Triiod 3 - The Final [1995] |
Credits :
Code | .... | Fuben of His-Team Design, Oxyron, Relax Magazine Staff |
Music | .... | Drax of Bonzai, Crest, Vibrants |
| | Fuben of His-Team Design, Oxyron, Relax Magazine Staff |
| | Metal of Bonzai, Camelot, The Pulse Magazine Staff, Vibrants |
| | Peace of Oxyron |
Graphics | .... | Alias Medron of Chromance, His-Team Design, Padua, Samar Productions |
| | Moose of His-Team Design |
| | Skud of Chromance, His-Team Design |
Design | .... | Fuben of His-Team Design, Oxyron, Relax Magazine Staff |
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User Comment Submitted by The Shadow on 30 December 2008
Friggin' cool and you have just got to love that mysterious woman. | User Comment Submitted by Alias Medron on 12 May 2003
All gfx in this demo were joystick pixeled.. the Earthworm Jim pic is 100% done on the c64.. it was looked up from an original picture ofcourse but there is not even one converted pixel.
The hires graphic with the reversed colours is no joke.. Fuben just used the wrong colours (just like in 4 years Oxyron in the morphing part if i remember right :) | User Comment Submitted by jailbird on 25 March 2003
MR.SEX about the coding,
Well, this is coded by Fuben/Oxyron, so it was quite a surprise to see it under that label. But it's explained in the demo and the note coming along with it... Okey, after the fake "system error" start some graphics and information are thrown out and the demo begins. After the usual textwriter the loader has finished it's job, then a sierpinski fractal is being drawn and immedeatly after it there comes a 2 screens wide picture. But now to the first real effect in this demo. It's a hires Mandelbrot fractal. It's made with 2 colors and it's far too slow to give any entertainment. Maybe the amount of iterations has been misjudged... Anyway, after waiting until it finishs the calculation you will see some more Mandelbrot fractals. This time in 4*4 fli resolution with a quite reasonable speed. After pressing the space, more pictures are being shown and then comes another 4*4 fli routine. This one is the familiar shaderoutine but instead of typical balls there is a linedraw routine, which shades the colors. Nothing impressive though. The end part appears after some pictures and for a surprise it isn't a scroller but a game! In the game you have to shoot a moving vectorobject to see congratulation graphics & music. Nice, huh ? :-) Well, this was quite a disappointment for me as I expected a lot more from Fuben/Oxyron. Anyway, this demo was based more on graphics than code. Hopefully the next Oxyron demo will be out soon, because he has been saving his better routines for it.
37 % for coding...
EARTHQUAKE about the graphics,
The first graphic worth mentioning is a His-Design/Accept Design logo in Koala-mode. It seems to be a bit old, because the paper role (just remember Dutch Breeze - The End) became really boring after extensive usage during the last years. The graphician didn't touch the limit of this mode and wasn't very creative, too. A fullscreen - picture showing a woman which looks a bit familiar to the one from the DSA2- cover, gives us the name of the demo. The image was done in IFLI and looks quite ok. Just the eyes point in different directions which looks funny :). The face could belong to a male and the hair appears just outlined which stands opposite to the general quality of this picture. Next the cool Earthworm Jim appears in a 2 screen wide image. This character of the Shiny Entertainment game (MD/SNES) earned a lot of honour especially in the version for Mega CD. The background with the colormixing (brown/purple) doesn't cause a good effect at all. The worm in his special suite has been painted very well, but I'm not sure whether the graphic was completely done by the C-64 painter... The following picture shows a Mortal Combat character in FLI (don't know it's name). On the one hand his head is too big for my taste, but on the other hand the colors are well used. Next picture shows a gate to the universe or whatever. It looks like the entrance to a temple. Some stairs lead to the door between two columns, where another dimension begins. The ground is a chessboard actually, what gives a small 3D- effect. But what's wrong with the next artwork ? First I thought of a bad joke by Fuben. He really managed to destroy a complete picture with setting the wrong background/fore- ground colors. The background HAS to be lighter than the foreground otherwies it stinks... Everybody, who is able to freeze and turn the colors of this hires-picture should do that and he is going to see how well pixeled the warrior is (white background should be enough). The graphician did a very good job - the coder failed in this part. The next picture is again in IFLI. It shows a female fighter, I guess it's from Mortal Kombat too? Well, this image is only of average quality. Although it is IFLI it only uses few colors. The anatomy seems to be wrong... The last graphics of this demo appear in the little game at the end. I have nothing more to say than that they are as colorful as bad.
Ratings for the graphic: 65 %
SYNDROM about the music,
Well, this is one of the few demos, which feature a complete NEW soundtrack. That's the way it should be...! The music used in the intro was made by Fuben (!) and is quite old and simple, but was just used to have something to use anyway I bet. The first real tune was composed exclusively by Peace/Noice. It's quite funky and contains a lot of interesting sounds and rhythms... He learned quite a lot the past years. I hope you'll keep being active, Thomas! One thing is annoying though, when the tune gets faded, $d418 makes terrible sounds - caused by faulty coding... ok, next tune was done by DRAX exclusively and is quite old. It is quite short too, too bad it gets looped several times until the demo goes on... Anyway, it's kinda "oldstyled" like tunes by Galway and stuff. Ok, the next music was done by Drax too and it's also one of his older tunes, but still used exclusively. And as I said it's old it features the style Drax used to compose in a few years ago... Discolike with some great solos and proper use of vibrato in the lead... The next (and last) music is a coop-music between Metal and Drax and has been used without permission, but that's another story... As the names should let it expect you, both composers have assembled their musical knowledge and talents to compose a real kicker-tune. The rhythm is quite similar to bossanova (remember your dancing-lessons in school ? :0 ), and the chords, bass and melody are just as great as we are used to hear from Vibrants. Keep up the good work, dudes! ok, there is another music in this demo, as there is in the end- part, but this music, which was composed by Prosonix, is ofcourse great, but unfortunately old and was used many times before... So all in all
81 % for the music...
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