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CSDb Random Release for Android   [2011]

CSDb Random Release for Android Released by :

Release Date :
18 August 2011

Type :
Other Platform C64 Tool

User rating:awaiting 8 votes (8 left)

Credits :
Code .... Bones

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User Comment
Submitted by Bones99 on 4 January 2012
@Bittin, bad timing mate.. I only really put the latest version up on the market to learn how the process works. I didn't really expect anyone to buy. I wish I could refund you but it doesn't seem possible. The latest version is free on the market now.
User Comment
Submitted by Queen bittin on 30 December 2011
Why did i buy it in market when it was free here =p
User Comment
Submitted by Bones99 on 19 August 2011
@Digger: Thx, I've played with frodo a bit and I think you can get vice for android. But a lot of the coder-tricks used in many of the more advanced demos dont do so well on smaller scale device emulators... it would be interesting to see if it can be done though.

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Submitted by Digger on 19 August 2011
@Bones99: Cool idea, what C64 emu do you use on Android? It would be nice to have "DOWNLOAD AND LANUCH" button ;-)
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Submitted by Bones99 on 19 August 2011
@wackee: I dont know much about blackberry development, nor do I own a device :( I could probably complile it for ppc though.
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Submitted by wacek on 19 August 2011
Can you do one for Blackberry? ;)
User Comment
Submitted by Bones99 on 19 August 2011
@Rough : Hehe.. version 2 maybe, first I have to finish work on the 8 bit tri-corder emulator and the flux capacitor made from rice crispies..
User Comment
Submitted by Rough on 18 August 2011
I'm disappointed. I thought CSDB Random Release for android would build random releases via a music choose from HVSC, a picture from HVGC and some plain code with scroll below pic (different fonts) taking random text from the net and uploading the whole thing (crunched of course) to CSDb (including making a detailed entry) ....
User Comment
Submitted by Bones99 on 18 August 2011

What is it ?

Its just a simple little fun android app that connects to the CSDB webservice and grabs a random release, showing some basic info (Name,Rating,Type and year) and the screenshot.

What are the requirements ?
you need an Android device (Obviously) and it must have connectivity to get to the webservice and send emails.
I developed and tested on my LG Optimus.
There is only portrait orientation. I have no idea what its going to look like on a bigger screen.

How do I use it?
Its simple, just press the little "Get One"(the cassette) button to get a release. If you like it, you can press the email button (The envelope) to send a link to your email address)
If you want to go back (just one release) you can click the blue back-arrow button.

Why is there a cooldown timer?
people dont like it when you hit their web-services too hard and might block you.. :P I added the cooldown timer to try to control load.

How do I change the Email address.
Press the menu button on your device.

Why wont the email work?
I'm using the default email activity, if that works it should work in my app, if not, no idea :(
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