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Heeeere's the MeanTeaM   [2010]

Heeeere's the MeanTeaM Released by :

Release Date :
17 October 2010

Type :
C64 Graphics  (MultiColor)

Your friendly CSDb bullies

User rating:********__  8.3/10 (42 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  9.1/10 (12 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Music .... Linus of Crest, Resource, Tristar & Red Sector Inc., Viruz
Graphics .... Lars of Focus

SIDs used in this release :
Locomotive Chef(/MUSICIANS/L/Linus/Locomotive_Chef.sid)

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User Comment
Submitted by Joe on 2 February 2013
Border piece :)
User Comment
Submitted by Jak T Rip on 1 January 2011
Respect to Lars for a brilliant picture (including the brilliant theme of the picture), to Linus for a wonderful music and to PAL for a very decent comment. Oh, and Jailbird for the perfect summary, too :)
User Comment
Submitted by FATFrost on 9 November 2010
@Saehn.. is that some new type of interlace mode? ;)
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 19 October 2010
When I'm around the back yard, it's me who does the talking, the grass is just simply there. I'm not crazy, just OK. And sophisticated analogies are my superpower.

So. Not the best from Mirage, yet not the worst either. It's a fairly well executed experiment, and most of the lab rats showed up the usual behavior. To provoke the downvoting-, the converting-, the pro/con copying- and Leon-apologist mob with one single release is just as exciting as it used to be. Congrats, Lars :]
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 19 October 2010
Sorry for trolling. Truly awesome pic, copy or not. and much better than Silversurfer :)
User Comment
Submitted by Mirage on 19 October 2010
@Mr.Ice: either that, or the grass in his back yard talks like that and he's ok with it and is just trying to copy it ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Mr.Ice on 19 October 2010
Maybe JB is just trying to tell us that some of the people are talking bullshit here?:)
User Comment
Submitted by Mr. SID on 19 October 2010
How do you define real C64 graphics?
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 19 October 2010
What is the point of doing anything on the c64 in 2010? Now that is the real question here... In offence we have found out that it has to be because it is very much fun to do things together with friends again. Lars: I sure hope you had a good time in doing this image and it is very good... keep on having fun and let us just not be a part of all the discussions that much, to keep up the fun part that is... It seem that a lot of people here at the forum knows very much about everything...
User Comment
Submitted by FMan on 19 October 2010
What's the point of releasing these converts? It's not real C64 graphics.

User Comment
Submitted by Mirage on 19 October 2010
@Oswald: I think Jailbird gave them all a headache ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 19 October 2010
So where are the guys who constantly flame leon about copying? Come on come on!
User Comment
Submitted by booker on 19 October 2010
saehen: ye but why to read production notes? ;))

Quoting Lars
Since STE'86 was doing so much 2000 AD stuff, i thought i'd try my hand on one as well...
User Comment
Submitted by saehn on 19 October 2010
I thought it was commonly known...? Lars pretty much always starts off with a wire-job/convert, then edits the results. He stated that this is a copy in the production notes, too. But there's no denying that there's design- and pixelling-skill there, IMO.

User Comment
Submitted by Isildur on 19 October 2010
I like the pic.
Maybe it's convert, but i see almost every pixel was set by hand.
Look at the dithering. I'd call it sketch rather than a convert (before handpixeling).
User Comment
Submitted by wozza on 19 October 2010
Lovely Pic! - Don't really care how the pic's created; it looks good and I wouldn't be able to do any better - to me, I'm in no position to criticize.
Jailbird: Remind me never to get drunk with you! think I'd have to check myself in hehe 8)

User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 18 October 2010
Erm. Jailbird's last comment has given me a headache. I need to go lay down...
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 18 October 2010
very cool pic! I'd say this is not only inspired by STE's 2000ad fetish, but also by SIT's awesome greyscaling in gollum.

yay for bordergfx ;)
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 18 October 2010
what jailbird said =D
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 18 October 2010

:P a relative?
User Comment
Submitted by The Communist on 18 October 2010
jailbird: either your google translator is infected or you just want to fry brains.
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 18 October 2010
You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.
User Comment
Submitted by The Communist on 18 October 2010
Jailbird: I knew before I looked into your profile that english is not your mother tongue. I didn't understand even a forth of your sentence. I presume it is a sentence. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by GT on 18 October 2010
Great image, I like it.

Mother's I'd Like TO Fck is also written MILF by the way and not MILTF. ;)
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 18 October 2010
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
User Comment
Submitted by Wile Coyote on 18 October 2010
The Mean Team (MT)

Warriors of the Wasteland (WoW)
and not (WotW) or (WW) or (WtW)

I'm not sure about the exact rules although 'the' seems not so important.
User Comment
Submitted by JCB on 18 October 2010
@TMR, yeah, you're right it "should" be MT as that's what it always has been but the logos all do make it look like it should've been MTM and even Ste's profile page on here has an MTM one he chopped out of a recent logo redraw....
User Comment
Submitted by T.M.R on 18 October 2010
i thought Meanteam contracted to MT rather than MTM, isn't that the company that produced Hill Street Blues with the kitten in their logo?!

As for votes, i gave myself a 1 for everything years ago, saves a lot of grieft that. =-)
User Comment
Submitted by Moloch on 18 October 2010
Very nice image, it definitely catches a certain feel.

Have voted what I deem this image deserves, others should keep that in mind. It's each persons choice what a release is voted, there are no rules that govern this type of voting.
User Comment
Submitted by saehn on 18 October 2010
Eh, I used to be much more concerned about voting than I am now. Now I value typed-out commentaries much more. I've recently seen someone make a too-low vote (IMHO) for one of our "casual" demos, who then turned around and gave a high vote to a similar demo. Meh. Constructive criticism from peers can be useful, but voting is so subjective... and comes from all walks of sceners. Some coder might vote a 10 for a poorly-drawn dragon pic, just because he likes dragons. Or maybe the gfxian comes from his country, etc. Or maybe it's more complicated... for example, I generally don't vote on images I don't like, or ones that I think were wired. That doesn't mean that images that I don't vote on necessarily belong in either category. I don't think that voting should be taken too seriously.
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 18 October 2010
@ ervin: thank you! (i was hoping for a mathmatical rather than a code based formula but beggars can't be choosers :) and is this sql the formula that csdb uses? or just "an sql formula"? anyone?
User Comment
Submitted by Ervin on 18 October 2010
User Comment
Submitted by booker on 18 October 2010
Hooded Chefs :) Me likes.

User Comment
Submitted by The MeatBall on 18 October 2010
It's a cool pic of how the MeanTeam looks (or should look) :)
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 18 October 2010
moderation sucks. live with it.
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 18 October 2010
ah so another pointless discussion on palettes was more meaningful than a pointless discussion on voting?

i see...

edit and could you explain how in detail, a "weighted average" can be a median system please? post formulae if u can. thanks
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 18 October 2010
ah i see so what you are saying is that only something that gets 50 votes can be expected to get a fair voting average? not exactly democracy at its best really is it?

that has nothing to do with democracy and everything with statistics. before you can interpret data in any meaningful way, you need a considerable amount of samples (hint: 50 wont be enough either)

time to persue a different voting system maybe? there are several variations on the 3 types of avaraging (mean/median/mode) to choose from afterall.

csdb is using a median approach. however, the key is having more voters. changing the voting system is pointless if there are not enough people voting.

also, like others said, take it to the forum. this "OMG DOWNVOTE!" whining in every second entry is getting tiresome. (maybe read a book about statistics too).

still funny somehow to see "artists" argue about different taste of different people, and/or complaining about the fact that voting is highly subjective (in its own right even).

edit: STE, general discussion not related to the entry (like the downvoting whining) is something very different to a discussion related to an actual entry
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 18 October 2010
@oswald LOL good one tell us another joke! quote groepaz when i objected to my entries turning into discussions:

"theory vs common practise. i dont even want to imagine what would happen if we'd actually enforce that no discussion can be in the comments. hell, its so common *most* entries are like this. live with it" so there you go!
User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 18 October 2010
Lol the picture is nice but the drama that ensues is even nicer. Good work Lars :-D and oh yeah borders gfx rules :D
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 18 October 2010
PAL: time to read CSDb's rules. Comments are for comments, and forums are for discussions.
User Comment
Submitted by Wile Coyote on 18 October 2010
Looks sinister, doom n’gloom.
There’s something borderline statue too bout the figures.
User Comment
Submitted by Motion on 18 October 2010
Welcome to England ...Wow! You've improved on the original greatly. The addition of rain has made the illustration even more foreboding. Truly fantastic!
User Comment
Submitted by The Shadow on 18 October 2010
This picture is amazing :)
User Comment
Submitted by Deev on 18 October 2010
Almost everything gets downvoted anyway, so I tend to think it evens itself out. I've been given 4s on things that I've released, if someone thinks they're worth a 4 then fair enough, if they're just doing it to downvote, then as Groepaz says, there's not enough votes in general to give a true reflection anyway, so I won't be losing sleep over a lower average. I'm generally just satisfied that *some* people like what I'm doing.

Oh...and nice pic, not as awesome as some others by Lars, but I like the border usage! Nice to see a bit more subtle scene commentary as well :)
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 18 October 2010
Celtic: ehhh... what? Say that again and mean it for real and stand for that! This forum is because of us the users of the c64 and this forum, that is a fact!

There is a place for everything and in this thread and also in a lot of other threads on this forum it is sure the right of every member to talk about the votes as the vote system fail to do justice to the work put into productions these days, democracy or not! There are a total chaos in the voting system and it is just silly to me... this is not a four, it must be above minimum 6 for the music and the art when one see the art and music scene in a whole on the c64... well I will let it rest, I just find it silly... the whole voting system on here... Laxity, you suck and do deserve the two rating... silly it is... yoda do not compute this...

TAO: I understand your point but it is a bit silly... example... in other odd hobbies they do have some rules... like in the vetaran car hobby erea... he he... they vote based on what they vote for... I mean, the c64 is something special and holds some boundries and it is more easy to do a full blown modern illustration on the pc with all its ram and software than on the c64... there should be some logics in here in a way... but you are right, why bother at all???....
User Comment
Submitted by Tao on 18 October 2010
I think the up/downvoting thing is blown out of proportion.

Someone doesn't believe that Jedi is the greatest group since the dawn of mankind? So what?

Someone believes that a demo with 113.5 sprites in the side border is better than Mentallic? Yes, that's crazy in my opinion, but big deal?!

People have different tastes. People hold grudges. People idolize. People are people.

Hell, there's even people that don't consider (Waters-era) Pink Floyd as the best band ever, strange as that may be...
User Comment
Submitted by Celtic on 17 October 2010
The Discussion about voting/downvoting etc. is and should be held in the forum. Please stick to comments about this picture.

And i think it is nice that Lars is inspired by STE. I like that.
User Comment
Submitted by Ervin on 17 October 2010
I like the pic, besides there are some statistical filters which deal with extremist votes, such as
-ignoring the upper and lower x% of votes
-using the modus (=the score given by the most voters)
-using the median (=the middle value of the ordered scores)
-[just kidding] weighting the sceners' votes inversely proportionally to the deviation of their votes from the average score of each prod they voted for :)
(Meaning: you voted 2 for a 8.7 prod?! Yer votes shall worth less, worm! ;))
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 17 October 2010
ah i see so what you are saying is that only something that gets 50 votes can be expected to get a fair voting average? not exactly democracy at its best really is it?

time to persue a different voting system maybe? there are several variations on the 3 types of avaraging (mean/median/mode) to choose from afterall.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 17 October 2010
as soon as a relevant number of people voted, it wont do anything. the basic mistake is to interpret statistical meaning into something based on 20 votes :)
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 17 October 2010
I think we should do something with the downvoting here on this site. Can we create a formula that takes in consideration what the average vote is and just slash the downvotes from that formula? I do not know dut I sure think it is sad that people do downvote... like this demo, it is nothing really splendor in code but it is very nice in music and art... still it lacks more to be one of the top demos but on another view it is strong due to its simple mission. We should do something about this thing... I do not like the totally unlogical votings on here... It is not a big problem for me personally but it is just very annoying... in a way....
User Comment
Submitted by STE'86 on 17 October 2010
nice image actually. but isnt it a bastard what a sly 6 does for your voting average? perhaps people will be a bit less quick of the mark to judge me when i call somebody out for doing just that from now on huh?
User Comment
Submitted by Conrad on 17 October 2010
Nice picture, but since when were the MeanTeam scallie's? :P
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 17 October 2010
cool! wish there was a demo around it in the same graphical/musical vein :)
User Comment
Submitted by daison on 17 October 2010
Great atmosphere,
Nice border trickery too!
User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 17 October 2010
User Comment
Submitted by FATFrost on 17 October 2010
Hmmm, are you trying to start a beef? Ste might be a bully, but you should never become a bully to beat one. I find this picture a bit cocky and uninspired. Please make some nice tasty games and focus demos please, not people bashing converts. :p
User Comment
Submitted by Perplex on 17 October 2010
Very nice!
User Comment
Submitted by TPM on 17 October 2010
this is just so cool! excellent border-gfx, the glow/shine effects are working out very well as well as the rain and wrinkles are perfect! Very great job, Lars!
User Comment
Submitted by JCB on 17 October 2010
awwww we're not bullies :P

I like it, but there was only ever 3 members, one of those guys needs to get "rubbed out" ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Archmage on 17 October 2010
Powerful imagery here and the Linus-tune works very well with it.
User Comment
Submitted by PAL on 17 October 2010
Incredible cool! Is that dude in the middle STE?
User Comment
Submitted by Matt on 17 October 2010
this is just awesome!
it's the combination of the awesome gfx and the great soundtrack. ten!
the anonymous voting 3 is a wanker.
User Comment
Submitted by Mr. SID on 17 October 2010
Excellent work! Very powerful imagery... Now I'm waiting for STE's comment... ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Dane on 17 October 2010
Nice display of your border editor, Lars.
User Comment
Submitted by Celtic on 17 October 2010
This looks awesome. Love multicolour pics, and this one is especially nice!
User Comment
Submitted by Cobra/Samar on 17 October 2010
Multicolor? Ok, but I don't like converts pics.
Maybe this is not converting?
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