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Unicess   ([ ])

- Power from Denmark

Founded by :
Mason & Exory in July 1989

Group Types :
Demo Group, Cracker Group

Base Country :

Trivia :
Unicess was born in July 1989.
According to Popcorn #2 it was formed by members of Coldcut.

The second Unicess was re-formed in 1992 from parts of Image. Other close friends joined us up.

Unicess released the papermag Imagination. Issue one got released under the Unicess label, where Crept of Flash Inc. also did some nice graphics.
Zak (Alagami/Chromance) was the main-editor and Dishy (ex.Chromance/Dominators) was co-editor.

Also the diskmag Popcorn was released by Unicess. 10 issues of Popcorn was released during the years. Issue #8 was released under the Image label.

Lots of fast quality cracks were released mainly by Ray/ex.G*P/F4CG/Vision and Mason, but also The Invisible Man/ex. The Ruling Company did lots of cool releases.

In periods Unicess and X-Factor had some smaller wars/problems, because some of the old X-Factor guys obviously didn't like their old group mate Mason. Actually quite funny to read some of the scroll-texts against X-Factor in their cracks. Check Robocod (X-F had just declared war to Unicess), Bug Bomber, Pharaos Revenge, Duckula II, Locomotion, Tetrados etc. :-) Most of the problems with X-F was solved when Faith got involved.

According to the scrolltext in DJ Puff cracked by Ray, Digit/Conic, Malcom/X-Factor and Decane/Bonzai joined in 1992.

Lots of cracks and wares are still missing.

User rating:********__  8.2/10 (15 votes)   See votestatistics

All Members :
Faith .... Modem Trader, Original Supplier, Swapper
Mason .... Coder, Cracker, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper
2Cool   (ex) (1990 -> 1990) .... Cracker, Swapper
Brainkiller   (ex) (1989 -> 1989) .... (unknown function)
Decane   (ex) (1992 -> 1992) .... Swapper
Defcon   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Delta   (ex) .... Logo Graphician
Detch   (ex) ( -> 1989) .... (unknown function)
Digit   (ex) (6-1992 -> 10-1992) .... Coder, Diskmag Editor, Swapper
Dishy   (ex) (4-1992 -> 9-1992) .... Mega Swapper, Modem Trader, Original Supplier, Papermag Editor, Public Relations Manager
Divine   (ex) (4-1990 -> 1990) .... Coder, Diskmag Editor, Logo Graphician, Original Supplier, Swapper
Dizzy   (ex) (1992 -> 1992) .... Swapper
Dodger   (ex) (1992 -> 1992) .... Original Supplier
Einstein   (ex) (1989 -> 1989) .... Swapper
Exor   (ex) (1989 -> 1990) .... Coder, Graphician, Swapper
Exory   (ex) (8-1989 -> 12-1989) .... Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Musician, Original Supplier, Swapper
Flower   (ex) (1992 -> 1992) .... Graphician
Frame   (ex) ( -> 1989) .... (unknown function)
Gator   (ex) (1989 -> 6-1990) .... Coder, Cracker, Swapper
Ghost   (ex) (1989 -> 1990) .... Cracker, Swapper
Gwildor   (ex) ( -> 1989) .... (unknown function)
Hades   (ex) .... Graphician
Heavy Head   (ex) .... Mega Swapper, Modem Trader, Swapper
Hungry Hero   (ex) (1989 -> 1992) .... Coder
Iceball   (ex) (7-1992 -> 1992) .... Coder, Cracker
Image   (ex) (2-1990 -> ) .... Coder, Graphician
Jason   (ex) (1992 -> 1992) .... Modem Trader, Swapper
Kring   (ex) (1992 -> 1992) .... Graphician
Malcom   (ex) (1992 -> 1992) .... Swapper
Mason   (ex) (12-1992 -> 1-1993) .... Coder, Cracker, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper
Mason   (ex) (4-1992 -> 9-1992) .... Coder, Cracker, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper
Mason   (ex) (7-1989 -> 6-1990) .... Coder, Cracker, Organizer, Original Supplier, Swapper
Mr.German   (ex) (1990 -> 1990) .... (unknown function)
MZK   (ex) (1989 -> 6-1990) .... Coder, Cracker, Graphician, Swapper
Nono   (ex) .... Swapper
Objector   (ex) (1992 -> 1992) .... Swapper
Raw   (ex) ( -> 1989) .... Coder
Ray   (ex) (5-1992 -> 10-1992) .... Coder, Cracker, Original Supplier, Swapper
RBA   (ex) (1989 -> 1989) .... (unknown function)
Refugee   (ex) ( -> 1992) .... Cracker
Rip   (ex) (1992 -> 1992) .... Coder
Roger   (ex) .... (unknown function)
Sat   (ex) (30/7-1992 -> 31/9-1992) .... Coder
Satomasokis   (ex) .... Swapper
Slatanic   (ex) (1989 -> 1992) .... Coder
Spiril   (ex) (1992 -> 1992) .... Musician
Tecon   (ex) .... Graphician
The Ghoul   (ex) (1992 -> 1992) .... Coder
The Invisible Man   (ex) (1989 -> 6-1990) .... Coder, Cracker
Victory   (ex) (1989 -> 1989) .... Coder, Graphician
Wave   (ex) (5-1992 -> 10-1992) .... Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician, Logo Graphician
Xoss   (ex) (5-1992 -> 29/6-1992) .... Mega Swapper
Yazz   (ex) (1989 -> 1990) .... Swapper
Yoga   (ex) (1989 -> 1989) .... Coder, Graphician
Zak   (ex) (4-1992 -> 10-1992) .... Cover Designer, Graphician, Papermag Editor, Swapper

Releases : (322)
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadCreatures 2 +4 ... 1992 Crack (Import)
DownloadBlue Baron +4 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadG.O.D. ... 1992 Crack
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadHandyScan Editor V1.1 ... 1992 Tool
DownloadChampionship of Europe ... 1992 Crack
DownloadChuck Rock +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadImagination #1 ... 1992 Papermag
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadArnie +4 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBlack Hornet +6 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadThe Addams Family +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1992 Crack Intro
DownloadAlderan64 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBangers & Mash +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBasket Playoff ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBattle Bars ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBonanza Bros +5 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadBug Bomber +4M ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCalippo Fresser +6M ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCatalypse +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCatalypse +3M ... 1992 Crack
DownloadColora ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCool Croc Twins +2M ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCreatures 2 +3M ... 1992 Crack
DownloadCreatures 2 +4 ... 1992 Crack (Import)
DownloadCruel Zone +3M ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDalek Attack +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDemon Blues + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDie Hard 2 +6G ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDJ Puff's Volcanic Capers +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDragon Hunter +6M ... 1992 Crack
DownloadDuckula II +4 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadEmpius ... 1992 Crack
DownloadET's Rugby League ... 1992 Crack
DownloadExis +5H ... 1992 Crack
DownloadFamous Five ... 1992 Crack
DownloadFirst Samurai +3P ... 1992 Crack
DownloadFrankenstein +7 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadG-Loc R360 +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadGauntlet III +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadGeo Matrix + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadGraeme Souness Soccer Manager ... 1992 Crack
DownloadInternational Ice Hockey ... 1992 Crack
DownloadInternational Ninja Rabbits +7 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadJames Pond 2: Robocod +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadLocomotion +3 [german] ... 1992 Crack
DownloadMagic Mouse in Goblin Land +5 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadMoons +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadNo Deeper Meaning +2H ... 1992 Crack (100%)
DownloadOskar + ... 1992 Crack
DownloadPharaoh's Revenge +2 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSmash Out ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSpace Crusade ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSpace Dunk +5 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadSteg the Slug +3G ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTetrados +4PD ... 1992 Crack
DownloadThe Bod Squad +5 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadThe Golden Pyramids +11M ... 1992 Crack
DownloadThe Pearl of Dawn +3 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTimepuzzle ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTranslogic +2H ... 1992 Crack
DownloadTurbo the Tortoise +5 ... 1992 Crack
DownloadKlax +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadMotion Logo ... 1990 Graphics
DownloadAstro Marine Corps +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadBallmania +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadCyberblocks Preview ... 1990 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDan Dare III +4 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadE-Motion + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadHead the Ball +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadHeavy Metal ... 1990 Crack (100%)
DownloadMicro Mouse +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadSpace Ace + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadThe Race ... 1990 Crack
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadB.C.T.-Logo ... 1990 Graphics
DownloadBest Cracking Team Logo ... 1990 Graphics
DownloadPersian Gulf Inferno +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadCash'n'Grab ... 1990 Crack
DownloadSonic Boom +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadInternal #01 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadPulsar Logo ... 1990 Graphics
DownloadWorldcup 90 - Arcade Soccer ... 1990 Crack
DownloadFantasy World Dizzy + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadChampionship Jet Ski Simulator ... 1990 Crack
DownloadCowboy Kidz + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadCookie-Eaters II +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadPenalty Soccer ... 1990 Crack
DownloadScramble Spirits ... 1990 Crack
DownloadSetros 2 +2 [seuck] ... 1990 Crack
DownloadCastle Master ... 1990 Crack
DownloadNinja Spirit +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadOperation Thunderbolt +6 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadPopcorn #6 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadPro Boxing Simulator +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadNote Writer V1.1 ... 1990 Tool
DownloadPsycho Hopper +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadRazoredge ... 1990 One-File Demo
DownloadScreenians 2 +3 [seuck] ... 1990 Crack
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadYeti +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadFast Food + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadThe North Sea Inferno ... 1990 Crack
DownloadInternal #01 preview ... 1990 Diskmag(Released at Venlo Meeting March 1990)
DownloadMadness V3 ... 1990 Tool(Released at Venlo Meeting March 1990)
DownloadHelden ... 1990 Crack
DownloadKeyfinders +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadUtil-Pack #02 ... 1990 Tool Collection
DownloadPopcorn #5 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadThomas the Tank Engine ... 1990 Crack
DownloadPic. Changer V2.1 ... 1990 Tool
DownloadSprite Extractor/Animator V2.0 ... 1990 Tool
DownloadJohn Elway's Quarterback ... 1990 Crack
DownloadAfter the War Part II +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadJohn Elway's Quarterback ... 1990 Crack
DownloadGaytors Birthday Demo ... 1990 One-File Demo
After the War - Part 1 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadAfter the War +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadAgiliberty II ... 1990 Demo
DownloadAlpha Drummer V1.4 ... 1990 Tool
DownloadBall +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadDecton-Editor ... 1990 Crack
DownloadMega Paratrooper [german] ... 1990 Crack
DownloadQuad II + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadUtil-Pack #01 ... 1990 Tool Collection
DownloadFighting Machine Preview +2 ... 1990 Crack (Import, Preview)
DownloadThe Quest of Kron ... 1990 Crack (Import)
DownloadOperation Neptune ... 1990 Crack
DownloadMaze Man & Decton +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadTX - The Game + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadUnicess Block Blaster V1.0 ... 1990 Tool
DownloadAcia ... 1990 Crack
DownloadBlue Angel 69 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadHurting The Ground ... 1990 Music
DownloadIllgen +5 100% ... 1990 Crack
DownloadPopcorn #3 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadSnare ... 1990 Crack (100%)
DownloadSteigar +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadThe Ninja Warriors ... 1990 Crack
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadWhite Max [german] ... 1990 Crack
DownloadAnother Intro ... 1990 Intro
DownloadArscet [german] ... 1990 Crack
DownloadBlinky's Scary School+2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadBlood Money +6 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadBlue Angels ... 1990 Crack (100%)
DownloadCastle Master ... 1990 Crack
DownloadCloud Kingdoms +4 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadCrack Down +4 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadDynasty Wars +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadGalacty Force ... 1990 Crack
DownloadHot Rod +6 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadHurting the Ground Preview ... 1990 Game Preview
DownloadImpossamole +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadInsects in Space +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadJungle Patrol +2 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadMadness V4 ... 1990 Tool
DownloadOlli & Lissa 3 + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadPhaedra ... 1990 Crack
DownloadPopcorn #4 ... 1990 Diskmag
DownloadRainbow Islands +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadRankings ... 1990 Charts
DownloadSetros 2 +2 [seuck] ... 1990 Crack
DownloadShift ... 1990 Crack
DownloadSledgehammer V2.2 ... 1990 Tool
DownloadSoundtrack #01 ... 1990 Music Collection
DownloadSpace Harrier 2 + ... 1990 Crack (100%)
DownloadSpacebike Simulator + ... 1990 Crack
DownloadThe North Sea Inferno +3 ... 1990 Crack
DownloadThe Ultimate Writers II ... 1990 Tool Collection
DownloadThe Ultimate Writers III ... 1990 Tool Collection
DownloadThe Wall ... 1990 Crack
DownloadUnicess Coder V1.0 ... 1990 Tool
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1990 Crack Intro
DownloadWorld Championship Boxing Manager ... 1990 Crack
DownloadWorld Soccer ... 1990 Crack
DownloadRingwars ... 1989 Crack
DownloadCarrier Command ... 1989 Crack
DownloadFallen Angel +4 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadFighting Soccer ... 1989 Crack
DownloadRevenge of the Sea Devils ... 1989 Crack
DownloadBeverly Hills Cop +6 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1989 Crack Intro
DownloadNea Eon +1F ... 1989 Crack (NTSC fixed, Import)
DownloadGuerra in Gzabeg ... 1989 Crack (Import)
DownloadNea Eon + ... 1989 Crack (Broken)
DownloadRollercoaster Rumbler ... 1989 Crack (100%)
DownloadMondo di Terminali ... 1989 Crack
DownloadFootballer of the Year II ... 1989 Crack
DownloadTarget Preview + ... 1989 Crack (Import, Preview)
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1989 Crack Intro
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1989 Crack Intro
Download4 Colour Converter ... 1989 Crack
DownloadBattle Chess ... 1989 Crack
DownloadGraphic/Sprite Mega-Object-Converter ... 1989 Crack
DownloadMagic Poker 64 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadScreen-Editor V1.0 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadSir Char Editor + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadUnderground +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadFuturo Prossimo ... 1989 Crack
DownloadKilometri Impossibili ... 1989 Crack
DownloadLaser Base ... 1989 Crack
DownloadOtherworld ... 1989 Crack
DownloadTurbo Girl +3 ... 1989 Crack (Import)
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1989 Crack Intro
DownloadMr. Heli + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadDouble +2 ... 1989 Crack (Import)
DownloadRick Dangerous +3 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadThunderbirds + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadCitadel +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadUnicess Intro ... 1989 Crack Intro
DownloadBreak Ball ... 1989 Crack (Import)
DownloadThe Hopping Hoodlum ... 1989 Crack
DownloadLicence to Kill +6 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadLicence to Kill +6 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadPhobia + ... 1989 Crack (100%, Import)
DownloadStarflight ... 1989 Crack
Download6 in 1 Collection ... 1989 Tool Collection
DownloadA Nightmare on Elm Street ... 1989 Crack
DownloadAmerican Express +9 ... 1989 Crack (Import)
DownloadAPB +3 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadBods Template Designer V1 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadBubble It ... 1989 Crack
DownloadCatch'em ... 1989 Crack
DownloadChambers of Shaolin ... 1989 Crack
DownloadChaos 2+7 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadChase HQ +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadCoball [seuck] ... 1989 Crack
DownloadCommodore Disk Menu Kit ... 1989 Crack
DownloadContinental Circus + ... 1989 Crack (Import)
DownloadCrazy Cursor [german] ... 1989 Crack
DownloadCrazy Runner ... 1989 Crack
DownloadCrest Logo ... 1989 Graphics
DownloadCrest Logo ... 1989 Graphics
DownloadD.I.S.C. Preview ... 1989 Crack (Preview)
DownloadDir Master V2.0 ... 1989 Tool
DownloadDisk Module V3.0 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadDragon Spirit +3 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadEight in One +6 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadElven Warrior +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadFighter Bomber ... 1989 Crack
DownloadFighting Machine Preview +2 ... 1989 Crack (Preview)
DownloadFinal Tennis ... 1989 Crack
DownloadFootballer of the Year II ... 1989 Crack
DownloadFortress +3 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadGarfield 2 - Winter's Tail + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadGazza Super Soccer ... 1989 Crack
DownloadGhouls'n'Ghosts +4 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadGilbert + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadGo-Kart Simulator +3 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadGP logo-FLI ... 1989 Graphics
DownloadGreenpeace Rainbow Warrior +2MH ... 1989 Crack
DownloadGuerra in Gzabeg ... 1989 Crack
DownloadHunt The Ground Preview ... 1989 Crack
DownloadJailbreak +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadJeremias Ratterflatter +4 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadKoala-Pic to Chars Konverter V1.0 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadLaser Squad ... 1989 Crack
DownloadLimbo ... 1989 Crack
DownloadLogo 4 TBP ... 1989 Graphics
DownloadMagic Raster Editor V1.0 [german] ... 1989 Crack
DownloadMaverick V1 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadMoon Ceti 2 +6 [seuck] ... 1989 Crack
DownloadMoonwalker +8 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadOtherworld +6 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadPanic ... 1989 Crack
DownloadPhobos ... 1989 Crack
DownloadPopcorn #2 ... 1989 Diskmag
DownloadPower Drift ... 1989 Crack
DownloadRainbow Chaser +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadRooter ... 1989 Crack
DownloadRugby Boss ... 1989 Crack
DownloadShark +4 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadSpace Harrier II + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadSpace Hockey ... 1989 Crack
DownloadSprite Editor V1.0 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadStar Wars 4 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadSteigar +3 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadStrider +4 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadStunt Car Racer ... 1989 Crack
DownloadSuper Mario Bros III + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadSuper Oswald + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadSuper Tank Simulator + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadTag Team Wrestling ... 1989 Crack
DownloadTerrorprode ... 1989 Crack
DownloadThe Champ ... 1989 Crack
DownloadThe Official Father Christmas Game +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadThe Quest of Kron ... 1989 Crack
DownloadThe Real Stunt Experts ... 1989 Crack
DownloadTime + Saga Logo ... 1989 Graphics
DownloadToobin +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadTusker + ... 1989 Crack
DownloadTusker +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadUnicess Logo ... 1989 Graphics
DownloadWarriors of Time 2 +7 [seuck] ... 1989 Crack
DownloadWicked + ... 1989 Crack (Import)
DownloadXenon +3 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadXis +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadZjggen +2 ... 1989 Crack
DownloadZoggon ... 1989 Crack
DownloadB-Raid + ... ??? Crack
DownloadCCGMS V17.2 ... ??? BBS Software
DownloadChampionship Golf ... ??? Crack
DownloadContact Us ... ??? Misc.
DownloadCursor Logo ... ??? Graphics
DownloadIspace Logo ... ??? Graphics
DownloadLogo 4 WOW ... ??? Graphics
DownloadLogo 4 WOW 2 ... ??? Graphics
DownloadMission Impossibubble + ... ??? Crack
DownloadPostman Pat II ... ??? Crack
DownloadTAT Logo ... ??? Graphics
DownloadTurbo Menu Maker ... ??? Crack
DownloadUnicess Coder V1.1 ... ??? Tool
DownloadWOW Logo ... ??? Graphics

User Comment
Submitted by Dishy on 13 February 2004
Do any of you Unicess members remember the old passcode for our insider-notes, hehe. Even Mason have forgot. Maybe you should crack one of our old insider notes then? You don´t need any trainers, HAHA

User Comment
Submitted by Dishy on 9 February 2004
Unicess released the papermag Imagination. Issue one got released under the Unicess label, where Crept of Flash Inc. also did some nice graphics! Zak(Alagami/Chromance)was the main-editor of the papermagazine Imagination. Dishy(ex.Chromance/Dominators) was co-editor of Imagination.

Also the diskmag Popcorn, was released by Unicess. 10 issues of Popcorn was released during the years. Issue #8 was released under the Image label!

Lots of fast quality cracks were released mainly by Ray/ex.G*P/F4CG/Vision and Mason, but also The Invisible Man/ex. The Ruling Company did lots of cool releases!

In periods Unicess and X-Factor had some smaller wars/problems, because some of the old X-Factor guys obviously didn´t like their old group mate Mason. Actually quite funny to read some of the scroll-texts against X-Factor in their cracks(Check Robocod(X-F had just declared war to Unicess), Bug Bomber, Pharaos Revenge, Duckula II, Locomotion, Tetrados etc.:-) Most of the problems with X-F was solved when Faith got involved.

According to the scrolltext in DJ Puff cracked by Ray, Digit/Conic, Malcom/X-Factor and Decane/Bonzai joined in 1992!
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