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XESS 2 - Rewind   [1987]

XESS 2 - Rewind Released by :

Release Date :
18 February 1987

Type :
C64 One-File Demo


User rating:*********_  8.5/10 (10 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... El Stocko
Music .... Xei
Graphics .... El Stocko

SIDs used in this release :
Rewind Mix(/MUSICIANS/T/Taylor_Stuart/Rewind_Mix.sid)

Scrolltext and other text in this release : ()
Non-Scrolling Text

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User Comment
Submitted by Motion on 8 February 2021
Back again to watch this great demo!
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Submitted by 4mat on 22 October 2016
Absolute classic. Brilliant era for demo ideas.
User Comment
Submitted by JackAsser on 14 March 2007
Damn... all those tiny animations brings back ALOT of memories I've forgotten I had. WOW! Thank you! I think I have tears in my eyes. :D
User Comment
Submitted by Motion on 10 September 2006
Nice one, Stocko! As a matter of interest, you can purchase all the Zzap issues scanned onto Disc. Take a look :-


or a direct link, as it's hard to find at first glance :-


User Comment
Submitted by El Stocko on 10 September 2006
I think this site should have a seperate section for the kind of thing that follows below. Zzap!64 magazine had a monthly review of Compunet and it's demos, and I've transcribed the one which includes XESS2 here. I think it would be a good idea to have a section for ALL of Zzap's demo reviews, and maybe similar sections from other magazines. It gives you a flavour of what demos got noticed, when they came out, what the competition was like, and good old nostalgia value. If you agree, somebody email the webmaster! Here's the review..

From Zzap!64 issue number 24, April 1987. By Gary Liddon.

This month sees yet more of the usual thrills and spills provided by that most interesting of entertainment media, the Compunet Demo. Yes folks, you guessed it, even more of those adrenalin provoking proggies with all the fave features that everybody just loves to see. And this month we've got them all - bit map screens, Rob Hubbard music and sprites in the border scrolling messages!

Actually, despite this youthful cynacism, things are getting a bit better in the whacky world of demodom. The most prolific demo factory are the relatively new Mean Team, who are now showing some imagination in their work. And very quick they are too - it seems that a game only has to be in the shops for a few pico seconds before The Mean Team have hacked out the music and transferred it into demoness. MT productions worth looking at include Sid & Vic's First, BREAKTHRU MT, Mutants, and It's War! - all these and more, can be found at the Mean Team's DIR at 220883.

'Pick of the Pops' this month is The Judges latest (and probably greatest) file of fun, Crazy Sample II. Odd it is indeed, with the demo including two new, original pieces of music by a foreign chap called Red. Though quite twee, the music is certainly listenable - but it's the graphic accompaniment that makes it all worthwhile. Mr Headroom struts his funky stuff in time to one of the tunes - and highly amusing it is too. I'm not so sure about the scrolling message written in a strange blend of German and English, but overall it's a worthwhile download and can be found at DEM6 (or thereabout).

If you've got a bit of time on your hands, The Highlanders Animator is worth picking up for the £2.50 it costs. This package is capable of producing fast and zappy text frame animation by scaling, rotating and animating any image you create. I say it's worthwhile if you've got a bit of time, as creation of an animated sequence can be quite a chore - the machine needs a while to create each frame, but the end results usually make the experience worthwhile. It's possible to save or load your sequences out to disk or tape, and if you shell out another quid for an extra utility entitled ANI DEMO MAKER, it's even possible to create stand-alone demos. GOTO 216895 for a look.

Another demo that came to our attention and held it very well is XESS 2 - Rewind at DEM6. It's the computer equivalent of "Stars On 45", with 20 teeny snippets of some 64 games along with a few of their soundtracks as rendered on Electrosound. Oh No! Not Leccysound, I hear you shout... but they are very good so have a look and DNLD...
User Comment
Submitted by Motion on 2 September 2006
Yeah, that was great info and adds to the nostalgia. It wasn't boring, Stocko. Let's face it, we're not here because we're bored, but because we're passionate about the scene and it's history. Trying to preserve the past for others to share and enjoy. So more detailed info please!
User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 2 September 2006
One of my fave compunet demos, partly inspired Rewinder X both in name & style.
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