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Brutal & Hurricane Summer Party 1992

Brutal & Hurricane Summer Party 1992

Event Type :
Demo Party

The Hurrilame Disaster 1992, Samsø Party

Dates :
26 - 29 June 1992

Place :
Tranebjerg, Samsø

Organizer Groups :

Competition Results :

C64 Demo
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1The Last Traktor III by HorizonDownload9.09.2
2Wonderland IX by Censor DesignDownload8.98.7
3Emotional Breakdown by OffenceDownload8.98.8
 Produkthandler Kom Her by CamelotDownload8.0
5Crest Light by CrestDownload8.98.8
6Weekend by Wrath DesignsDownload
7Visuality II by Visual RealityDownload8.5
 Mentallic by Panoramic DesignsDownload9.39.4
??Cyclone [party version] by Laser Inc.Download
??Coma Light 5 by OxyronDownload
??Experience by VarsityDownload
??Budworx by HystericDownload
??Oksen by StarionDownload
??Torture 2 by PaduaDownload
??Surprise! by LegendDownload
??Lessons in Lust by X-FactorDownload
??Higher Level by Lower LevelDownload

C64 Music
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Planetary by DankoDownload
2Compotune by DragonDownload
3The Brutal Demo Intro Music by Guy ShavittDownload
7House by JeffDownload
??Compotune by BluezDownload
??Dojostyle by CaneDownload
??Compo Tune by Martijn SchuttenDownload
??Fantasy by VisageDownload
??I Can't Dance by PRIDownload
??Compotune by JCHDownload
??Sikringsskap by Olav MørkridDownload
??Daydream by ZeusDownload
??Latency by ZyronDownload
??The End Tune by LorusDownload
??Compotune by Harmony ProductionsDownload
??Compotune by ZyborgDownload
??Lafayette by YokoDownload
??Compotune by The SyndromDownload
??Technology by dEViLOCkDownload
??A Techno-Tune by ShadeDownload
??Partyanimal by The Noise ArtDownload
??Dreamland by StaxDownload
??In Pass by ScortiaDownload
??Compotune by BulldogDownload
??Compotune by RatpoisonDownload
??Compotune by TrackerDownload
??Pitchka by AvalonDownload
??Compotune by MetalDownload
??Compotune by BappalanderDownload

C64 Graphics
PlaceReleaseDLCSDb ratingPub only
1Compopic by SenseiDownload
2Angle by PalDownload
3Compopic by DragonDownload
4Compopic by CreeperDownload
5Compopic by Double ArtistryDownload
6Pirates by TchDownload
7BP-Girl by ANSDownload4.6
8Frog by PaladinDownload
9Compopic by Red WizDownload
10Compopic by JoeDownload
23Dogs by YokoDownload
??Compopic by CreptDownload
??Final Selection by The EleganceDownload
??Compopic by Black SamuraiDownload
??Compopic by EgoDownload
??Compopic by ProtectorDownload
??Beachmonster by KBSDownload
??Compopic by The CultDownload
??Compopic by CreatDownload
??Compopic by Decoy DesignDownload
??Compopic by KingpinDownload
??Compopic by Flim Flam DenerDownload
??Buzzard by The BuzzardDownload
??Compopic by ReignDownload
??Compopic by Amidi-GirlDownload

Productions released outside compos :
Bitmania 13 by Curve (Diskmag)
Cruel Zone +3 by Vision (Crack)
Dorsk Brise by Camelot/Crest (Basic Demo)
Hotshot #19 by Flash Inc. (Diskmag)
Impulse #1 by Spirit (Diskmag)
Internews #6 by Heartbeat (Diskmag)
Oksen Preview by Starion (Demo)
Once Upon a Time by Oxyron (One-File Demo)
Popelganda #3 by Gum Penis (Diskmag)
Power Cruncher V7.4 by X-Rated (Tool)
Recall #10 by Bronx (Diskmag)
Transmission #3 by Wrath Designs (Diskmag)

Attendants : (156)
Ace, Airwolf, Akay, Amenophis, Amidi-Girl, Andrea, Anonym, ANS, Aslive, Axis, Ayatollah, BaZe, Benson, Bird, Bishop, bizk, Bjørn Røstøen, Black Samurai, Bleze, Bob, Boogaloo, Brego, Bulldog, Care, Chainsaw, Charlie, Chrippe, Coitus, Count Zero, Creeper, Cruel, Crush, Cruzer, Dense, Dep, Depeh, Dexter, Digit, Dize, Dr. Dos, Dragon, Drax, Duck, Ecco, Ego, Erotyc, Exalt, Fabu, Fox, Freddie, Gazza, General, Ghost, Ghostrider, Glasnost, Goblin, Gobus, Graham, Greyrat, Grimnir Hangagud, Guran, Helloween, Hercules, Idol, Incubus, Iron Boss, Janec, Jeff, Joe, Joe the Madman, Jonas, Jordan, Joyride, Karl XII, Kazar, KBS, Kilroy, Kirk, Leonardo, Mac, Mac, Maduplec, Malcom, Maniac, Maverick, Meanace, Mick, Morpheus, Numskull, Nyarlathotep, Olav Mørkrid, Oxidy, Pal, Pernod, PRI, Protector, Psycho, Psychobilly, R.C.S., Rantanplan, Razy, Red Wiz, Rex, Ronin, Sador, Sat, Satan, Scortia, Sensei, Slammer, Slator, Slide, Smash, Spell Productions, Spiderman, Spikes, Spinx, Spirou, Star, Starfox, Steve, Storm, Street Tuff, Syllinor, Taccy, Tamtrax, Tch, Technoir, Termo, Testicle, The Buzzard, The Byte Bandit, The Chelsea, The Communist, The Elegance, The Ghoul, The Leader, The Preacher, The Reaper, The Spy, Tjost, Trix, TTS, Twist, Vernest, VIC, Vicbert, Waco, Walt, X-Raffi, Xoss, Yazoo, Yoko, Yup, Zensonic, Zyborg

External links :
Two pictures from the two halls  (http://noname.c64.org/gallery.php?show=samso)
photos  (http://www.slengpung.com/?eventid=652)

Releases containing information on this event :
Brutal Demo-Party 92 Invitation  Invitation demo
Brutal Recall #10  Party invitation in the chapter "Brutal party...".
Brutal Recall #11  Party report.
Corruption #13  Party Report
Cyclone  This later fixed version of the demo mentions the party version (Cyclone [party version]) and the party.
Emanuelle #09  Party Report.
Fate #012  Party Invitation
Hotshot #19  Party Report.
Immortal Flash #14  Party Invitation.
Impulse #1  Party report
Independent #12  Invitation
Network #1  Party report in the chapter "Party report".
News Press #1  Invitation
Oksen  Party talk by Digit, Walt etc.
Oksen Preview  Some funny party talk by Digit/Xzess/Conic, Walt/Bonzai/Starion etc.
Pirates #13  Report
Recall #10  Party Report
Splash #10  Invitation

Party Reports :
- Submitted by Sat/Camelot (Sat) on August 22 2004

User Comment
Submitted by Morpheus on 25 September 2023
Why you would arrange a party on Samsø, the Island of Irritating Flies, I don't know. I mean, a location on mainland Denmark would have been easier for everybody. But we went there anyway and we had lots of fun! It was awesome to meet everyone there and I loved the wiggle joystick game compo. And oh, when we went out to party. Exalt/Antic disappeared and had apparently slept on the beach all night. Depeh/Antic and me were mesmerised by a girl at that party, but found out that she was out with her girlfriend. Oh, the broken hearts of two teenage boys, haha!

User Comment
Submitted by Starfox on 16 September 2021
Me and my brother (Meanace) was also there :) we weren't a part of any group at that time, since the C64 groups we were in, were all dissolved, and people had moved onto the Amiga.

We arrived in a bus we boarded in Aarhus. Then a small ferryride until we were on Samsø.

The island was INFESTED with flies. I have never seen anything like it in the burger joints/pizza parlors on the island.

We brought Our Amiga and monitor. And when we went out to eat, we displayed a b/w image of Arnold Swartzenegger, posing, on the monitor. I always feared the Amiga would get stolen while we were out :)

The place was horribly noisy, as most parties are. But it was completely impossible to sleep.

User Comment
Submitted by JCH on 16 July 2019
The #1 music entry has now been added.

User Comment
Submitted by Zyron on 26 March 2014
tlr: Planetary

User Comment
Submitted by tlr on 26 March 2014
So which tune did Danko win with?

User Comment
Submitted by Bob on 26 March 2014
Danko won the music compo.
Dragon came in second place.

and Dragon actually did his own tune

User Comment
Submitted by wacek on 16 January 2011
Uploaded 3 last missing gfx compo entries :)

User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 30 October 2010
could be a Danko tune released "by Dragon" so he could compete with 2 tunes

quite well possible, yep.

User Comment
Submitted by wacek on 30 October 2010
Rough, could be mispelled Danko, could be a Danko tune released "by Dragon" so he could compete with 2 tunes - there are many possibilities :)

Jeff, give us the tune then ;)

User Comment
Submitted by Linus on 30 October 2010
Without much luck it seems =)

User Comment
Submitted by Soren on 30 October 2010
I was there and competed with an 8-speed tune, btw :-)

User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 29 October 2010
Dragon/Censor in the music compo? Doubtful.

User Comment
Submitted by wacek on 29 October 2010
There is a small report by Anonym from this party (translated by Polonus) in Polish paper mag Kebab, issue 07-08/92. According to this report, the music compo results were:

1. Dragon/Censor
2. Danko/Censor
3. Guy Shavitt

User Comment
Submitted by Zyron on 9 October 2006
I wish I had been there too but I didn't have any money at the time.

User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 9 August 2006
Man, I would have loved to be at this party, just look at all the releases & the people who went there ..unfortunately I had just moved around that time and was too busy trying to find my way in a new town :(
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