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Phobos    (?? - 23 May 2024)

Ex member of :
Adequate, Axelerate (25/9-1997 -> 26/2-2001), Neax, Quantum (1996 -> 1997), Samar Productions (1999 -> ) [web]
Function :
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xrmmusic(Currently used handle)

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Credits :
DownloadStar Wars 2024 C64 Calendar by Arturo Dente ...  2023 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadUnder the Radar Over the Shadow by Angels ...  2023 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadAttitude #21 by Genesis Project, Triad ...  2021 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadHappyEaStErN2021 by Excess ...  2021 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadAttitude #20 by Genesis Project, Triad ...  2020 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadNOH Arsmote 2019 by Le Tresh ...  2019 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadAttitude #19 by Genesis Project, Triad ...  2019 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadAttitude #18 by Genesis Project, Triad ...  2018 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadMiles Away by Mayday! ...  2017 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadAttitude #17 by Triad ...  2016 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadModular Sounds by Artstate ...  2016 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadAttitude #16 by Triad ...  2015 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadHeteromagnes by Vulture Design ...  2015 Music  (Music)
DownloadAttitude #15 by Triad ...  2014 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadAttitude #14 by Triad ...  2013 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadAttitude #13 by Oxyron, Triad ...  2012 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadAttitude #12 by Oxyron, Triad ...  2011 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadAttitude #11 by Oxyron, Triad ...  2010 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadAttitude #10 by Oxyron ...  2010 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadDigital Talk #81 [german] by Digital Talk ...  2007 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadDigital Talk #80 [german] by Digital Talk ...  2007 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadBike64 Project - 0xAA Version by Level 64 ...  2006 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadAttitude #9 by Oxyron ...  2005 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadAttitude #8 by Oxyron ...  2005 Diskmag  (Text, Charset)
DownloadGarden of the Black Rose Part 4 by Samar Productions ...  2004 Music  (Music)
DownloadAttitude Text Editor 4.1 Preview by Oxyron ...  2004 Tool  (Charset)
DownloadAttitude Text Editor 4.0 Preview by Oxyron ...  2004 Tool  (Charset)
DownloadSid Victory 4 by Samar Productions ...  2004 Music Collection  (Graphics)
DownloadAbra by Samar Productions ...  2004 Music  (Music)
DownloadSid Victory 3 by Samar Productions ...  2004 Music Collection  (Charset, Ripping)
DownloadSamar Music Disk #01 by Samar Productions ...  2004 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadAttitude #7 by Oxyron ...  2004 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadInduction Edytor V1.0 by Neax ...  2004 Tool  (Charset)
DownloadAttitude #6 by Oxyron ...  2003 Diskmag  (Text, Charset)
DownloadAttitude #5 by Oxyron ...  2003 Diskmag  (Charset)
DownloadEnhiridion #5 by Samar Productions ...  2003 Diskmag  (Music, Text)
DownloadAttitude #4 by Oxyron ...  2002 Diskmag  (Charset)
Download16 Color Productions by Samar Productions ...  2002 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadAttitude #3 by Samar Productions ...  2002 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadAristo Scroll by Samar Productions ...  2002 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadOvershadow #26 by Angels ...  2002 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadAttitude Text Editor 2.0 Beta by Oxyron ...  2002 Tool  (Charset)
DownloadSid Victory 1 by Samar Productions ...  2002 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadMine Sweeper 9000 by Samar Productions ...  2002 Game  (Music)
DownloadEnhiridion #4 by Samar Productions ...  2002 Diskmag  (Text, Interviewed)
DownloadAttitude #2 by Samar Productions ...  2001 Diskmag  (Music, Charset)
DownloadFilm Music Collection by Neax ...  2001 Music Collection  (Music, Graphics)
DownloadZdeba Puzzle by Samar Productions ...  2001 Game  (Music)
DownloadRigid by Samar Productions ...  2001 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadSid Agony 4 by Anubis ...  2000 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadAxelerate Intro by Axelerate ...  2000 Crack Intro  (Charset)
DownloadContinued by Samar Productions ...  2000 Music  (Music)
DownloadNasze Randez-Vous Remix ...  2000 Music  (Music)
DownloadRockford History by Tropyx ...  2000 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadHardtracker to JCH Converter by Samar Productions ...  2000 Tool  (Idea)
DownloadAlbion by Axelerate ...  2000 Music  (Music)
DownloadExcalibur by Axelerate ...  2000 Music  (Music)
DownloadAttitude #1 by Axelerate ...  2000 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadEuropean Beauty by Angels ...  2000 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadRiptease by Sanity ...  2000 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadInverse #7 by Oxygen64 ...  2000 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadAxelerate Intro by Axelerate ...  2000 Crack Intro  (Charset)
DownloadEnhiridion Show by Samar Productions ...  2000 Graphics Collection  (Music)
DownloadAxelerate Intro by Axelerate ...  2000 Crack Intro  (Music)
DownloadColony News #8 by Singular ...  1999 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadTropyx Music 3 by Tropyx ...  1999 Music Collection  (Charset)
DownloadInverse #6 by Oxygen64 ...  1999 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadGrease 2 by Axelerate ...  1999 Demo  (Music, Graphics, Charset)
DownloadEcho Of My Voice by Axelerate ...  1999 Music  (Music)
DownloadRem Phase 4 by Axelerate ...  1999 Music  (Music)
DownloadArachnoPhobia #13 by Raiders of the Lost Empire, Spiders-Crew, The ArachnoPhobia Staff ...  1999 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadDigital Talk #37 [german] by Digital Talk ...  1999 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadVirtual Dream by Axelerate ...  1999 Music Collection  (Music, Charset)
DownloadSid Agony 2 by Anubis ...  1999 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadSid Agony 3 by Anubis ...  1999 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadNeax Intro by Neax ...  1999 Intro  (Music)
DownloadAxelerate Intro V1 by Axelerate ...  1999 Crack Intro  (Charset)
DownloadAxelerate Intro V3 by Axelerate ...  1999 Crack Intro  (Music, Charset)
DownloadRole Intro by Axelerate ...  1999 Crack Intro  (Music)
DownloadPivo #07 by Tengu ...  1998 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadPhobos Music Collection by Axelerate ...  1998 Music Collection  (Music)
DownloadBlue PL Preview by Slakecomp ...  1998 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadGrease by Axelerate ...  1998 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadGrease 99% by Axelerate ...  1998 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadVademecum Szczesliwego Czlowieka by Slakecomp ...  1998 Misc.  (Music)
DownloadLiga PL by Slakecomp ...  1998 Crack  (Music)
DownloadNeax Logo by Neax ...  1998 Graphics  (Graphics)
DownloadAxelerate Intro 3 by Axelerate ...  1998 Crack Intro  (Music)
DownloadApidya Intro V1.0 by Adequate ...  1997 Intro  (Music)
DownloadTic Tac #5 by Snails ...  1997 Diskmag  (Music)
DownloadAdequate Noter V1.0 by Adequate ...  1997 Tool  (Music)
DownloadAdequate Noter V1.1 by Adequate ...  1997 Tool  (Music)
DownloadNalot by Quantum ...  1997 Intro  (Code, Music, Graphics, Text)
DownloadPhobos Fonts Disk by Adequate ...  1997 Graphics Collection  (Charset)
DownloadShadow Plotter by Adequate ...  1997 One-File Demo  (Music)
DownloadRun ...  1993 Basic Demo  (Code)
DownloadJCH - Instrukcja obsługi [polish] by Axelerate ...  ???? Misc.  (Graphics, Charset, Docs)
DownloadCovox Schemat by Samar Productions ...  ???? Tool  (Music)
Download2 SID Music $D420 [2sid] by Samar Productions ...  ???? Music Collection  (Music)

Attended :
Silesia Party 7
Samar Meeting 2003
Rush Hours 1999

User ratings :  
As Musician:awaiting 8 votes (3 left)   See votestatistics
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CSDb (Commodore 64 Scene Database) is a website which goal is to gather as much information and material about the scene around the commodore 64 computer - the worlds most popular home computer throughout time. Here you can find almost anything which was ever made for the commodore 64, and more is being added every day. As this website is scene related, you can mostly find demos, music and graphics made by the people who made the scene (the sceners), but you can also find a lot of the old classic games here. Try out the search box in the top right corner, or check out the CSDb main page for the latest additions.
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