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Threshold +6HD   [2024]

Threshold +6HD Released by :
Nostalgia [web]

Release Date :
21 June 2024

Type :
C64 Crack

Videosystem: any
Proper release: 101%


User rating:awaiting 8 votes (3 left)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Crack .... Fungus of Nostalgia
Trainer .... Fungus of Nostalgia
Original Supply .... S!R of Nostalgia
Bug-Fix .... Fungus of Nostalgia
Docs .... Mayhem of Reset Magazine Staff
Test .... Comos of Angels, Nostalgia, Onslaught
  Dmantione of Nostalgia
  Hurminator of Nostalgia
  ItsP of Nostalgia

Intro used in this crack:
DownloadNostalgia Intro redn0s by Nostalgia

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User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 28 June 2024
I would like some feedback as to why this has gotten a couple 8 votes (I'm not complaining), did I miss something or leave a bug in it?

What can I do better?

It's not because of the intro is it?
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 24 June 2024
Yes this is an extra feature we started adding lately.
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 24 June 2024
Ah okay, this is for auto-booting (i never had a C-128).
User Comment
Submitted by Fungus on 23 June 2024
They are correct, the C128 boot block is allocated ;)
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 23 June 2024
You didn't use Dirmaster to create the d64, did ya? It looks a bit weird indeed :)
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 22 June 2024
Nice. By the way, I noticed, that there always seems to be one block missing, on the disksides of the last releases, if you add up the blocks of the files on the respective disks (here in this case, 615 Blocks must be free normally, for example). But as long as everything works, it doesn't matter, I just noticed it.
User Comment
Submitted by Dr. Doom on 22 June 2024
Thank You For This Crack Fungus!
excellent mega trainer version.
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