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Captain America   [2013]

Captain America Released by :

Release Date :
26 January 2013

Type :
C64 Graphics  (MultiColor)

User rating:***_______  3.3/10 (20 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Graphics .... JSL of Covenant, Creators, Raiders of the Lost Empire, Scene World Magazine, Software of Sweden, Tropyx

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User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 27 January 2013
ahh well.. A bad release this time.. I don't know which ones of my artstuff, is a
great picture to upload, I just pick one out of the 170 on this PC, and yes I do
upload each JSL picture at this DB, I do make them for CSDb, and some just don't
look good to you guys, but that I don't see coming, and the Filter what Hedning
says, all new graphics I make, are sent to my group of friends by Email, about
20 people, thats sort of a filter, but those are more in a good mood and reply
with "great picture JSL" and feedback is positive. And no, I am not a fan of
Red Skull, never heard of Red Skull, but searching the net - an enemy of
Captain America, and even a nazi aswell. I don't read comics, so I just don't know.
Hope my next picture suits you better, I don't know which one that will be,
out of the 170 on reserve. Bugjam btw. said to put them all in a graphics
collection, the B ones, and reserve the best for the DB, what I am doing is
seeking three theme based pictures, and put them in a slideshow, wherefrom
I have 14 planned under ROLE. Oh, and I also have a third D64 in use, for
failed pictures, while my contacts mostly see potential in them to be finished,
but I don't.
User Comment
Submitted by Tristan on 27 January 2013
Captain Ladyboy ?
User Comment
Submitted by The Overkiller on 27 January 2013
Maybe JSL is a fan of Red Skull ;-)
User Comment
Submitted by Yogibear on 27 January 2013
I agree. Except Captain America himself and the shield I like it!
User Comment
Submitted by The Phantom on 26 January 2013
JSL...Dude, I'm not trying to be mean, please don't take it that way.

This is probably one of the worst drawings I've seen by you.

I drew a dragon on paper, converted it and started with the pixels. A year into it STILL and I think it looks great as an ICON, but as a stand-alone pic? I drew said dragon using NuFli, and still, am not happy with the results.

I have about 30+ logos I've drawn, probably 20+ full screen pictures and man, don't get me started on how much code I've lying about, all sitting around because I don't care how any of it looks.

The ideas you get and man, some of the images you've drawn are simply amazing. Some artwork you do seems like you give up, like this one.

You are an amazing artist JSL, without a doubt.

Don't take this as an attack. I do admire your work, it just, sometimes, in comparison with your previous works, your style degrades and in other works, you're years ahead.

Meh. I think more work should go into this piece. There are some nice color schemes going on and being from America, I'm feeling a little insulted?

User Comment
Submitted by bugjam on 26 January 2013
OK, the rendition is a bit, well, different I'd say, but then, if you don't like it, just don't look t it. I find it interesting to see what gets released next. Always a surprise waiting. :-)
User Comment
Submitted by JSL on 26 January 2013
How I should know which picture of mine is good enough, I pixel mostly at weekend at parents, come with 4-5 new pictures, and just pick one out of 170 each week to upload. Don't gonna say 30 are good, delete the rest.
User Comment
Submitted by hedning on 26 January 2013
You should get a filter, JSL. Do you really _need_ to release every single picture you make? Get a quality filter and release only your good pics. You have made some really nice ones.
User Comment
Submitted by Stainless Steel on 26 January 2013
Where are the little wings left and right on his head?
User Comment
Submitted by Almighty God on 26 January 2013
More than a HERO looks like a monster as his head is nearly bigger than his shield
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