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Founded on : 12 March 1989
Dissolved in :
Group Types :
Demo Group, Cracker Group
Base Country :
Trivia :
Group was formed by members of Tanglewood and people from International Cracking Service. More info about the founding can be read in A New Beginning.
User rating: | awaiting 8 votes (8 left) |
Ex Members :
Blue Thunder | (1990 -> 1991) | .... | Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Mega Swapper, Organizer, Swapper |
Corsa | | .... | Coder |
Danglewood | | .... | (unknown function) |
Empty Brain | | .... | Coder, Cracker, Graphician |
Extreme | | .... | Cracker, Mega Swapper, Swapper |
Guru | | .... | (unknown function) |
Jam Design | | .... | Coder, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Swapper |
Jeki | | .... | Importer, Original Supplier, Swapper |
L.Stone | | .... | Hardware-Guru, Swapper |
Logikor | | .... | Cover Designer, Swapper |
Luigi | ( -> 1989) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Swapper |
Magic Eye | | .... | Diskmag Editor, Swapper |
Mr Disk | (1989 -> 1989) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Original Supplier, Swapper |
Nike | | .... | Coder |
Renagan | | .... | Swapper |
RU71 | | .... | Graphician |
Sorbos | (8-1989 -> ) | .... | Coder, Cracker, Swapper |
Superflyguy | | .... | Coder, Graphician, Swapper |
Tankard | | .... | Importer, Original Supplier, Swapper |
The Face | | .... | Coder |
Thunderhawk | | .... | Swapper |
X-Ector | | .... | Coder, Diskmag Editor, Graphician, Musician, Organizer, Swapper |
Zambo | (1989 -> 1991) | .... | Coder, Cover Designer, Cracker, Diskmag Editor, Organizer |
Releases : (95)
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