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Daydreamer   [2007]

Daydreamer Released by :
Booze Design

Release Date :
29 January 2007

Type :
C64 Graphics  (HiRes)

i don't want to grow up...

User rating:********__  8.4/10 (16 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  8.7/10 (8 votes) - Public votes only.

Credits :
Graphics .... Jailbird of Booze Design

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User Comment
Submitted by Motion on 9 December 2007
Other than the eyes (which I find somewhat disturbing) - I like the pic - the lack of detail on the nose seems in keeping with the overall style.

...and as for the SPECCY comment... if it's in the hardware specification, why ignore it? It's another avenue of experimentation. Embrace it. :)

User Comment
Submitted by _V_ on 9 December 2007
Great hires picture, makes me look forward to pixelling one myself. However, we should keep in mind not to do hires gfx too often, though, we're c64 graphicians, not Spectrum pixelers ;).

Drawing a picture is a tangible result of a state of mind. How it is evaluated, is entirely up to the state of mind of the artist and those observing the drawing.

Your helpful tips may have value for you and other people, as it changes the drawing into something those people will evaluate in a more positive light. However, this may also result in people - who evaluated the original positively - evaluating the new drawing less positively. Perhaps more people will like the new drawing than before, but this is irrelevant unless it (was) is the artist's intent to "please" as many viewers as possible and that losing some old viewers in order to gain a larger amount of new viewers is okay with him (her).

My two objective cents.
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 3 February 2007
"Just trying to help and not just supply empty ass-pats"

That's the reason why so many arguments and flamewars are waged in forums - NOT ENOUGH ASS PATS! Everyone thinks that praise is less important than criticism, but it is simply NOT!

Dole out the ass pats galore, guys, and help make the intarwebby a better place! 8)
User Comment
Submitted by Ed on 1 February 2007
Yeah. It is hires allright :)

Like I said, in 2007 everything is possible...
User Comment
Submitted by Jammer on 1 February 2007
it cannot be hires! holly fuck!
User Comment
Submitted by Ed on 30 January 2007
yes. the open outline ... ;D
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 30 January 2007
Editing pixelart is old news:

User Comment
Submitted by macx on 30 January 2007
That is something I am all unfamiliar with , why I look forward to be reading it. It could perhaps be merged into the standards of today (as I am in no way favouring an idea of dialectics in such a manner).

If the monster thread continues to be interesting I will enjoy it tomorrow. Now I am leaving for bed (THAT is how relaxed I am :)).
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 30 January 2007
Don't understand me wrong, I put a high value on Helm's comments and will keep in mind some of the suggestions, comments he made here. Besides, I think we mostly had a quite healthy and beneficial discussion, at least speaking for myself.
I'm also familiar how the non-scene pixellers deal with each others' work on Helm's pixel forum (mind you, not in a negative context!). We're perhaps not used to it.

And hurray for another monster-thread of comments \:D/
User Comment
Submitted by macx on 30 January 2007
I am relaxed. I just fancy the idea of people using this place as a forum for exchange of creative mental explorations. My comments tend to be the usual boring types, like most people here can come up with. Being in constant war with the jante-law I felt I had to say something when someone actually was able to say something beyond "duh!". :-)
User Comment
Submitted by Ed on 30 January 2007
Come on guys. What kind of realism are you really talking about anyway? I must be daydreaming...

I like the hair, but again there are clashes running all over the place. Nothing too bad, just as long as you are able to "hide" it, which is surely not the case all around here as it pops up here and there. (on the other hand believe me; look at all the old games and you will see they are not that well hidden either, so nothing new under the sun and nothing to be ashamed of.. ) ;D

and yeah. I dont mind colorclashes myself. Just bring em on ;D and besides, who the fuck is able to tell what is a colorclash or not?

I like the effect though. the diagonal shapes forming the hair just like that.. the background image, the spotty kind of like face.... Actually I am surprised there are not more artists that take it just one step further... Sure Mermaid of course. but then the bitmap made those spots and tweaks even more so a texture....

There is something lacking here, the eyes. the .. I don't know for sure. For me the whole concept of a face looking at us, and I am staring back... It requires something this picture does not have. This one looks away... I feel this picture is way to easy, way too secure. the other one you did jailbird, sure had some more attitude. I met a hard woman face. She stared me right back in the face... Here I find avoidance...

But sure; finding errors, beautiful things about it or whatever... Seem pointless perhaps.. this picture is personal as you said. and these comments will perhaps not give you anything back.

2007 and everything is possible still. That is my motto...

User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 30 January 2007
Nothing negative about Hein's question, and I didn't mean anything bad with my unfunny remark either. So relaaaaaaaaaax maaaaaaaaaaan ;)
User Comment
Submitted by macx on 30 January 2007
Helm has got a point you lads. It is not like he is babbling on with empty utterances of which, when being questioned, he is unable to vocal a decent vindication of.

There is a difference between thought through critique and spam attacks, especially on a scene database (one would think).
User Comment
Submitted by Helm on 30 January 2007
I see what you're saying Jailbird. I'm just worried that the motive won't be clear to a viewer (as it wasn't on me) and therefore what you say are artistic choices look more like errors or ommisions. As far as I can tell, this piece then is sitting on an uncomfortable mid-point between realism and surrealism and it would require a decisive push in either direction so it just doesn't look broken and wrong. Just my two cents.

Hein: I've decided that when I see stuff that I think could bear betterment I'm going to voice my opinion here and offer any critique I can, which the artist can take or leave. Just trying to help and not just supply empty ass-pats or even worse, votes that do nothing and have done nothing for 20 years. I take my time in formulating my critique and I'd appreciate it if I'm not talked down to for my effort. Time it takes to vote on this piece and say "congrats Jailbird" : 10 seconds. Time it took me to write these texts and work in hi-res for a picture that isn't mine: 3 hours. Respect at least that.

This isn't a museum. You don't vote on the pictures in museums, nor is there a little piece of paper under the pieces of art where you write in your opinion. When the csdb stops having voting and space for commentary on the productions I won't go out of my way to draw on the exhibits. Thanks.
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 30 January 2007
The sharp relieves would probably turn the general dream-like, soft ambient to cartoonish and/or stilized, which I certainly wanted to avoid on this particular picture.
Your idea is to emphasize certain details and I'd accept that only if I had any intention to paint a realistic motive, well, which wasn't the case here.

So speaking of anatomy: the hair's pattern is unrealistic and the forehead doesn't looks correct neither. The poor emo kid doesn't have ears and the eyeballs are way too big. No shadow like that could appear on a cheek, and what are those weird holes all around the face?

I gladly accept ideas/suggestions from others, especially if I respect them for their work, but in this case I can't really say I fully realize the point.
User Comment
Submitted by TDJ on 30 January 2007
Helm is proud to have been kicked out of several world famous museums.
User Comment
Submitted by Hein on 30 January 2007
Helm, you do that kind of stuff in a museum as well?
User Comment
Submitted by Helm on 30 January 2007
I see. Let me just get my scalpels... :P

Your nose has a shadow below it that helps portray volume, that would be a good idea to implement in the picture as well. As it stands - and hence the confusion - the face with soft shapes and heavy shadows around the eyes suggests towards the female.

The thing with hires is that in order to blend things, a lot of localized detail is sacrificed, and you're left with very blobish, pillow-shaded shapes. I feel this piece, as well as similar hires ones would benefit from sharper detail even if they have to occur at the expense of total smoothness everywhere.
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 30 January 2007
@Helm: man, have you ever seen my nose? :) I thought I gave enough of clues in the "AKA" section, but that's me (as a young boy). And I have a terrible nosehedge-warp since the age of 7 or something. Yeah I wish I'd have a nose like you have painted, but not everyone is such a handsome barbarian as you are ;~)

So, please edit this as well:


Well anyhow, an intention to pixel correct/perfect anatomy was totally out of question this time. I thought that's more than obvious.
User Comment
Submitted by Tao on 30 January 2007
@Helm: I prefer the original =)
User Comment
Submitted by Helm on 30 January 2007

here's mainly a nose edit, because I felt the anatomy was suffering too much. I hope it helps.

Disregard purple-to-blue fuckup in the background, ProMotion did that and it's not imperative for the purposes of the edit to fix.
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 30 January 2007
Well I didn't mentioned even with a single word it's a bad thing. :)
What I'm trying to tell is that there are a handful of very talented/known graphicians who influenced (not just) my work and who's style might be similar to this, but people who're not acquainted with old-school Amiga/PC graphics immediately bring up Cyclone when something close to Amiga-alike style appears on C64, just because several of his graphics were converted to C64 by Rayden. Cyclone is a hell of a graphician and I adore his works but gosh, Cyclone != old school Amiga/PC style.
Or should I convert to C64 some pieces from RA, Jamon, Danny, Haplo, Facet, Made, Critikill or Visualice (just to name a few) in order to make you start think of them as well? :)
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 29 January 2007
Quoting wile coyote
The style of the picture reminds of an image by either Rayden or Cyclone
OH NOES, not again! :) WEC, you should check out our conversation with Ed on the product page of Smart Girls Hate Booze :)
User Comment
Submitted by Deev on 29 January 2007
I like it, interesting pixel style!
User Comment
Submitted by HCL on 29 January 2007
Gosh, what was that ultracool gfx-mode called said you? Hires bitmap!! Simply super-döhner.
User Comment
Submitted by Ed on 29 January 2007
Thanks! Emulator days and thumbnails make everything different in the C64 scene.
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 29 January 2007
@Ed: ok, I turned it off :) You should watch it on the real thing anyway ;)

Quoting Ed
<edit> I like the simple yet effectful way of including the colors in the hair, but come on: what's up with her eyes? </edit>

I demand my right to not to be hyper-realistic all the time! ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Ed on 29 January 2007
My eyes fuck up from the weird toggle between pal emulation. It gives me the feeling of me malfunctioning in the lifeworld, which is kind of fun considering the title of the picture.

Other than that It seems you have found a great technique to make pictures of this quality become possible in hires.

<edit> I like the simple yet effectful way of including the colors in the hair, but come on: what's up with her eyes? </edit>
User Comment
Submitted by jailbird on 29 January 2007
Thank you for your comments, guys!

Just a few words about the picture, it won't be long I promise! :)

An Ugly, Single Color Female Face was the pure practice of tehnique without any base motive or theory, whilst Daydreamer is mostly reflecting my inner self.

Hi-Res was chosen as it gives me the pleasure of non-fragmented pixelling but still provides a fun-dose while I'm trying to cover its limitations. Considering the bright colors, I know it looks a bit saturated on the initial Vice screendump (yes, it's really called like that!), but I wanted to avoid using dark parts in hi-res as they simply dissapear (blend into the background) on the real thing. Even middle-gray or purple dithering gets blurred into black on a TV set (sometimes you hardly see any pixels at all)... Anyhow, I made a GIF anim, with and without the applied pal filter so you could compare it (well, more or less).

PS: HCL don't worry, I'm already on some other pieces as well ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Fzool on 29 January 2007
User Comment
Submitted by Skate on 29 January 2007
Hair is just perfect!
User Comment
Submitted by Scout on 28 January 2007

User Comment
Submitted by Tao on 28 January 2007
User Comment
Submitted by Mirage on 28 January 2007
Odd, it even looks like a spectrum picture... is that because the darkest colours haven't been used to fade to black? (i.e. hardly any brown/darkblue colours?)
User Comment
Submitted by nucleus on 28 January 2007
sunce te neogrejalo!

ps. stigao je sleper, kad cemo da radimo? :D
User Comment
Submitted by DeeKay on 28 January 2007
In your face, Speccy GFXians! ;-) Nice work, JB!
User Comment
Submitted by MagerValp on 28 January 2007
Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 28 January 2007
User Comment
Submitted by leonofsgr on 28 January 2007
wow! hi-res rules! respect! ;_P
User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 28 January 2007
holy shit \o/ :D
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