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Night Mission Pinball +1HDG [us version]   [2023]

Night Mission Pinball +1HDG [us version] Released by :

Release Date :
5 August 2023

Type :
C64 Crack

Videosystem: any
Proper release: Broken

Released At :
Excess Summer BBQ 2023

User rating:*******___  7.4/10 (12 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... L.A.Style of Excess, X-Large (GXL)
Graphics .... Shine of PET SCIIENTISTS, The Solution
  Slaxx of Excess, Hokuto Force
Crack .... L.A.Style of Excess, X-Large (GXL)
Trainer .... L.A.Style of Excess, X-Large (GXL)
Original Supply .... Retroluzzer of Excess
Linking .... Stormfront of Excess, Shadow
Docs .... Stormfront of Excess, Shadow
Test .... Ebster of Excess
  HOL2001 of Excess, Shadow
  New Design of Excess
  Retroluzzer of Excess
Help .... Wertstahl of Genesis Project
Directory Art .... Logiker of Vintage Computing Carinthia

Intro used in this crack:
DownloadExcess Pinball Intro by Excess

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User Comment
Submitted by St0rmfr0nt on 27 August 2023
Please find here the working version of the game: Night Mission Pinball +1HDG [us version]
User Comment
Submitted by Sentinel on 11 August 2023
I would say everything,where AR6 is used, $99/9a are ignored. Probably same reason why working on that old emulator I also tried. But without any extensions there always seems to be the issue in Vice and on Real HW.

When I had success on real hardware without AR6 two days ago, I think I made the mistake not clearing the whole memory. Just normal reset and CRT off.

It even freezes on blank C64 HW, so KAL123, you are right.
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 11 August 2023
Vice (3.2 and 3.7.1) with AR6 seems to IGNORE the value in 99-9a, it just works. Same with SpeedDos, works anyway.

Hangs with Jiffydos for me.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 11 August 2023
It'd still be interesting under what condition it works... using Jiffydos? AR? Both?
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 11 August 2023
Ian+TLR: or release a working crack.
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 11 August 2023
TLR: Genial approach, cheers. Self resetting OPEN routine. At the end, only ZP $99-9a should be 00 03 before calling OPEN.
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 11 August 2023
@Hedning, i have a 1541Ultimate too, which I have already mentioned here several times, but i really like my SD2IEC too and use it at least as often. Always nice, when a new crackversion is working on both devices.
@Jazzcat, appreciated.
User Comment
Submitted by Jazzcat on 11 August 2023
Thank you KAL_123.
User Comment
Submitted by tlr on 10 August 2023
type-in quick fix loader:
20 POKE794,248:POKE795,2
30 LOAD"*",8,1
40 DATA162,3,32,67,243,76,74,243
User Comment
Submitted by ws on 10 August 2023
Well, to sum it up: errare humanum est, and thanks to the (deserved) extra attention this release got, the problem can now easily be fixed!
Also: Back in the day i only used to play it a few times. But this time, when i really grasped that options dialog and all the stuff that is going on under the hood, i must admit, i was actually amazed and could experience the game from a very different angle.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 10 August 2023
Oh god. Oh well. :D Testing is bliss, I guess (been there, done that). KAL_123: You were right (I never tested on real hardware, I though 4 testers would be enough... But please scrap your SD2IEC ;) ).
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 10 August 2023
Just to say it, i totally agree with "when it works on a real setup its fine". When it fails on emulators, the emulators must be fixed (which is the only reason i even bothered looking at it).

However, that is not the case here :)
User Comment
Submitted by Krill on 10 August 2023
KAL_123: The point is that it randomly breaks for all kinds of devices, hardware or not, emulation or not, original or not. =)
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 10 August 2023
I don't understand the whole fuss, about this thing. The reason why i reported the problem, wasn't the question of, whether the crack should be called "broken" or not (but when i read what Karmic found out, it's indeed broken). But that wasn't the crucial question for me, because that was, whether it shouldn't actually be in the own interest of a provider of a new crackversion, that this version then runs correctly for the vast majority of users and not just for that few enthusiasts, who are still fiddling around with real diskettes and real floppies. It should actually be, as many users as possible, who can enjoy the advantages of the new crack version, right? And Excess versions always offer good trainers, etc. Honestly, i guess it's just a minority, who still use real 5.25" floppydisks these days. If I would copy my entire C64 software-archive onto such disks, I would need 5000 floppy disks and hundreds of diskboxes. *lol*
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 10 August 2023
So, i copied it to a floppy, and loaded it on the real thing, without a cartridge. RUN, N/N/N/R in the trainer menu, A to start the game, Q, S, F7 to pull halfway, cursor right 5 times (not actually playing) until all balls lost. It starts saving - and then it hangs. Just like in VICE and the other emulators.

And the reason is pretty much what Krill hinted at. in particular it is $99, which should be 0 - but is some other random number (the game uses that apparently). Then when closing files after save, it runs into this kernal function:
F333: A2 03     LDX #$03
F335: E4 9A     CPX $9A       ; Default Output Device (Should be 3)
F337: B0 03     BCS $F33C
F339: 20 FE ED  JSR $EDFE     ; Send UNLISTEN
F33C: E4 99     CPX $99       ; Default Input Device (Should be 0) <- this is messed up
F33E: B0 03     BCS $F343
F340: 20 EF ED  JSR $EDEF     ; Send UNTALK <- should not call this, hangs if it does
F343: 86 9A     STX $9A
F345: A9 00     LDA #$00
F347: 85 99     STA $99
F349: 60        RTS

Conclusion: Always restore the kernal variables before using kernal routines. Always test with unmodified stock system and without drive emulators, or cartridges. And don't dismiss tests that fail in VICE (or one of the other top emulators) so easily, because it is really very unlikely in 2023 that you will trigger an emulator bug using kernal routines.

The release IS broken. Case closed.
User Comment
Submitted by Trurl on 10 August 2023
Tested this on IDE64, high score save/load works oknp.
User Comment
Submitted by Krill on 10 August 2023
FWIW, try to buffer/restore these KERNAL variables, if stable bisect to minimise:
$94 C3PO
$a3 R2D2
$a4 BSOUR1
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 10 August 2023
And BTW, the golden rule of testing is: it can only ever tell you that its broken. It can never tell you that everything works under all circumstances. Not with non trivial code anyway.

Will be interesting to find out what the actual problem is, and how to trigger it :)
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 10 August 2023
It IS a real bug. And it WILL happen randomly on the real thing too.
User Comment
Submitted by St0rmfr0nt on 10 August 2023
We are Enthusiasts and Test our releases on REAL Hardware where it worked flawless. But for the moneyless Users Out there we provide a fix which makes it possible for you Emulator Junkies to enjoy that great Game aswell.

As this isn't a real bug, it can't be tagged as broken.
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 10 August 2023
so yup, the joke is on me, this is a bad crack due to really standard mistakes that a group like Excess should know how to prevent.
especially with 4 (four!) testers credited, you are the real lamers :)
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 10 August 2023
Karmic is right. It works this way. Some of the ZP values needs to be preserved for the kernal save to work.
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 10 August 2023
@Sentinel, on my 1541U1 it doesn't work. Same issue as in all emulators i tried it and i tried it with that four emulators (Denise, VICE, HOXS, Z64K) which has the first four places in the VICE testbench, even with different floppy-settings, but they all seem to have the same problem. Only on real 1541 and 1541-II it seems to save the scorefile correctly, the emulators don't stop the saving-process. I wonder, when some people claim, that it worked in their VICE version, i have other experiences here and i can only say/write, what i see here. Maybe some other thing could have influence too here and that's the reason, why it works for some users in VICE and for others not? I am also thinking, what else, maybe on the different PC hardware, on which VICE runs, could have influence on this? So far i have no idea, maybe some of the emulator-developers have?
I think, Karmic could be right.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 10 August 2023
Karmic has leading!
User Comment
Submitted by Sentinel on 10 August 2023
@KAL123: It is working fine on U1541 with old original and new Firmware.

Can someone recreate this issue on U1541?
User Comment
Submitted by Karmic on 10 August 2023
I had the same problem on some of my cracks too. The problem is that you need to save and restore the ENTIRE kernal zeropage area.

To prove I'm right, you can try this:
- LOAD"*",8,1 from BASIC.
- "t 0 ff fe00" in VICE monitor.
- RUN and proceed until you are ingame.
- "break exec c46c" in VICE monitor.
- Play until you lose. When the breakpoint hits, "bank ram" and "t fe10 feff 10".
And then it manages to exit saving the file. So yes, it is a problem with the release.
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 10 August 2023
Writing bullshit, only because a SD2IEC was mentioned too, in one of my sentences besides alot of emulators and a 1541Ultimate, will not make it better. A new crackversion normally should be as compatible as it is, this should be in the interest of the crackes too, unless they want to exclude a large part of the users from using this new crack. If this is the goal, then you can do it like this.

And by the way, in another thread here (will try to find this again), someone from Excess praised their new loader, because it's so compatible, even with SD2IEC devices and here suddenly the SD2IEC is called a "crap" by some of the same people. That's also interesting duplicity. Why then integrate this new loader at all in all the new cracks, which is said to always be able to recognize SD2IEC or ICE64 devices correctly, if SD2IEC is only crap? The new "Night Mission" and the new "GP Cars" cracks, both have this new Excess-loader, so it looks like, they both were planned, to run normally on SD2IECs too, isn' it? Incidentally, the second version of the new "GP Cars" crack does work with it. And if that was planned with the new cracks, then also every user, that """ONLY HAS A SD2IEC""", has every right then, to report a bug here, if such a crack don't work correctly on his hardware.
User Comment
Submitted by El Jefe on 10 August 2023
Finally, another entertaining forum thread!:D

I am very surprised about all the comments about different emulator versions, incompatible hardware etc. on which the release does not run. Is there anyone who has found that it does not run on original stock hardware? Do we care about issues in emulators if it runs on stock hardware?

I also agree with Burglar's comment about the unreal entitlement and I could never have imagined someone would ever call Enno the "only lamer around here". :-)

And no, ive not tested the release on any platform so far ...
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 10 August 2023
@Sentinel, you are right, when you say, that this crack works on the original Commodore hardware (floppies) and that the fact, that it don't work correctly in current emulators or on 1541U, is not a reason to say that this version is broken.
My post was about something else, namely the fact, that when i wrote that it didn't run on all the emulators i tested it on, they always claimed, they tested it there too and for them it worked there. But how could that be, when using the same emulator? Then the SD2IEC was harped on, as if I had only tested it there, which is rubbish.
Wouldn't it be easier here in this case, to look for a possibility, to save this scorefile in another way, than to insist now, that this crackversion is perfectly fine and the users should better wait for updated emulator versions and new 1541U firmware, before they can use this version perfectly? Nevertheless, it is indeed an interesting technical thing for the emu-developers, what background this issue here finally will have.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 10 August 2023
It is using plain old kernal stuff though, and thus *should* also work with sd2iec, and of course any other emulator. When it fails like this on various different emulators, chances are there *is* a problem with the code - even if it works by chance on some real setups. That all 3 "top of the line" emulators have the same bug is *very unlikely* - much more unlikely than the code being buggy anyway :)
User Comment
Submitted by Sentinel on 10 August 2023
@KAL123: It is totally wrong that we couldn't recreate your issue at all. We had same problems on Vice 3.7 (me), 3.4 and 3.5
(others from us). That's sad and you got this as Feedback. But in lower Versions we couldn't recreate your issue.

But what's more important is the fact,
that this is running on real Hardware also with modern U1541, on Turbo Chamäleon, Ultimate64 and so on. Not just on Floppy Disks as you wrote (again).

So in my eyes this doesn't qualify this release as broken. I will change back now. Feel free to post a goof. But the truth, please and no exaggerations.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 10 August 2023
When i do it like i said before, it hangs the same also in VICE 2.4...
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 10 August 2023
And the most funny thing i only read just now. It is, that Sentinel wrote, that CCS64 can save this scorefile, haha. CCS64! *lol* When was this emu updated the last time? 10 years ago, or has it been 12 years now, i am not sure?
Okay, later this evening, i will test this crack here with good old C64S from 1997 and if it works correctly there, then i was totally wrong of course *lol*, then this crackversion is indeed fully compatible and Denise, HOXS, Z64K and VICE were wrong then. ;-) The testbench is a totally overrated thing, isnt it?
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 10 August 2023
Seems like everybody can reproduce the problem, only some guys from Excess can not. Sounds very unrealistic to me, sorry. I first reported this bug to them via PM, because i dont wanted to make a goof-report here in the entry, but also in the PM they claimed, that this crackversion runs without a problem everywhere. After this i reported the bug here, because i knew, that this can not be true. I tried around for 1 hour in different emulators, even with different floppy-settings, but it was not possible, to save this scorefile correctly and the game always hangs after this.
Thousands of other cracks here in the CSDB work everywhere, in all emulators, on 1541Ultimatem simply everywhere, while this one here seems to only work on real disks by using real floppies and instead of making the crack as compatible as possible for the users and finding a better way to save the scorefile here, they still claim that this crackversion runs everywhere. *lol*
@Burglar the only lamer here, is you, when you think this is the right way to go. If you want to fiddle around with your old (and partly broken) real 5.25" C64-diskettes, than have fun with this, but most of the other users, in the meantime are using other devices and they are wondering why this stupid little highscore file isn't being saved correctly here? What is expected here? That all users don't report this incompatibility , or give this crack a 10, even if they can't even use it correctly?
User Comment
Submitted by iAN CooG on 9 August 2023
It actually hangs for me even in vice 3.7.1 after losing all balls, green led active, track 18, forever looping.

.C:ed5a 20 A9 EE JSR $EEA9 - A:9E X:03 Y:00 SP:de NV-..I.. 1184335240
.C:ed5d 90 FB BCC $ED5A - A:9E X:03 Y:00 SP:de NV-..I.. 1184335264
.C:ed5a 20 A9 EE JSR $EEA9 - A:9E X:03 Y:00 SP:de NV-..I.. 1184335267

Kal_123 is not hallucinating.
User Comment
Submitted by chatGPZ on 9 August 2023
I reproduced the problem in VICE 3.2 as well... default settings, autostart by drag+drop the d64, n/n/n/r in trainer menu, a in game menu, q, s, f7 to pull, cursor right to start (5 times), saves, hangs
User Comment
Submitted by Sentinel on 9 August 2023
@KAL123: Although I wasn`t part of the testing team of this release, I tried to recreate the named issue yesterday. And I managed to recreate it with Vice 3.7. But only with Vice 3.7.

With 2 different C-64 each with classic 1541, with or without AR6. Then with that C64s plus Ultimate 1541 with or without AR6. Next i took a TheC64 from my son. Tried Vice 2.4 up to 3.2. with equal 1541 settings than you. No issue at all. Even the old CCS64 worked.

So that "for a few users" sound a bit unsuitable.
User Comment
Submitted by Burglar on 9 August 2023
the entitlement is unreal, obviously sd2iec-lamers are not the target audience of this release.

good crack btw :)
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 9 August 2023
If the goal was, to make it possible for as few users as possible, to run this crackversion here correctly, then that goal was definitely achieved. Well, let's unpack the old real 5.25" floppy disks then and the real floppies. *lol* Maybe the crack was planned as some kind of "back to the roots" thing? Hopefully i'll find some old floppy disks on the attic, that still work correctly, new ones are pretty expensive now. At least, this incompatibility is interesting for emulator developers, from a technical point of view, for future updates.
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 9 August 2023
If it really works on 1541 and 1541-II floppies, then this is some kind of new super-incompatibility, that was found here. In all emulators i tried it (Denise 2.0, HOXS64, WinVICE 3.2, GTK3VICE V3.6) and also on my 1541-U1 (not only on my SD2IEC), the highscore-saving don't work, because the save-process don't finishes and the game freezes in the end. Possible is everything, but this is a strange case for sure.
User Comment
Submitted by lA-sTYLe on 9 August 2023
Hence i already told you that WE tested it multiple Times on real Hardware, where it works fine, you have to ask the Developers of the Emulators and or sd2iec why it does not.
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 9 August 2023
@Hedning, total nonsense is written here!!! If you read my text completely, then you see, that i also tested in different emulators and there it also didn't work. And todays emulators (Denise, WinVICE) have 99,9% compatibility, so the chance, that this image is 100% seems to be very small. I have no real 1541 here at the moment, therefore i asked, if other people could confirm this. So what you want???
@LA-Style, the new "GP Cars" release also had a problem and there was claimed first, that this is also not true (in PM), then finally it was.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 8 August 2023
Lastyle: KAL is known to complain about stuff not working on sd2iec, like it’s something wrong with the release, when in reality it’s the sd2iec that is to blame. He should complain to the guys that made the gadget, or just accept that it’s not a 1541 replacement, just a cheapo toy for onefilers at best.
User Comment
Submitted by lA-sTYLe on 8 August 2023
Using a sd2iec crap and asking why it Crashes:-) Throw that thing out of the window as fast as you can. Sd2iec ist known for the most incompatible device ever produced.

This Release has been tested in Vice Up to 3.2,u64 and REAL Hardware without any issues.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 8 August 2023
KAL: does it work on a 1541?
User Comment
Submitted by KAL_123 on 8 August 2023
There seems to be a problem with the highscore-saving in this version. I tried it in different emulators and also on my real C64 with a SD2IEC and everywhere i always run into the same problem, that the highscore-saving is an endless process (LED stays on) and the game then freezes. Resetting the highscore at the beginning works, but saving into the scorefile then, is problematic. Can other users confirm this?
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 6 August 2023
Nice version and piccy!
User Comment
Submitted by Magic on 6 August 2023
My youth going through my brain now :)
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