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The Last Ninja   [1987]

The Last Ninja Released by :

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C64 Graphics  (MultiColor)

User rating:**********  9.7/10 (14 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Graphics .... Dokk

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User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 12 August 2010
very true, but still suspect in the fact that they took his name off it? and ofc the fact that "certain" sw houses (and their MD's) had already acquired a name for being "a bit dodgy"
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Submitted by Oswald on 12 August 2010
STE, still "pretty sure" is not convincig enough that he told the story how it happened. he might have cashed in the check early as mark says.
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Submitted by TPM on 12 August 2010
*LOL* @ Stainless
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 12 August 2010
@ Oswald.
Oswald you have to realise that advertising and box art for games is done months in advance of the actual finished product. hence LN poster ads appeared well before the release. Easily enough time to do over an artist who has produced c64 art based on your poster if you are dodgy and unscrupulous enough.
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Submitted by Oswald on 12 August 2010
"pretty sure" :)
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Submitted by Cresh on 12 August 2010
Tell us about your The Last Ninja picture. It was never drawn for the game, but it ended up in it. From the things I've heard about Mark Cale, I assume he thought he could use your picture as he pleased as it was a copy of his ad art.

Ah, well the story I heard was that I had been sent a check to pay for travel to System 3, which didn't happen for whatever reason. I used that check to pay for a visit to another company (I think it was Thalamus, but I don't remember). Now, I'm pretty sure he'd already used my screen in the game without paying me, which is why I cashed the check, but he used that check-cashing incident as his own reason for using the screen. So in a way I did get paid. As it turned out, it didn't really sour our relationship. I was working for him full-time within two years.

User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 12 August 2010
so it was made for the last ninja afterall, just Dokk got not paid ?
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Submitted by Motion on 12 August 2010
@Oswald: You need to read Dokk's interview. A certain individual at System 3 was not very nice. I have friends that suffered a similar fate.

Dokk also made the very nice Bangkok Knights bitmap, but that wasn't used in the game. Take a look at the Radix Picture Show.

Anyway, look at the Elite loading screen by Robin Levy - that wasn't made for the game neither. Thankfully that wasn't stolen! Many c'netters made loading screen pics in an attempt to showcase their skills.

@STE'86: What's with the filename, eh? ;D
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 12 August 2010
so how come while some guys made a ninja game, dokk accidentally made a picture which perfectly suited their needs?
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Submitted by Stainless Steel on 12 August 2010
Ok, Dokk was the best. Well him and Bob and a few others :-D
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 12 August 2010
Contrary to popular belief this was NOT done as the loader for last Ninja. It was stolen and used without credit to Dokk on the game. Also in Zzap's cnet/art gallery. Now THIS is c64 iconography at it's peak :)
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