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Rock'n Role Staff   

RnR Staff

Founded by :
Alf, Zap & The Blue Guard on 21 April 1990

Group Type :
Magazine Staff

Base Country :

Website :

Trivia :
The diskmag Rock'n Role is an idea of Commander/Role.
The name "Rock'n Role" is invented by Zap. Commander, Alf and Zap founded this diskmag.
Rock'n Role is a kind of follow up from the older diskmags "Atrog"
and "Internal" (which is still released under the Wow-label!).
These older mags are also born thanks to Commander/Role.
Rock'n Role began as a 1-sided diskmagazine, which
was released on a regular base. From issue 12 till 21, the diskmag
was 2-sided. Since issue 19, Rock'n Role wasn't released on a regular
base anymore. Most chapters in Rock'n Role were an idea of
Rock'n Role issue 22 has been coded and put together in an IFFL-version
by The Last Hacker/Tide/Role. The organising of issue 22 has been
done by Commander/Role. Issue 22 is located on one diskside.
Also Rock'n Role issue 23 is located on one diskside. Issue 23 has
been coded and put together by Cactus/Samar/Axelerate/Role.
The organising of issue 23 has been done by Commander/Role.
Issue 24 has been coded by Holy Moses/Role and put together by Commander/Role.
It is located on one diskside.
The organising of issue 24 has been done by Commander/Role.
Now, we try to release Rock'n Role on a regular base again starting with issue 24
(and probably always on one diskside located).
Issues 25 to 26 have been done the same way as issue 24.
With issue 27 we used a new code, also done by Holy Moses/Role, which made it possible to use a different music in every chapter again. This new code makes it also possible to use more disksides (if needed) for Rock'n Role.
And since issue 28, Holy Moses/Role added also the possibility of using animation in the charset.
Issues 24 till 30 have been coded by Holy Moses/Role. These
issues have been put together by Commander/Role. Also the
organising of these issues happened by Commander/Role.
Issue 31 has been coded and put together by Cactus/Oxyron/Padua.
The organisation happened by Commander/Role.

In September 2014 Commander/Role handed over the organisation of the diskmag to DJ Gruby, giving him his full permission to continue releasing new issues of "Rock'n Role" in the future. DJ Gruby however only managed to release a single issue, "Rock'n Role #32", before the organisation was taken over by Holy Moses.

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (6 left)   See votestatistics

All Members :
Commander (16/6-1990 -> ) .... Author, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Mega Swapper, Net Trader, Organizer, Swapper, Webmaster
Icegirl .... Diskmag Editor
Merman (12/12-2002 -> ) .... Diskmag Editor, Musician
Factor6   (inactive) .... Musician
Alf   (ex) .... Coder, Diskmag Editor, Modem Trader, Organizer, Swapper
Dash   (ex) .... Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Swapper
Dennis   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Effy   (ex) .... Diskmag Editor, Modem Trader, Public Relations Manager, Swapper
FRaNKy   (ex) (21/4-2000 -> 1/7-2006) .... Diskmag Editor, Net Trader
Holy Moses   (ex) (16/2-2001 -> 13/6-2003) .... Coder, Graphician
Kirk   (ex) .... Graphician
MAC   (ex) (12/12-2002 -> 27/1-2004) .... Graphician, Musician
Scipio   (ex) .... Diskmag Editor
Shake   (ex) (12/12-2002 -> 8-2004) .... Graphician
Sidder   (ex) (12/12-2002 -> 14/3-2006) .... Musician
The Last Hacker   (ex) .... Coder, Diskmag Editor, Organizer
Trott   (ex) .... Diskmag Editor
Vulgarik   (ex) .... Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Musician
War   (ex) .... Diskmag Editor
Zap   (ex) .... Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Modem Trader, Swapper

BBS's :
Maximum Impact (HQ)

Releases : (41)
DownloadRock'n Role #34 ... 2020 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #33 ... 2020 Diskmag(#8 Mixed at Excess & Abyss Connection Party 2020)
DownloadRock'n Role #32 Bugfixed ... 2018 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #32 ... 2018 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #31 ... 2003 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role Editor V1.0 ... 2003 Tool
DownloadRock'n Role #30 ... 2003 Diskmag(Released at Primary Star 2003)
DownloadRock'n Role #29 ... 2003 Diskmag(Released at Vision 2003)
DownloadRock'n Role #28 ... 2002 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #27 ... 2002 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #26 ... 2002 Diskmag(Released at Willow Party 2002)
DownloadRock'n Role #25 ... 2002 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #24 ... 2002 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #23 ... 2001 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #22 ... 2000 Diskmag
DownloadThe 2000 List ... 1997 One-File Demo
DownloadRock'n Role #21 ... 1996 Diskmag(Released at The Party 1996)
DownloadRock'n Role #20 ... 1996 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #19 ... 1995 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #18 ... 1992 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #17 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #16 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #15 ... 1991 Diskmag(Released at Venlo Meeting August 1991)
DownloadRock'n Role #14 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #13 ... 1991 Diskmag(Released at Venlo Meeting May 1991)
DownloadRock'n Role #12 ... 1991 Diskmag(Released at Venlo Meeting April 1991)
DownloadRock'n Role #11 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #10 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #9 ... 1991 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role Voting-Editor ... 1991 Tool
DownloadRock'n Role #8 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #7 ... 1990 Diskmag(Released at Venlo Meeting November 1990)
DownloadRock'n Role #6 ... 1990 Diskmag(Released at Venlo Meeting September 1990)
DownloadRock'n Role #5 ... 1990 Diskmag(Released at Venlo Meeting August 1990)
DownloadRock'n Role #4 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #3 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #2 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #1 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadRock'n Role #24 Main Menu (Unused Pic) ... ??? Graphics
DownloadRock'n Role #24 Worth Killing For (Unused Pic) ... ??? Graphics
DownloadRock'n Role Text Editor ... ??? Tool
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