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Samar Productions   (SMR)


Founded by :
Ramos in September 1993

Group Types :
Demo Group, Music Group, Magazine Staff

Base Country :

Website :

User rating:*********_  8.6/10 (34 votes)   See votestatistics
*********_  9.3/10 (14 votes) - Public votes only.

All Members :
BroneCk (1/1-2017 -> ) .... Coder, Webmaster
Cobra (12-2003 -> ) .... Graphician, Swapper
Don Kichote (17/11-2013 -> ) .... Coder
ElfKaa (4/2-2023 -> ) .... Coder, Cracker
F7sus4 (16/2-2018 -> ) .... Musician
Fidel (1/9-2018 -> ) .... Coder
Gaetano Chiummo (27/12-2013 -> ) .... Musician
Ged (22/1-2019 -> ) .... Graphician
Golara (26/1-2019 -> ) .... Coder
Isildur (1995 -> ) .... Coder, Graphician, Musician, Organizer
jetan (9/10-2023 -> ) .... Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician, Logo Graphician
MCH (2/9-2017 -> ) .... Musician
Pardon (2/7-2003 -> ) .... Graphician
Pece (16/12-2012 -> ) .... Musician
Skull (18/1-2006 -> ) .... Coder
Slajerek (17/5-2015 -> ) .... Coder
Tetsuo (13/9-2018 -> ) .... Coder, Graphician
TheTom (7-2018 -> ) .... Coder
uka (25/5-2012 -> ) .... Graphician
yeon (12/1-2022 -> ) .... Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician, Logo Graphician
Yugorin (3/9-2016 -> ) .... Coder, Organizer, Public Relations Manager
Conrad   (inactive) (11/1-2007 -> ) .... Coder, Musician
10log   (ex) (2004 -> ) .... Coder
A'Igor   (ex) (12-1993 -> 1994) .... Coder, Diskmag Editor, Logo Graphician
Alg   (ex) .... Cover Designer, Fullscreen Graphician
Alias Medron   (ex) ( -> 12/12-2005) .... Graphician
Almighty God   (ex) (2004 -> 27/3-2005) .... Logo Graphician
Angee   (ex) (1994 -> 1995) .... Musician
Aristo   (ex) (1995 -> ) .... Coder
Aristocrat   (ex) (1994 -> 1994) .... Mega Swapper
Art Man   (ex) (1993 -> 1994) .... Coder
Asterion   (ex) (2003 -> ) .... Coder, Graphician, Musician
Axel   (ex) (25/8-2008 -> ) .... Coder
Bischop   (ex) (1996 -> ) .... Cover Designer, Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician
Bladee   (ex) (26/2-2001 -> ) .... Graphician
Butt-man   (ex) (1995 -> 1998) .... Coder
Bynios   (ex) (1994 -> 1994) .... Coder
Bzyk   (ex) (1998 -> 1/9-2003) .... Musician
Cactus   (ex) (7/8-1999 -> 1/9-2002) .... Coder, Organizer, Swapper
CenTraX   (ex) .... Coder, Organizer, Swapper
CRD   (ex) (2007 -> 2007) .... Coder, Musician
Cris   (ex) (1994 -> 28/8-1995) .... Swapper
Daf   (ex) (1995 -> ) .... Musician
Diverse   (ex) (1995 -> 1996) .... Graphician
doZe   (ex) (14/8-2006 -> 2013) .... Coder, Graphician
Dune   (ex) (1995 -> 1997) .... Musician
Elk   (ex) (9-1993 -> 1994) .... Coder, Musician
Eor   (ex) (1994 -> ) .... Coder
Exen   (ex) (1994 -> ) .... Coder
Exevil   (ex) .... Graphician, Swapper
Falcor   (ex) .... Coder
Gloin   (ex) ( -> 1995) .... Graphician
Glover   (ex) (1995 -> ) .... Coder, Musician
Gold Hand   (ex) .... Coder
Gollum   (ex) .... Graphician
Gregfeel   (ex) (1996 -> 1997) .... Musician
Hardscore   (ex) (1995 -> 1996) .... Swapper
Heartshade   (ex) .... Mega Swapper
Hermit   (ex) (22/5-2008 -> ) .... Coder
Invaser   (ex) (1994 -> 1-1995) .... Musician, Swapper
Ivan   (ex) (2002 -> ) .... Musician
Jammer   (ex) (2002 -> 15/2-2021) .... Musician
jetan   (ex) (3/7-2018 -> 9/10-2023) .... Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician, Logo Graphician
Joey   (ex) (1993 -> 1994) .... Graphician, Musician
Jones   (ex) .... Musician, Swapper
JSL   (ex) .... Logo Graphician
Kheela   (ex) .... Fullscreen Graphician, Graphician, Logo Graphician
Kordiaukis   (ex) ( -> 1998) .... Musician
Kosa   (ex) ( -> 2001) .... Coder
Kozyca   (ex) .... Graphician
Levi   (ex) .... Fullscreen Graphician
Logan   (ex) .... Coder
Luke   (ex) (1993 -> 1994) .... Coder
MacArthur   (ex) ( -> 15/12-2005) .... Coder, Swapper
MaLiK   (ex) (16/9-2005 -> ) .... Coder
Marmandamus   (ex) .... Fullscreen Graphician
Maverick   (ex) .... Swapper
Moaner   (ex) .... Cover Designer
Mojzesh   (ex) (11/6-2021 -> 1/8-2022) .... Coder, Graphician
Mr Wegi   (ex) (19/7-2009 -> 6/2-2015) .... Coder
Mr. Fiz   (ex) (12-1993 -> ) .... Coder
Nata   (ex) (8/5-2005 -> 16/4-2006) .... Musician
Neck   (ex) (1995 -> 1997) .... Coder
Nop   (ex) (1995 -> 1995) .... Coder
Nylu   (ex) (1993 -> 1997) .... Fullscreen Graphician, Logo Graphician
Orin   (ex) .... Mega Swapper
Phobos   (ex) (1999 -> ) .... Musician
Praiser   (ex) (4-1994 -> 1995) .... Musician
Raf   (ex) (14/2-2003 -> 3/7-2005) .... Coder, Webmaster
Ramos   (ex) (9-1993 -> 15/8-2015) .... Diskmag Editor, Mega Swapper, Musician, Organizer
Remetal   (ex) (1995 -> 1997) .... Coder
riskej   (ex) (7/10-2008 -> ) .... Graphician, Musician
Robak   (ex) (12/9-2005 -> ) .... Cover Designer, Graphician, Webmaster
Sahir   (ex) .... Swapper
Scarab   (ex) (7/8-1999 -> ) .... Graphician
Scarlet   (ex) (9-1993 -> ) .... Coder, Musician, Swapper
Scatee   (ex) (1996 -> 1998) .... Diskmag Editor, Logo Graphician, Swapper
Senti   (ex) (1995 -> 1996) .... Graphician
Seul   (ex) (1993 -> 1994) .... Coder, Graphician
Sidder   (ex) (5/5-2004 -> ) .... Musician
Silver Bullet   (ex) .... Swapper
Stinger   (ex) (1995 -> 2001) .... Coder, Fullscreen Graphician
Stranger   (ex) (1993 -> 1994) .... Graphician
Surgeon   (ex) (1995 -> 1996) .... Musician
Talbot   (ex) (1994 -> 1995) .... Logo Graphician, Swapper
Timix   (ex) (1995 -> ) .... Graphician
TTL   (ex) (1997 -> 1997) .... Coder
Valsary   (ex) (1996 -> 1999) .... Graphician
Viper   (ex) (2002 -> ) .... Coder
Warrior   (ex) (9-1994 -> 1996) .... Fullscreen Graphician, Swapper
Worm   (ex) (27/1-2004 -> 8/3-2004) .... Graphician
Yogibear   (ex) .... Musician
Zapotek   (ex) .... Cover Designer, Swapper

Releases : (688)
DownloadAizawa Attractor ... 2024 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Mysdata 2024)
DownloadMorning Stretching ... 2024 256b Intro(#2 C64 256b Intro at Zoo 2024)
DownloadGardeNerd ... 2024 Graphics(#5 Mixed Graphics at Syntax 2024)
DownloadMD'24 Daily News ... 2024 One-File Demo(Released at Moonshine Dragons 2024)
DownloadNie złomna ... 2024 Graphics(#10 C64 Graphics at Moonshine Dragons 2024)
DownloadSiVsC ... 2024 EasyFlash Release(#3 WiLD Demo at Moonshine Dragons 2024)
DownloadJtnCL#2 ... 2024 Graphics(#77 C64 Graphics at C64GFX.com CharSet Logo Compo 2024)
DownloadDefMONRelocator 1.0.0 ... 2024 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadDefMONRelocator 1.1.0 ... 2024 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadJtnCL#1 ... 2024 Graphics(#17 C64 Graphics at C64GFX.com CharSet Logo Compo 2024)
DownloadSummer Is Coming ... 2024 Intro(#1 C64 Demo at BCC Party #18)
DownloadROD ... 2023 Intro(#6 C64 64k Demo at Xmas/Winter 1-Screener Online Compo During #4th Live With C64 Demoscene)
DownloadHappy Ninja ... 2023 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Wired AI Ninja Compo 2023)
DownloadYes, You Are All Wrong ... 2023 One-File Demo(#1 Mixed at Stupid Rainbows Compo)
DownloadAncient Aliens ... 2023 Invitation(#3 Mixed Demo at Xenium 2023)
DownloadI Love the Dots ... 2023 256b Intro(#13 C64 256b Intro at Lovebyte 2023)
DownloadRobohead ... 2023 4K Intro(#5 C64 Fast Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2022)
DownloadBass Inference ... 2022 One-File Demo(#7 C64 Demo at Transmission64 3rd Edition (2022))
DownloadAmanita (80%) ... 2022 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Moonshine Dragons 2022)
DownloadRasengan ... 2022 Graphics
DownloadBloodlust ... 2021 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Skull Animation Compo 2021)
DownloadParallel Dream ... 2021 Graphics(#9 C64 Graphics at World Wide ZOO)
DownloadZoo Run! ... 2021 Graphics(#15 Mixed Graphics at World Wide ZOO)
DownloadNada the Space Pirate and Her Incredibly Brave Flying Droids ... 2021 Graphics(#8 Mixed Graphics at Function 2021)
DownloadThe Shadows Thieves ... 2021 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Flashparty 2021 Online Edition)
DownloadRhodium ... 2021 Music(#5 C64 Music at Techno Compo 2021)
DownloadC64 65XE NES Debugger V0.64.58.6 ... 2021 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadICC'20 Samartro ... 2021 Intro(#13 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2020)
DownloadOne Voice Matters Not ... 2020 Music(#7 C64 Music at Filterless Single Channel Compo 2020)
DownloadAncient Walk ... 2020 One-File Demo
DownloadPersei ... 2020 Music(#52 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadGarry's Glittering Saliva ... 2020 Music(#6 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadXi Jinping's Dream ... 2020 Music(#57 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadRyan Went Sling ... 2020 Music(#31 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadAqua Trip ... 2020 Music(#10 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadHasta La Vista, 6502! ... 2020 Music(Released at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadOrange Electron ... 2020 Music(#33 C64 Music at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
Download3.6 - Not Great Not Terrible ... 2020 Music(Released at 2020 Short Music and SFX Loop Competition)
DownloadAwesawme or Saw I Heard ... 2020 Music(#6 C64 Music at Filterless $21 Compo 2020)
DownloadCalming Stream [2sid] ... 2020 One-File Demo
DownloadYou Don't Get to Rush This ... 2020 Music(#11 C64 Music at 25Hz Music Compo 2020)
DownloadTimewarp Spheres [2sid] ... 2020 Music(#10 C64 Music at 25Hz Music Compo 2020)
DownloadSo Grainy It Hertz ... 2020 Music(#4 C64 Music at 25Hz Music Compo 2020)
DownloadOrganisms Structures Equations ... 2020 Music(#6 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2020)
DownloadMonty on the Run - D'n'B Edit [2sid] ... 2020 Music(Released at Gubbdata 2020)
DownloadTake Your Time, Babe ... 2020 Music(#13 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2020)
DownloadParties Are Freedom ... 2020 Invitation(#2 C64 Demo at Most Unreadable Scrolltext Scroller Compo (Mibri Edition))
DownloadLost in the Night ... 2020 Music(#9 C64 Music at 2020 Quarantine Emotional Music Compo)
DownloadStreet of My Soul ... 2020 Music(#5 C64 Music at 2020 Quarantine Emotional Music Compo)
DownloadC64 65XE Debugger V0.64.58 ... 2020 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadTank Icon ... 2020 Graphics(#270 C64 Graphics at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadMario Mushroom ... 2020 Graphics(#77 C64 Graphics at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadHex and Chill ... 2020 4K Intro(#28 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2019)
DownloadJohnny 5 (7x8) ... 2020 Graphics(#49 C64 Graphics at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadLonely Tree (8x8) ... 2020 Graphics(#13 C64 Graphics at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadNanodem (7x8) ... 2020 Graphics(#43 C64 Graphics at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadNo Compo Is Valid without Johnson (7x7) ... 2020 Graphics(#17 C64 Graphics at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadPlumber in Action (10x8) ... 2020 Graphics(Released at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadAztec Cocaine Chamber ... 2020 Graphics(#78 C64 Graphics at Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020)
DownloadPetscii Cola 0.5 ... 2020 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadDeeKay Tea ... 2019 4K Intro(#14 C64 4K Intro at Intro Creation Competition 2019)
DownloadC64 65XE Debugger V0.64.56.8 ... 2019 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadRippin' Off The Most Jazzy Lads Around As I Didn't Come Up With Any Fresh Idea On My Own, Sigh. ... 2019 Music(#5 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2019)
DownloadDesert Night'78 ... 2019 Music(#7 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2019)
DownloadWhat the Fuck Is Going On?! ... 2019 Music(#6 C64 Music at What’s Up Cover und Remix Compo)
DownloadGotcha! ... 2019 Graphics(#8 Mixed Graphics at Syntax 2019)
DownloadEvil ... 2019 Graphics(#3 Mixed Graphics at Xenium 2019)
DownloadLight Years [3sid] ... 2019 Music(#6 Mixed Music at Xenium 2019)
DownloadTechnolooper [2sid] ... 2019 Music(#4 Mixed Music at Xenium 2019)
DownloadNGC 1277 100% ... 2019 Demo(Released at Gubbdata 2019)
DownloadWatcher of Time and Space ... 2019 Intro(#2 Mixed Demo at Decrunch 2049)
DownloadGhost in the Sydney ... 2019 One-File Demo(#6 Mixed Demo at Flashback 2019)
Download80squares ... 2019 Music(#2 C64 Music at Moonshine Dragons 2019)
DownloadA Piece of Moldy Cheese ... 2019 Music(#3 C64 Music at Moonshine Dragons 2019)
DownloadC64 65XE Debugger V0.64.56.6 ... 2019 Other Platform C64 Tool(Released at Moonshine Dragons 2019)
DownloadFirestarter [2sid] ... 2019 Music(#1 WiLD Demo at Moonshine Dragons 2019)
DownloadNGC 1277 80% ... 2019 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Moonshine Dragons 2019)
DownloadViking with Beer Mug ... 2019 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Moonshine Dragons 2019)
DownloadBad Boy ... 2019 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Forever 2019: 8-Bit Aliens)
DownloadTrippy Trappy ... 2019 Music(#5 C64 Music at Fjälldata 2019)
Download$28 Slajerek ... 2019 Intro
DownloadC64 65XE Debugger V0.64.56.4 ... 2019 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadRasta Punch ... 2019 Intro(#22 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2018)
DownloadSpacebar ... 2019 Intro(#21 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2018)
DownloadFunky Punky ... 2018 4K Intro(#5 C64 4K Intro at X'2018)
DownloadStargazer ... 2018 Music(#26 C64 Music at X'2018)
DownloadUkiyo ... 2018 Invitation(#15 C64 Demo at X'2018)
DownloadC64 Debugger V0.64.56 ... 2018 Other Platform C64 Tool(Released at X'2018)
DownloadMow Mi Aloes [2sid] ... 2018 Music(#4 Mixed Music at Riverwash 2018)
DownloadLossless Converter PNG/GIF to ArtStudio ART ... 2018 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadCentral Park [2sid] ... 2018 Intro(#1 Mixed Demo at Silesia Party 9)
DownloadRed Herring Caught Red Handed ... 2018 Music(#1 C64 Music at Silesia Party 9)
DownloadEEPROM ... 2018 256b Intro(#44 C64 256b Intro at The 128b Font Compo)
DownloadEmboss [69 bytes] ... 2018 256b Intro(Released at The 128b Font Compo)
DownloadMarbles [94 bytes] ... 2018 256b Intro(#43 C64 256b Intro at The 128b Font Compo)
DownloadShaded [88 bytes] ... 2018 256b Intro(#3 C64 256b Intro at The 128b Font Compo)
DownloadShaded [94 bytes] ... 2018 256b Intro(Released at The 128b Font Compo)
DownloadTrim [63 bytes] ... 2018 256b Intro(Released at The 128b Font Compo)
DownloadTriangle My Amelie (V2) ... 2018 Music
DownloadDr. Analban ... 2018 Music(#9 C64 Music at $11 Music Compo)
DownloadReTriggered ... 2018 Music(#2 C64 Music at $11 Music Compo)
DownloadOdDnB ... 2018 Music(#2 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2018)
Download11th Wave ... 2018 Music(#10 C64 Music at $11 Music Compo)
DownloadBedlam ... 2018 Music(#16 C64 Music at $11 Music Compo)
DownloadC64 Debugger V0.64.2 ... 2018 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadTriangle My Amelie ... 2018 Music(#14 C64 Music at $11 Music Compo)
DownloadAntipop [2sid] ... 2018 Music Collection
DownloadC64 Debugger V0.64 ... 2017 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadIK Emerald City ... 2017 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at International Karate GFX Competition)
Download22 Seconds of Hard Techno ... 2017 Music(#13 Mixed Music at Syntax 2017)
DownloadThe Last Crack ... 2017 Music(#4 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2017)
DownloadLazy Afternoon ... 2017 Music(#4 Mixed Music at RetroKomp/LOAD ERROR 2017)
DownloadCrack it Up ... 2017 Music(#23 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2017)
DownloadKraut Pleaser ... 2017 Music(#70 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2017)
DownloadKeygen Music ... 2017 Music(#33 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2017)
DownloadRat Racing ... 2017 Music(#2 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2017)
DownloadStress! ... 2017 Music(#11 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2017)
DownloadCracking the Old Way ... 2017 Music(#17 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2017)
DownloadC64 Debugger V0.62 ... 2017 Other Platform C64 Tool(Released at Riverwash 2017)
DownloadPsychedelic Cowboy ... 2017 One-File Demo(#2 Mixed Demo at Riverwash 2017)
Download90s Still Within ... 2017 Music(#1 C64 Music at Silesia Party 8)
DownloadBoyhood ... 2017 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Silesia Party 8)
DownloadC64 Debugger V0.60 ... 2017 Other Platform C64 Tool(Released at Silesia Party 8)
DownloadRaster Pump ... 2017 4K Intro(#3 C64 4K Intro at Silesia Party 8)
DownloadReDiscovered ... 2017 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Silesia Party 8)
DownloadSuperchunk ... 2017 Music(#6 C64 Music at Silesia Party 8)
DownloadBlend with Green ... 2017 Music(#3 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2017)
DownloadC64 Debugger V0.56 ... 2017 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadKaleidoscope ... 2017 Crack Intro(#13 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2016)
DownloadSDBrowse V.697 ... 2016 Tool
DownloadPierwsze Wypociny ... 2016 Intro
DownloadBridge [party version] ... 2016 Music Collection(Released at X'2016)
DownloadMake Some Noise ... 2016 Music(#12 C64 Music at X'2016)
DownloadC64 Debugger V0.54 ... 2016 Other Platform C64 Tool(Released at Riverwash 2016)
DownloadSummer Witch ... 2016 Graphics(#2 Mixed Graphics at Riverwash 2016)
DownloadEuro Spy ... 2016 Music(#10 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2016)
DownloadC64 Debugger V0.5 ... 2016 Other Platform C64 Tool(#1 WiLD Demo at Stary Piernik 11)
DownloadParty Overdose ... 2016 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Stary Piernik 11)
DownloadThe Madman ... 2016 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Stary Piernik 11)
DownloadUnreal ... 2016 Intro(#1 C64 Demo at Stary Piernik 11)
DownloadForegone Destruction ... 2016 Music
Download5 A Dub ... 2016 Music(#5 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2016)
DownloadEven Uneven ... 2016 Music(#8 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2016)
DownloadStarting Over ... 2016 Music(#6 C64 Music at Nonstandard Time Signature Compo 2016)
DownloadSamareu ... 2015 REU Release(#4 C64 Demo at The 2015 REU Compo)
DownloadFix My Radio! ... 2015 Music(#6 Mixed Music at Riverwash 2015)
DownloadForever Lost ... 2015 Demo(#2 Mixed Demo at Riverwash 2015)
DownloadJaxxer ... 2015 Music(#1 C64 Music at Je suis #Drax music compo)
DownloadMG Tracker V0.80 ... 2015 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadEdelin Tales Theme [3sid] ... 2015 One-File Demo(#8 Mixed Demo at Flashback 2015)
DownloadMG Tracker V0.71 ... 2015 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadAmen, Bigbeat Brother! ... 2015 Music(#1 C64 Music at Gubbdata 2015)
DownloadEnchanted Forest [3sid] ... 2015 One-File Demo(Released at Gubbdata 2015)
Download2xperiment ... 2015 Music(#3 C64 Music at Forever 2015 - Back to the Cyberspace)
DownloadLiving in the Future ... 2015 Music(Released at Forever 2015 - Back to the Cyberspace)
DownloadLinusz Sucks Hard! ... 2015 Music(#2 C64 Music at Je suis #Linus music compo)
DownloadMeat Hook [2sid] ... 2015 Music(#8 C64 Music at Ambient SID Music Competition)
DownloadCrank Powered Async Loader V2 [2sid] ... 2015 Music(#9 C64 Music at Ambient SID Music Competition)
DownloadCrank Powered Async Loader [2sid] ... 2015 Music(Released at Ambient SID Music Competition)
DownloadShodan ... 2015 Music(#4 C64 Music at Ambient SID Music Competition)
Download4096 ... 2014 4K Intro(#10 C64 Demo at Intro Creation Competition 2014)
DownloadPermadeath ... 2014 Music(#1 C64 Music at Gameover Tune Compo)
DownloadHistory of Headaches ... 2014 Music(#12 C64 Music at Tape Loader Tune Compo 2014)
DownloadJohn Motherfuckin' Rambo ... 2014 Music(#13 C64 Music at Tape Loader Tune Compo 2014)
DownloadNautilus Descending ... 2014 Music(#4 C64 Music at Tape Loader Tune Compo 2014)
DownloadPress Play ... 2014 Music(#2 C64 Music at Tape Loader Tune Compo 2014)
DownloadNew Horizons [3sid] ... 2014 Music Collection
DownloadCloudy Days ... 2014 Music(#3 Mixed Music at Flashback 2014)
DownloadCisza ... 2014 Graphics(#9 C64 Graphics at Forever 2014 - Olympic Edition)
DownloadShort with No Lead ... 2014 Music(#3 C64 Music at Forever 2014 - Olympic Edition)
DownloadThe Challenge ... 2014 Music(#10 C64 Music at Forever 2014 - Olympic Edition)
DownloadFogyish ... 2013 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Stary Piernik 8)
Download20 Years Samar ... 2013 Music Collection
DownloadPlain Simple 2x2 ... 2013 Graphics(#23 C64 Graphics at Font Creation Competition 2013)
DownloadB-land Scrapbook ... 2013 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Silesia Party 7)
DownloadBlank Page, Part 3 [2sid] ... 2013 Music(#3 C64 2SID at Silesia Party 7)
DownloadOne Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest ... 2013 4K Intro(#1 C64 4K Intro at Silesia Party 7)
DownloadPtakozaur ... 2013 Graphics(#10 C64 Graphics at Silesia Party 7)
DownloadSomething Wrong, Indy? ... 2013 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Silesia Party 7)
Download315: Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There ... 2013 Graphics
DownloadBongo Linking Engine ... 2013 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadCannon Fodder ... 2013 Music(#?? C64 Music at C64.sk Cover Compo #2)
DownloadBongo Cruncher ... 2013 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadOrdinary Crack Tune ... 2013 Music(#33 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2013)
DownloadIgnorance is Bliss ... 2013 Music(#39 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2013)
DownloadDon't Fuck with Stevie Wonder ... 2013 Music(#4 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2013)
DownloadWisecrack ... 2013 Music(#14 C64 Music at Crack Intro Music Competition 2013)
DownloadBomberland Preview ... 2012 Game Preview
DownloadWaterfall ... 2012 Graphics(#27 C64 Graphics at X'2012)
DownloadElectrozombie Generation [2sid] ... 2012 Music(#1 C64 2SID at Silesia Party 6)
DownloadFunky Nun Dance ... 2012 Music(#2 C64 Music at Silesia Party 6)
DownloadHearty ... 2012 Music(#5 C64 Music at Silesia Party 6)
DownloadYet Bigger Beat [2sid] ... 2012 Music(#3 C64 2SID at Silesia Party 6)
DownloadSID Dualux [2sid] ... 2012 Music Collection(Released at Stary Piernik 7)
DownloadSamples Not Included ... 2012 Music(#4 C64 Music at FOReVER XIII - A Nightmare In Horná Súča)
DownloadThe Flight ... 2012 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at FOReVER XIII - A Nightmare In Horná Súča)
DownloadDream Travel 100% ... 2012 Demo
DownloadPic2hires1col V1.2 ... 2012 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadI Love the Cube 100% ... 2012 Demo
DownloadDream Travel 90% ... 2011 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Silesia Party 5)
DownloadFly ... 2011 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Silesia Party 5)
DownloadI Love the Cube 85% ... 2011 Demo(#4 C64 Demo at Silesia Party 5)
DownloadThe Last Cruise ... 2011 Graphics(#10 C64 Graphics at Silesia Party 5)
DownloadPic2hires1col ... 2011 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadMicro Vibes ... 2011 Music
DownloadCastle ... 2011 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Forever C | The Dirty Dozen)
DownloadHukGo ... 2011 Graphics(#12 C64 Graphics at Forever C | The Dirty Dozen)
DownloadShort Poppy ... 2011 Music(#1 C64 Music at Forever C | The Dirty Dozen)
DownloadTwogether! ... 2010 One-File Demo
DownloadCaptain' Nino's Show ... 2010 Graphics(#15 C64 Graphics at X'2010)
DownloadThe Richard Joseph Tribute ... 2010 Music Collection(Released at X'2010)
DownloadDarling Grease ... 2010 Music(#5 C64 Music at Silesia Party 4)
DownloadStill Floateeng ... 2010 Music(#2 C64 Music at Silesia Party 4)
DownloadHunt the Distort ... 2010 Music
DownloadWe Remember ... 2010 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Hackers Top 2010)
DownloadClub Stylier ... 2010 Music(#1 C64 Music at Forever 2010 | The 8-bit Odyssey)
DownloadPacman's Team ... 2010 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at Forever 2010 | The 8-bit Odyssey)
DownloadMandelbrot Madness ... 2010 Misc.
DownloadVoyage ... 2009 Music(#2 C64 Music at Silesia Party 3)
DownloadHermit SID Hacker V2.0 ... 2009 Tool
DownloadRushed Zak ... 2009 Music
DownloadMS-Cruncher V1.5+ ... 2009 Tool
DownloadMS-Cruncher V1.5+ ... 2009 Tool
DownloadCBM Guardian Angel ... 2009 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Forever 10 - The Bonus Level)
DownloadSunrise ... 2009 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at Forever 10 - The Bonus Level)
DownloadSleepless Work ... 2009 Music(#1 C64 Music at Forever 10 - The Bonus Level)
DownloadHermit-SIDhacker ... 2008 Tool
DownloadRocco Siffredi Invades 1541-II ... 2008 Music(#7 C64 Music at The Last Compo™)
DownloadIntrinsic ... 2008 Music(#2 C64 Music at The Last Compo™)
DownloadBefore the Battle ... 2008 Graphics(#15 C64 Graphics at X'2008)
DownloadClassics Again ... 2008 Music(#17 C64 Music at X'2008)
DownloadCall of Nature ... 2008 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Silesia Party 2)
DownloadFoggy Nights ... 2008 Music(#1 C64 Music at Silesia Party 2)
DownloadHMT Demo 2008 ... 2008 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Silesia Party 2)
DownloadMidnight Cruise [2sid] ... 2008 Music(#1 C64 2SID at Silesia Party 2)
DownloadBass Themes ... 2008 Music(#1 Mixed Music at Arok 2008)
DownloadGravitation ... 2008 Music(#6 C64 Music at Forever 2008)
DownloadDanger Zone ... 2007 Music(#4 C64 Music at The Sid Compo VII)
DownloadCombine Escape ... 2007 Music(#3 C64 Sample Music at Silesia Party 1)
DownloadFast Jaguar [2sid] ... 2007 Music(#1 C64 2SID at Silesia Party 1)
DownloadBad Coords ... 2007 Music(#4 C64 Sample Music at Silesia Party 1)
DownloadBoys [2sid] ... 2007 Music(#3 C64 2SID at Silesia Party 1)
DownloadBYte DriVe ... 2007 Music(#6 C64 Sample Music at Silesia Party 1)
DownloadC64Frogg ... 2007 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Silesia Party 1)
DownloadCrystal Structure ... 2007 Music(#10 C64 Music at Silesia Party 1)
DownloadDouble Shit ... 2007 Music(#16 C64 Music at Silesia Party 1)
DownloadGolden Beauty ... 2007 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Silesia Party 1)
DownloadHi my name is... ... 2007 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Silesia Party 1)
DownloadSmo0oth Crimin4l ... 2007 Music(#11 C64 Music at Silesia Party 1)
DownloadSpider vs Venom ... 2007 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Silesia Party 1)
DownloadA Drop of Blue! ... 2007 Music(#1 C64 Music at 15 Years Oxyron Party 2007)
DownloadBeano Batallion ... 2007 Music(#3 C64 Music at 15 Years Oxyron Party 2007)
DownloadsomeTThings! ... 2007 Graphics
DownloadBomberman C64 ... 2007 Game(#2 C64 Game at Game Over(view) Freestyle Jam)
DownloadAmbient Chips ... 2007 One-File Demo
DownloadTeh Disco ... 2006 Music(#6 C64 Music at The SID Compo VI)
DownloadImperator ... 2006 Graphics
DownloadFunky Bravah ... 2006 Music(Released at X'2006)
DownloadMr Marvellous ... 2006 Music(#2 C64 Music at North Party v10.0)
DownloadBattle Without Honour ... 2006 Music(#2 C64 Sample Music at North Party v10.0)
DownloadCatollica ... 2006 Music Collection(Released at Forever 7)
DownloadBrainball Reloaded ... 2006 Music
DownloadTurbo Assembler Professional 1.2 [+60K] ... 2006 IDE64 Release
DownloadKilling Fields ... 2006 Music
DownloadRick Dangerous X ... 2005 Music
DownloadBreak It Up ... 2005 Music
DownloadFuture Impulse ... 2005 Music(#17 C64 Music at The SID Compo V)
DownloadTurbo Assembler Professional 1.2 [+60K] 20051017 ... 2005 IDE64 Release
DownloadIntro ... 2005 4K Intro(#1 C64 4K Intro at Symphony 2005)
DownloadSpring Loda Meeting 2k+5 ... 2005 Demo(#3 C64 Demo at Symphony 2005)
DownloadStargate ... 2005 Music(#4 C64 Music at GT2 Compo)
DownloadDreams Come True ... 2005 One-File Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Forever Hex)
DownloadForever 6 ... 2005 Graphics(#8 C64 Graphics at Forever Hex)
DownloadComposeed $c0de ... 2004 Music(#29 C64 Music at The SID Compo IV)
DownloadGarden of the Black Rose Part 4 ... 2004 Music(#13 C64 Music at The SID Compo IV)
DownloadKiller Instinct ... 2004 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at X'2004)
DownloadArt of Sound ... 2004 Music Collection
DownloadSid Victory 4 ... 2004 Music Collection
DownloadDigital Pixels ... 2004 Graphics Collection
DownloadAbra ... 2004 Music(#4 C64 Music at North Party V9.0)
DownloadIntro 1 ... 2004 4K Intro(#1 C64 4K Intro at North Party V9.0)
DownloadIntro 2 ... 2004 4K Intro(#1 C64 4K Intro at North Party V9.0)
DownloadKombiMix 50% ... 2004 Music(#1 C64 Sample Music at North Party V9.0)
DownloadModlicha ... 2004 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at North Party V9.0)
DownloadSamar North Party 9 Pack ... 2004 Misc.(Released at North Party V9.0)
DownloadStupid Melody ... 2004 Music(#13 C64 Music at North Party V9.0)
DownloadWhirlwind Spiral ... 2004 Music(#5 C64 Music at North Party V9.0)
DownloadBest of the Best ... 2004 Music Collection
DownloadSid Victory 3 ... 2004 Music Collection
DownloadGod is a Girl ... 2004 Music(#6 C64 Music at 2010 Compo)
DownloadSamar Music Disk #01 ... 2004 Music Collection
DownloadAsterion Sid-Tracker V1.0 ... 2004 Tool
DownloadComo poden per sas culpas ... 2003 Music(#?? C64 Music at Year 2003 Christmas Demo Competition)
DownloadStrong Headache ... 2003 Music(#39 C64 Music at The SID Compo III)
DownloadFirewalker ... 2003 Music(#12 C64 Music at North Party V8.0)
DownloadItalo Disco I ... 2003 Music(#3 C64 Sample Music at North Party V8.0)
DownloadMLS ... 2003 Music(#1 C64 Music at North Party V8.0)
Compocover ... 2003 Disk Cover
DownloadEnhiridion #5 ... 2003 Diskmag
DownloadBad Boys ... 2003 Music(#1 C64 Sample Music at Devotion)
DownloadCamel Junkie ... 2003 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Devotion)
DownloadColor Shock ... 2003 256b Intro(#3 C64 1K Intro at Devotion)
DownloadDruuna ... 2003 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Devotion)
DownloadItalo Disco II ... 2003 Music(#3 C64 Sample Music at Devotion)
DownloadSamar (logo) ... 2003 Graphics(#3 Mixed at Devotion)
DownloadGunpaint [+60K] ... 2003 Tool
DownloadScarlet Music Collection 2 ... 2003 Music Collection
DownloadSid Victory 2 ... 2003 Music Collection
DownloadSid Victory 2.5 ... 2003 Music Collection
DownloadThe Lovely Time ... 2002 Music(#11 C64 Music at North Party V7.0)
Download16 Color Productions ... 2002 Graphics Collection
DownloadAttitude #3 ... 2002 Diskmag
DownloadContact Zapotek ... 2002 Misc.
DownloadVisitors Against PC ... 2002 4K Intro(#9 C64 4K Intro at Mekka & Symposium 2002)
DownloadAristo Scroll ... 2002 One-File Demo(#5 C64 Demo at Forever III)
DownloadEra Cyberpunka ... 2002 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Forever III)
DownloadOde To Wizard ... 2002 Music(#5 C64 Music at Forever III)
DownloadSid Victory 1.5 ... 2002 Music Collection
DownloadMine Sweeper 9000 ... 2002 Game
DownloadEnhiridion #4 ... 2002 Diskmag
DownloadPepeland ... 2002 Music
DownloadSid Victory 1 ... 2002 Music Collection
DownloadSIDBooster ... 2002 Other Platform C64 Tool
DownloadSprite Morpher ... 2002 Tool
DownloadSprite Combiner V2.0 ... 2001 Tool
DownloadArkanoid ... 2001 Music(#8 C64 Music at X'2001)
DownloadGirl ... 2001 Graphics(#12 C64 Graphics at X'2001)
DownloadIll Men ... 2001 Graphics(Released at X'2001)
DownloadIsland ... 2001 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at X'2001)
DownloadSkull ... 2001 Graphics(#8 C64 Graphics at X'2001)
DownloadWomen ... 2001 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at X'2001)
DownloadInto the Dark ... 2001 Graphics Collection
DownloadNegative ... 2001 Music(#1 Mixed at Symphony 2001)
DownloadQuatro Shit ... 2001 Music(#?? C64 Music at Symphony 2001)
DownloadSymphony Zak ... 2001 Music(#?? C64 Music at Symphony 2001)
DownloadAttitude #2 ... 2001 Diskmag
DownloadContact Note ... 2001 Misc.
DownloadMekka 2k+1 ... 2001 Music(#14 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 2001)
DownloadT-Rex ... 2001 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at Mekka & Symposium 2001)
DownloadTable Maker V1.2 ... 2001 Tool
DownloadDuperelka ... 2001 One-File Demo
DownloadFallout Pic ... 2001 Graphics
DownloadMortal Kombat II ... 2001 Music
DownloadMountain Breeze ... 2001 Music
DownloadOpium 2 Logo ... 2001 Graphics
DownloadRigid ... 2001 Music Collection
DownloadSid Victory One (Unused Intro) ... 2001 Intro
DownloadVisual Pack #09 ... 2001 Misc.
DownloadZdeba Puzzle ... 2001 Game
DownloadVisual Pack #08 ... 2000 Misc.
DownloadNylu Logos Collection ... 2000 Graphics Collection
DownloadAnything ... 2000 Music(#?? C64 Music at X'2000)
DownloadCapitan America ... 2000 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at North Party V6.0)
DownloadContinued ... 2000 Music(#5 C64 Music at North Party V6.0)
DownloadLast Tune ... 2000 Music(#7 C64 Music at North Party V6.0)
DownloadHardtracker to JCH Converter ... 2000 Tool
DownloadDraxmania ... 2000 Music(#4 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 2000)
DownloadJazzers ... 2000 Music(#26 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 2000)
DownloadEnhiridion Show ... 2000 Graphics Collection(Released at Enhiridion Compo)
DownloadExecution ... 2000 Music
DownloadJCH NewPlayer 21.G6 ... 2000 Tool
DownloadJCH Players by Glover ... 2000 Tool
DownloadSterile ... 2000 Music
DownloadTechnoid ... 1999 Music
DownloadVisual Pack #07 ... 1999 Misc.
DownloadBartoszyce ... 1999 Music(#5 C64 Music at North Party V4.0)
DownloadCrushers ... 1999 Music(Released at North Party V4.0)
DownloadJazz & Blues ... 1999 Music(Released at North Party V4.0)
DownloadKingpin ... 1999 Music(#13 C64 Music at North Party V4.0)
DownloadSmall It ... 1999 Music(#12 C64 Music at North Party V4.0)
DownloadProdrum V3.3 ... 1999 Tool
Download6KB Textured Phong ... 1999 One-File Demo(#2 C64 64k Demo at North Party V4.0)
DownloadIRQ Loader 2-Bit ... 1999 Tool
DownloadMight and Magic ... 1999 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Mekka & Symposium 1999)
DownloadSky High ... 1999 Music(#13 C64 Music at Mekka & Symposium 1999)
DownloadAcceleration ... 1999 Music(#3 C64 Music at North Party V3.0)
DownloadAir Power ... 1999 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at North Party V3.0)
DownloadNo Correct ... 1999 Music(#8 C64 Music at North Party V3.0)
DownloadBzykolandia #3 ... 1999 Music Collection
DownloadGFX for Diversion ... 1999 Graphics Collection
DownloadPhoto Glover ... 1999 Graphics
DownloadSurprise ... 1999 Graphics Collection
DownloadTPE Preview ... 1999 Tool
DownloadUnseen Diverse ... 1999 Graphics Collection
DownloadVisual Pack #06 ... 1999 Misc.
DownloadDevilish ... 1998 Music(#7 C64 Music at The Party 1998)
DownloadDune Music Collection ... 1998 Music Collection
DownloadFight ... 1998 Music
DownloadSwindler ... 1998 Music(#1 C64 Music at Satellite 1998)
DownloadEnhiridion #3 ... 1998 Diskmag
DownloadMorph Intro ... 1998 Intro
DownloadMorski Fraktal ... 1998 Music
DownloadDigital World ... 1998 Demo(#1 Mixed Demo at Intel Outside 5)
DownloadBreak & Enter ... 1998 Music(#?? C64 Music at Intel Outside 5)
DownloadPsychologue 2 ... 1998 Music(#?? C64 Music at Intel Outside 5)
Download5x5 [polish] ... 1998 Game
DownloadBlue Warrior ... 1998 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Quast 1998)
DownloadZak 1 ... 1998 Music(#1 C64 Music at Quast 1998)
DownloadFace to Face ... 1998 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at North Party V2.0)
DownloadPsychologue ... 1998 Music(#11 C64 Music at North Party V2.0)
DownloadSchallow ... 1998 Music(#10 C64 Music at North Party V2.0)
DownloadSex, Drugz and Rock 'n Roll ... 1998 Graphics(#7 C64 Graphics at North Party V2.0)
DownloadDiversion ... 1998 Graphics Collection(Released at Intel Outside 5)
DownloadStyle Logo ... 1998 Graphics
DownloadIncurable Voice ... 1998 Music
DownloadKargul & Pawlak #01 ... 1998 Demo
DownloadRamos Samples #03 ... 1998 Music Collection
DownloadContribute ... 1998 Music(#?? C64 Music at Rush Hours 1998)
DownloadLovers ... 1998 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Rush Hours 1998)
DownloadSeeknessland ... 1998 Music(#1 C64 Music at Rush Hours 1998)
DownloadStrangers ... 1998 Music(#?? C64 Music at Rush Hours 1998)
DownloadEnhiridion #2 ... 1998 Diskmag
DownloadFantasy (RIPPED) ... 1998 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Rush Hours 1998)
DownloadQuattro (RIPPED) ... 1998 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Rush Hours 1998)
DownloadMusic Code Relocator V1.2 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadHistoria Grupy Samar ... 1998 Misc.
DownloadJCH Depacker V1.1 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadAir Power ... 1998 Disk Cover
DownloadEnhiridion #1 ... 1998 Diskmag
DownloadEnhiridion Editor ... 1998 Tool
DownloadOdyssey #01 ... 1998 Music Collection
DownloadOld Styled Intro ... 1998 Intro
DownloadPaint Your Disk V1.00 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadPolitica ... 1998 One-File Demo
DownloadProdrum V3.0 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadRaver V1.0 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadSensor Player V0.01 ... 1998 Tool
DownloadSosperec V1.4 Depacker ... 1998 Tool
DownloadVisual Pack #05 ... 1998 Misc.
DownloadWrath ... 1998 Music
DownloadX -> Zoom4FLI ... 1998 Tool
DownloadBlus ... 1997 Music
DownloadKingsajz Dialog ... 1997 Music
DownloadKingsajz Mix ... 1997 Music
DownloadPiesn Virusa ... 1997 Music
Download1000 Covers ... 1997 Misc.
DownloadSnout ... 1997 Graphics
DownloadBloodshet ... 1997 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Gravity 1997)
DownloadBloody Domination ... 1997 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Gravity 1997)
DownloadUntitled ... 1997 Graphics(#6 C64 Graphics at Gravity 1997)
DownloadUntitled ... 1997 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Gravity 1997)
DownloadOpium 100% ... 1997 Demo
DownloadAir Power Preview ... 1997 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Center Party 1997)
DownloadAwex ... 1997 Intro(#1 Mixed at Center Party 1997)
DownloadCrazy Chirp ... 1997 Music(#?? C64 Sample Music at Center Party 1997)
DownloadHarry Fisherman ... 1997 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Center Party 1997)
DownloadKorba ... 1997 Intro(#6 Mixed at Center Party 1997)
DownloadMirmil ... 1997 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Center Party 1997)
DownloadPolaris ... 1997 Music(#?? C64 Sample Music at Center Party 1997)
DownloadElvira ... 1997 Music(#?? C64 Music at Center Party 1997)
DownloadLe Musique ... 1997 Music(#10 C64 Music at Center Party 1997)
DownloadPsychomusicdelirkill ... 1997 Music(#3 C64 Music at Center Party 1997)
DownloadUntitled ... 1997 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Center Party 1997)
DownloadUntitled ... 1997 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Center Party 1997)
DownloadUntitled ... 1997 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Center Party 1997)
DownloadUntitled (2) ... 1997 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Center Party 1997)
DownloadLame Work ... 1997 Music
DownloadNerve ... 1997 Music
DownloadScream ... 1997 Graphics Collection
DownloadVisual Pack #02 ... 1997 Misc.
DownloadAristo Pack ... 1997 Tool Collection
DownloadScatman Song ... 1997 Music
DownloadVisual Pack #01 ... 1997 Misc.
Downloadcompomusic ... 1997 Music(#?? C64 Music at North Party V1.0)
DownloadOpium 95% ... 1997 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at North Party V1.0)
DownloadUntitled ... 1997 Graphics(#10 C64 Graphics at North Party V1.0)
DownloadUntitled ... 1997 Graphics(#9 C64 Graphics at North Party V1.0)
DownloadWolverine ... 1997 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at North Party V1.0)
DownloadFor North Party ... 1997 Music(#?? C64 Music at North Party V1.0)
DownloadLame Cover ... 1997 Music(#?? C64 Music at North Party V1.0)
DownloadUntitled ... 1997 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at North Party V1.0)
DownloadUntitled ... 1997 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at North Party V1.0)
DownloadUntitled (2) ... 1997 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at North Party V1.0)
DownloadMarihuana ... 1997 4K Intro(#5 C64 4K Intro at North Party V1.0)
Download+60K RAM Expansion ... 1997 Hardware
DownloadConcrete 2 ... 1997 Intro(Released at Samar Meeting 1996)
DownloadCrusade Part 2 ... 1997 Graphics Collection
DownloadDisk Economiser V1.2+60K ... 1997 Tool
DownloadDMC 4.G ... 1997 Tool
DownloadFugitive ... 1997 Music
DownloadHires Worker V1.0 ... 1997 Tool
DownloadKloar Player V1.0 ... 1997 Tool
DownloadOpinion ... 1997 Music
DownloadPC Text Shower V1.0 ... 1997 Tool
DownloadRealtime-Drawer V0.3a ... 1997 Tool
DownloadTanks ... 1997 Game
DownloadThe Prodigy Mix ... 1997 Music
DownloadThe Prodigy Remix ... 1997 Music
DownloadTurbo Assembler Professional V1.1LM ... 1997 Tool
DownloadUntitled ... 1997 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at North Party V1.0)
DownloadVisual Pack #03 ... 1997 Misc.
DownloadVisual Pack #04 ... 1997 Misc.
DownloadFor Fear ... 1996 Music
DownloadInverse Display 100% ... 1996 Graphics Collection
DownloadInverse Display ... 1996 Graphics Collection
DownloadSuper Player V2.1A ... 1996 Tool
DownloadExtasy ... 1996 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Intel Outside 3)
DownloadMish Mash #2 ... 1996 Diskmag
DownloadArt Studio Picture Depacker V0.1 ... 1996 Tool
DownloadArt Studio V1.1 ... 1996 Tool
DownloadRamos Samples ... 1996 Music
DownloadRevolutions ... 1996 Music
DownloadWiedzma ... 1996 Graphics(#11 C64 Graphics at North Party V1.0)
DownloadX-protector ... 1996 Tool
DownloadAdwarp Intro Compo Entry ... 1996 Intro(#1 C64 4K Intro at Adwarp Intro Compo)
DownloadCD World ... 1996 Music Collection
DownloadEdge ... 1996 One-File Demo
DownloadJames Fly ... 1996 Game
DownloadReal Memo 3 ... 1996 Tool
DownloadRed 200 ... 1996 Game
DownloadSkidmarx ... 1996 Game
DownloadSkidmarx Preview ... 1996 Game Preview
DownloadSugar Mice ... 1996 Graphics Collection
DownloadSuper Saper ... 1996 Game
DownloadSurgeon Music Collection ... 1996 Music Collection
DownloadZona Roja ... 1996 Music
DownloadDooms Day ... 1995 Demo(#1 C64 Demo at Visual Party 5.0 / Tarnow Christmas Party 1995)
DownloadFantasy ... 1995 Graphics(#1 C64 Graphics at Visual Party 5.0 / Tarnow Christmas Party 1995)
DownloadFantasy Preview ... 1995 One-File Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Visual Party 5.0 / Tarnow Christmas Party 1995)
DownloadUntitled ... 1995 Music(#1 C64 Music at Visual Party 5.0 / Tarnow Christmas Party 1995)
DownloadSamar Works ... 1995 Tool Collection
DownloadConcrete 1 ... 1995 Diskmag
DownloadTimix Gfx Collection ... 1995 Graphics Collection
DownloadSuper Player V1.4 ... 1995 Tool
Download1X1 Proportional Font Editor V2.16 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadProportional Fonts Converter ... 1995 Tool
DownloadKing's Bounty Character Editor V1 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadPlodit Editor 1.0 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadFatal Intro ... 1995 Intro(#?? C64 Fast Intro at Frying-Pan Party V1.0)
DownloadKnight ... 1995 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Frying-Pan Party V1.0)
DownloadManga! ... 1995 Graphics(#3 C64 Graphics at Frying-Pan Party V1.0)
DownloadNasze Intro ... 1995 Intro(#3 C64 Fast Intro at Frying-Pan Party V1.0)
DownloadUntitled ... 1995 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Frying-Pan Party V1.0)
DownloadUntitled ... 1995 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Frying-Pan Party V1.0)
DownloadUntitled ... 1995 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Frying-Pan Party V1.0)
DownloadHey Ho ... 1995 Music(#?? C64 Music at Frying-Pan Party V1.0)
DownloadSth Like Blues ... 1995 Music(#?? C64 Music at Frying-Pan Party V1.0)
DownloadUniverse ... 1995 Music(#?? C64 Music at Frying-Pan Party V1.0)
DownloadUntitled ... 1995 Music(#?? C64 Music at Frying-Pan Party V1.0)
DownloadUntitled ... 1995 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Frying-Pan Party V1.0)
DownloadCode Pack ... 1995 Misc.
DownloadDestiny ... 1995 Music(#2 C64 Music at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadUntitled ... 1995 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadUntitled ... 1995 Graphics(#4 C64 Graphics at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadUntitled ... 1995 Graphics(#5 C64 Graphics at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadUntitled ... 1995 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadUntitled ... 1995 Graphics(#2 C64 Graphics at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadUntitled (1) ... 1995 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadUntitled (1) ... 1995 Music(#?? C64 Music at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadUntitled (2) ... 1995 Music(#?? C64 Music at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadUntitled (2) ... 1995 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadUntitled (3) ... 1995 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadBydgoszcz Pack ... 1995 Misc.(Released at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadComputer Art Festival ... 1995 Music(#?? C64 Music at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadUntitled ... 1995 Graphics(#9 C64 Graphics at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadGalerya ... 1995 Graphics Collection(#3 C64 Demo at Menhir Party)
DownloadHarpagon ... 1995 Fake Demo(#8 C64 Demo at Menhir Party)
DownloadHeartshade Ctx Note ... 1995 Misc.
DownloadMenhir Compo ... 1995 Music(#1 C64 Music at Menhir Party)
DownloadPic-1 ... 1995 Graphics(#9 C64 Graphics at Menhir Party)
DownloadPic-1 ... 1995 Graphics(#8 C64 Graphics at Menhir Party)
DownloadPic-2 ... 1995 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Menhir Party)
DownloadSpace Bass ... 1995 Music(#?? C64 Music at Menhir Party)
DownloadSputnik ... 1995 Music(#?? C64 Music at Menhir Party)
DownloadPasthet ... 1995 Demo(#2 C64 Demo at Computer Art Festival)
DownloadGraphics Shower V1.0 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadClr Editor V1.0 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadTechnet 2 100% ... 1995 Demo
DownloadLo(GH)go Editor ... 1995 Tool
Download128 Kbytes Backup Copy V1.0 [+60K] ... 1995 Tool
DownloadA-FLI Converter V1.0 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadBella Russa ... 1995 Music Collection
DownloadClr Editor V2.0 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadContact Note ... 1995 Misc.
DownloadDay Noter V1.0 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadDeadly Messengers ... 1995 Game
DownloadDigital Illusion ... 1995 Music Collection
DownloadDMC 5.Z. ... 1995 Tool
DownloadEscape from ... 1995 One-File Demo
DownloadFrying Pack ... 1995 Misc.(Released at Frying-Pan Party V1.0)
DownloadGoldies Oldies ... 1995 Graphics Collection
DownloadIRQ Read ... 1995 Tool
DownloadLame Intro ... 1995 Intro(#2 C64 4K Intro at P.U.K.E. 4x4 1995)
DownloadLevel Macher V1.1 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadMenhir Pack ... 1995 Misc.(Released at Menhir Party)
DownloadOkrety [polish] ... 1995 Game
DownloadProp.pic converter ... 1995 Tool
DownloadProtection V1.0 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadRT-Drawer V2 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadSamar's Player 2.0 ... 1995 Tool
DownloadScatee Contact ... 1995 Misc.
DownloadThe Cruncher AB V3.1 ... 1995 Tool
Technet 2 [party version] ... 1994 Demo(#6 C64 Demo at Visual Party 4.0)
DownloadThe Krancz ... 1994 One-File Demo(#10 C64 Demo at Visual Party 4.0)
DownloadUntitled ... 1994 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Visual Party 4.0)
DownloadWarrior ... 1994 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Visual Party 4.0)
DownloadModo Cover ... 1994 Music(#2 C64 Music at Visual Party 4.0)
DownloadSmalltown Boy ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Visual Party 4.0)
DownloadUnreality Dreams ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Visual Party 4.0)
DownloadUnreleased Picture #1 ... 1994 Graphics
DownloadUnreleased Picture #2 ... 1994 Graphics
DownloadScarlet Music Collection ... 1994 Music Collection
DownloadTechnet 1 ... 1994 Demo(Released at New Face)
DownloadMusic 04 ... 1994 Music(#8 C64 Music at Elysium & Antia Party (June 1994))
DownloadCover ... 1994 Music
DownloadDetector ... 1994 Music
DownloadDust ... 1994 Music
DownloadGet Away ... 1994 Music
DownloadGet Ready! ... 1994 Music
DownloadLittle Tune ... 1994 Music
DownloadMarek ... 1994 Music
DownloadMy Music ... 1994 Music
DownloadRun Me Out ... 1994 Music
DownloadSmach! ... 1994 Music
DownloadTechno 2Speed ... 1994 Music
DownloadTechno House ... 1994 Music
DownloadTechno Mix ... 1994 Music
DownloadBeatels ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Fatum Party 1994)
DownloadEscape ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Fatum Party 1994)
DownloadUntitled (1) ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Fatum Party 1994)
DownloadUntitled (2) ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Fatum Party 1994)
DownloadUntitled (2) ... 1994 Music(#?? C64 Music at Fatum Party 1994)
DownloadBig Noter V1.1 ... 1994 Tool
DownloadDisk Tester V1.0 ... 1994 Tool
DownloadMega Mix ... 1994 Music
DownloadMini - Maxi ... 1994 Demo
DownloadPower Player V1.0 ... 1994 Tool
DownloadPraiser Music Collection ... 1994 Music Collection
DownloadSprite Editor ... 1994 Tool
DownloadUntitled ... 1994 Graphics(#?? C64 Graphics at Visual Party 4.0)
DownloadABC Wiedzy [polish] ... 1993 Game
DownloadOsar II [polish] ... 1993 Game
Download+60K Burst Backup ... ??? Tool
Download+60k Burst Scheme ... ??? Misc.
Download+60K Ramdisk Driver ... ??? Tool
Download+60k Scheme ... ??? Misc.
Download124 Kb Backup Copy V1.0 [+60K] ... ??? Tool
Download2 SID Music $D420 [2sid] ... ??? Music Collection
DownloadBig Multi V1.0 ... ??? Tool
DownloadCovox Schemat ... ??? Tool
DownloadD.M.C.R. Converter ... ??? Tool
DownloadDigi Organizer ... ??? Tool
DownloadDMC V5.4 ... ??? Tool
DownloadDMC V5.4 Packer ... ??? Tool
DownloadEMC Paint Editor V1.3 ... ??? Tool
DownloadEnhiridion Editor ... ??? Tool
DownloadEnhiridion votesheet ... ??? Votesheet
DownloadGeos Note Part One ... ??? Misc.
DownloadGeos Note Part Two ... ??? Misc.
DownloadHiRes To Multi Converter ... ??? Tool
DownloadHiRes To MultiLace Converter ... ??? Tool
DownloadIRQ Loader 1-Bit ... ??? Tool
DownloadJCH 20.g4 Depacker ... ??? Tool
DownloadJCH V3.07 (Stereo) [+60K] ... ??? Tool
DownloadKapsel Editor V1.1 ... ??? Tool
DownloadKlocex Editor 2 ... ??? Tool
DownloadKrasnal ... ??? One-File Demo
DownloadLevi's Fonts Disk ... ??? Graphics Collection
DownloadMiś ... ??? Graphics
DownloadNext Speed Linker V2 ... ??? Tool
DownloadNo Spread Editor ... ??? Tool
DownloadOfficial Samar memberstatus ... ??? Misc.
DownloadOle.Ole... ... ??? Music
DownloadPower Player V1.1 ... ??? Tool
DownloadProportional Picture Converter ... ??? Tool
DownloadQuick Format ... ??? Tool
DownloadRasistowskie Dzielo Sw. Mikolaja ... ??? Papermag
DownloadS-Tracker V1.0 ... ??? Tool
DownloadS-Tracker V1.1 ... ??? Tool
DownloadSamar Logos Disk #1 ... ??? Graphics Collection
DownloadSample-Converter V1.0 ... ??? Tool
DownloadScreen Editor ... ??? Tool
Shambo Votesheet ... ??? Votesheet
DownloadSkarpedy Text Editor ... ??? Tool
DownloadStandart File Copy ... ??? Tool
DownloadTaurus Contact Note ... ??? One-File Demo
DownloadTurbo Assembler Profesional V1.1F ... ??? Tool
DownloadTurbo Assembler Profesional V1.2 [+60K] ... ??? Tool
DownloadTurbo Assembler Profesional V5.FT ... ??? Tool
DownloadTurbo Assembler V5.4b ... ??? Tool
DownloadTurbo Byte Loader ... ??? Tool
DownloadVectors ... ??? One-File Demo
DownloadWork Marker V1.0 ... ??? Tool
DownloadX -> Zoom4FLI V2.0 ... ??? Tool
DownloadX-Linux Demo Version ... ??? Tool
DownloadZoom4 FLI Editor ... ??? Tool
DownloadZoom4 FLI Editor V1.0 ... ??? Tool
DownloadZoom4 FLI Editor V2.1 ... ??? Tool

Organizer of :
Enhiridion Compo ... ???  (Poland)
Moonshine Dragons 2024 ... 2024  (Poland)
Moonshine Dragons 2022 ... 2022  (Poland)
Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020 ... 2020  (???)
Moonshine Dragons 2019 ... 2019  (Poland)
$11 Music Compo ... 2018  (???)
Samar Meeting 2003 ... 2003  (Poland)
Samar Meeting 1998 ... 1998  (Poland)
Rush Hours 1998 ... 1998  (Poland)
Samar Meeting 1996 ... 1996  (Poland)
Frying-Pan Party V1.0 ... 1995  (Poland)

User Comment
Submitted by Isildur on 8 September 2015
In polish Samar = Samarium in english.
It's pretty shiny metal actually :)

User Comment
Submitted by GeoAnas on 11 March 2015
Top group for me as well !

User Comment
Submitted by Sith on 15 March 2014
I think you guys should be appreciated more than what you currently get because you rock with the best of them. Dream Travel was sheer perfection. I can't wait what the future will bring from Samar! Top group in my book.

User Comment
Submitted by Oswald on 9 October 2013
Szamár = Donkey in Hungarian. :)

User Comment
Submitted by wacek on 31 December 2010
37 missing entries added :)

User Comment
Submitted by Hermit on 27 July 2008
Hi,guys.As a new member I have 2 questions:
1. What does 'Samar' mean? (In hungarian it means 'donkey'.:)
2. Where can we (all Samar members) chat realtime to discuss topics,ideas,solutions,etc.?
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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