, nice idea, lets colorize the grey and dull days a little bit... :-) I also will start pixeling soon! Merry Pixmas! :-D

User Comment
Submitted by Yazoo on 9 November 2012
great idea, pal!
i think i am going to start pixelling soon.

just one question: what am i going to do with the picture? do i send it to you via email, or just upload it to csdb when its finished?

User Comment
Submitted by Sixx on 9 November 2012
Superb initiative and a nice theme. Great prizes as well. ;)

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 9 November 2012
Love it!!!! Let it be competition... the best of the best grass!

User Comment
Submitted by grasstust on 9 November 2012
Great idea! I'm starting pixeling right now! :)

User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 9 November 2012
Inspiration to show all is allowed, get into that xmas feeling... from normal to the far out:


User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 8 November 2012
Ok... I got so inspired by Ole Marius challenging the music artists on here for a ballad competition so I thought to do a competition among the graphic artists, bring your music friends too...


1. Must be your own creation from start to finish, you may use what ever software and production lines you want!
2. Must be in a .prg or d64 disk, and must run on a real c64 and all borders are allowed, even long scrolling images.
3. All formats, overlays and tricks but rau, must run on a standard c64 with diskdrive.
4. Santaclaus and his surroundings is the theme, must hold a santaclaus in a way and rest is up to you.
5. The entry can hold graphics and music, but not be a demo... just one part... and that is it... you can fade out text before and so on... you may load more graphics from disk for image or animation but not change part... so please do understand no intro and part and effects and so on... it should be graphics, or graphics with sound and that is it.


1. 200EUR for the first price. A shake hands on the next party we meet (see the fun, not think who are they thinking they are) and a floppy copy of Another Beginning demo by offence signed by all members.
2. A shake hands on the next party we meet and a floppy copy of Another Beginning demo by offence signed by all members... And THE USER: I want to contribute, I will pay him/her an Cartridge at the RGCD Shop of own choice.
3. A floppy copy of Another Beginning demo by offence signed by all members.

Deliver dates:
15 - 30 December 2012
Winner be selected on the day after new years day or maybe on the day itself, must see what one can do here...

Winner will be selected by the csdb votes and a jury, no more rules than that, a 100% fair panel of judges from offence.

Compo sponsored by Pal Syvertsen AS - http://www.flottaltsaa.no

Member of the judge table
PAL of Offence!

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