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- The shape of infinity

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Group Types :
Demo Group, Game Development Group

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User rating:*********_  8.9/10 (27 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  8.8/10 (8 votes) - Public votes only.

Ex Members :
Acidchild (7-1993 -> 10-1996) .... Swapper
Comer (1994 -> ) .... Coder, Musician
Cresh (1/1-1993 -> ) .... Graphician, Swapper
Cruise .... Graphician
Fazee (1994 -> ) .... Coder, Graphician
Jack .... (unknown function)
Lucky .... Cover Designer, Graphician, Swapper
Motor .... Coder, Swapper
Ollie .... Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Logo Graphician, Swapper
Sailor .... Mega Swapper, Original Supplier, Swapper
Shaman .... Graphician
Shogoon (1993 -> 1999) .... Musician

Releases : (90)
Download64TASS V1.53.1515 ... 2017 Other Platform C64 Tool
Download64TASS V1.5x r349 ... 2013 Other Platform C64 Tool
Download64TASS V1.46 ... 2010 Other Platform C64 Tool
Download64TASS V1.45 ... 2005 Other Platform C64 Tool
Download64TASS V1.44 ... 2005 Other Platform C64 Tool
Download64TASS V1.43 ... 2004 Other Platform C64 Tool
Download64TASS V1.42 ... 2003 Other Platform C64 Tool
64TASS V1.41 ... 2002 Other Platform C64 Tool
Download64TASS V1.35 ... 2000 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadZakplus ... 1999 Music(#2 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 1999)
Download6502TASS V1.31 ... 1998 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadUntitled ... 1998 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Rush Hours 1998)
Download6502TASS V1.3 ... 1997 Other Platform C64 Tool
Download6502TASS V1.2 ... 1997 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadUntitled ... 1996 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Flag 1996)
DownloadWalk To Soul ... 1996 Music(#4 C64 Music at Flag 1996)
Download6502TASS V1.0 ... 1996 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadHopscotch ... 1996 Music
DownloadTakisobie ... 1996 Music
DownloadFor Astoria #6 ... 1995 Music(#9 C64 Music at P.U.K.E. 4x4 1995)
DownloadRitual II ... 1995 Graphics Collection
DownloadArizona Dream ... 1995 Music
DownloadI Need your Help! ... 1995 Misc.
DownloadOzone Friendly ... 1995 Disk Cover
DownloadAltered States 50% ... 1994 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Visual Party 4.0)
DownloadCommercial Fake ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Visual Party 4.0)
DownloadUntitled ... 1994 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Visual Party 4.0)
DownloadUntitled ... 1994 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Visual Party 4.0)
DownloadUntitled (2) ... 1994 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Visual Party 4.0)
DownloadAcidchild Ranx December 1994 ... 1994 Charts
DownloadFrom Sailor ... 1994 Misc.
DownloadCompo Picture ... 1994 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Tribute 1994)
DownloadCompo Picture ... 1994 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Tribute 1994)
DownloadEternal ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Tribute 1994)
DownloadZool (Commercial fake) ... 1994 Music(#2 C64 Music at Exile Party 1994)
DownloadFun Factory ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Fun Factory 1994)
DownloadUntitled ... 1994 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Elysium & Antia Party (June 1994))
DownloadAcidchild Ranx April 1994 ... 1994 Charts
DownloadIntrigue ... 1994 Graphics Collection
DownloadAcidchild Ranx January 1994 ... 1994 Charts
DownloadAlien ... 1994 Graphics(#10 C64 Graphics at Fatum Party 1994)
DownloadUntitled ... 1994 Music(#2 C64 Music at Fatum Party 1994)
DownloadUntitled ... 1994 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Fatum Party 1994)
DownloadUntitled ... 1994 Graphics(#12 C64 Graphics at Fatum Party 1994)
DownloadStrange ... 1994 Music(#6 C64 Music at Fatum Party 1994)
DownloadUntitled ... 1994 Music(#4 C64 Music at Fatum Party 1994)
DownloadUntitled ... 1994 Music(#3 C64 Music at Fatum Party 1994)
DownloadFun Factory ... 1994 Music
DownloadIntrigue ... 1994 Crack (Import)
DownloadBiliński ... 1993 Music(#3 C64 Music at Elysium & Antia Party (December 1993))
DownloadCompo Tune ... 1993 Music(#1 C64 Music at Elysium & Antia Party (December 1993))
DownloadUntitled ... 1993 Graphics(#16 C64 Graphics at Elysium & Antia Party (December 1993))
DownloadUntitled ... 1993 Graphics(#18 C64 Graphics at Elysium & Antia Party (December 1993))
DownloadUntitled ... 1993 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at Elysium & Antia Party (December 1993))
DownloadUntitled ... 1993 Graphics(#8 C64 Graphics at Elysium & Antia Party (December 1993))
DownloadAcidchild Ranx December 1993 ... 1993 Charts
DownloadAdvanced Music Searcher V5.244 ... 1993 Tool
DownloadShogoon #1 ... 1993 Music(#1 C64 Music at Asphyxia Party 1993)
DownloadUntitled ... 1993 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Asphyxia Party 1993)
DownloadAdvanced Music Searcher V5.234 ... 1993 Tool
DownloadAdvanced Music Searcher V5.400 ... 1993 Tool
DownloadAdvanced Music Searcher V5.411 ... 1993 Tool
DownloadAcidchild Ranx August 1993 ... 1993 Charts
DownloadList of Demos ... 1993 Misc.
DownloadAcidchild Ranx July 1993 ... 1993 Charts
DownloadUntitled ... 1993 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Elysium & Antia Party (June 1993))
DownloadAdvanced Music Searcher V4.206 ... 1993 Tool
DownloadWayne's Graphic-Collection ... 1993 Graphics Collection
DownloadAdvanced Music Searcher V4.187 ... 1993 Tool
DownloadAdvanced Music Searcher V4.149 ... 1993 Tool
DownloadAdvanced Music Searcher V3.147 ... 1993 Tool
DownloadPrimordial Dance ... 1993 Misc.
DownloadDestination ... 1992 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Skylight Party December '92)
DownloadIsland ... 1992 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Skylight Party December '92)
DownloadPlace in the Space ... 1992 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Skylight Party December '92)
DownloadAdvanced Music Searcher V2.139 ... 1992 Tool
DownloadGone with the Wind ... 1992 Demo
DownloadIFFL Level-linker V1.0 ... 1992 Tool
DownloadLevel-Crusher V1.0 ... 1992 Tool
DownloadAdvanced Music Searcher V1.126 ... 1992 Tool
DownloadTwo Logos Parados ... 1992 Graphics
DownloadIRQ/NMI-Turboloader V1.0 ... 1992 Tool
DownloadAltered States Previews ... ??? Demo
DownloadFresh Goes Better ... ??? Misc.
DownloadLoaders ... ??? Tool
DownloadMusic #1 ... ??? Music
DownloadMusic #2 ... ??? Music
DownloadMusic #3 ... ??? Music
DownloadMusic #4 ... ??? Music
DownloadMusic #5 ... ??? Music
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About this site:
CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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