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Jars' Revenge [16kb cartridge]   [2011]

Jars' Revenge [16kb cartridge] Released by :
Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web]

Release Date :
1 December 2011

Type :
C64 Game

Jars Revenge

Website :

Released At :
RGCD C64 16KB Cartridge Game Development Competition 2011

Achievements :
C64 Game Competition at RGCD C64 16KB Cartridge Game Development Competition 2011 :  #5

User rating:*********_  8.9/10 (19 votes)   See votestatistics

Credits :
Code .... Peiselulli of Arsenic, Oxyron, Tristar & Red Sector Inc., VICE Team
Music .... Linus of Crest, Resource, Tristar & Red Sector Inc., Viruz

SIDs used in this release :
Jars Revenge Soundtrack(/MUSICIANS/L/Linus/Jars_Revenge_Soundtrack.sid)

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Production Info
Submitted by Linus on 1 December 2011
Again, lame me has written the soundtrack to work on a 8580 only.
Production Info
Submitted by Peiselulli on 1 December 2011
Jars' Revenge


4. SCORING         


Cannon                     Missile      Base

        --------                      OOOOO
        --------                     OOOOOO
        --------                    OOOOO
        --------      \/           OOOO  /|
OO      --------     |==o(   o      OO  / |
        --------      /\          OOOO |--|
        --------                   OOO  \ |
        --------                   OOOO  \|
        --------                    OOOOO
        --------                     OOOOOO
        --------                      OOOOO

        Neutral       Jar          Shield

                 Figure 1

JAR  Fly simulator under direct user control.
ENERGY MISSILE  Missile shot by Jar, removes cells.
BASE  Laser-base like object on right side of the screen, behind the shield.
SHIELD  Energy shield protecting the base, composed of cells.
CELLS  Elements of which shield is composed.
DESTROYER MISSILE  Guided missiles put out by the base to destroy Jars.
CANNON  appears on left side of screen
  and traversing the screen horizontally.
SWIRL  Whirling pinwheel fired by the base to destroy Jars.
NEUTRAL ZONE  Glittering path down the center of the playfield.
  When in the zone, a Jar cannot operate fire commands, and cannot be harmed
  by Destroyer Missiles.  However, the Jar can be destroyed by a Swirl in the


The primary objective of the game is to break a path through the shield, and
destroy the base with a blast from the Cannon.  The secondary
objective is to score as many points as possible.  See Figure 1 for an
explanation of the objects on the playfield.

The shield is the red area in front of the base.  It appears in one
of two shapes, as an arch, or a shifting rectangle.  The shield is made up
of cells.  The Jar scout can destroy these cells by firing at them with energy
missiles, from any location on the playfield, or by devouring them on direct
contact.  (The Cannon can also be used to destroy the cells, but this
is a waste of a powerful weapon.)  NOTE:  To learn how to control the Jar and
other aspects of the game play, be sure to read Section 3, USING THE

Once a path has been cleared through the shield, the Cannon must be used
to destroy the base.  To call up the cannon, the Jar can either eat a cell,
or run over the base.

The Cannon appears on the left side of the playfield, and moves in a
direct line with the Jar.  This means the Jar is in its line of fire.  It is
important therefore, to aim the cannon at the base, fire it, and fly out of
the way fast!

The base shoots off two weapons:  Destroyer Missiles and Swirls.  The
Destroyer Missiles come in a more or less constant stream, one at a time.
The Jar must do his best to dodge them.  Periodically, the base transforms
into a Swirl.  This Swirl winds up and rushes off after the Jar.  A Swirl can
be destroyed with the Cannon by hitting it either at its base location,
or in mid-air.  As a player's score increases, the Swirl becomes increasingly
dangerous.  (See Section 4, SCORING.)

The glittering path down the center of the screen is the Neutral Zone.
This area will protect a Jar from Destroyer Missiles but not from Swirls.
While in the Neutral Zone, a Jar cannot fire any energy missiles of his

When a Jar is hit by a Destroyer Missile, a Swirl, or his own
Cannon, he dies.  Each player has four Jars (turns) to play in a game.
Additional Jars can be earned.  See SCORING, Section 4.


Use the Joystick Controller plugged into joystick port 2.


The Jar will move in whatever direction the joystick is pushed.  The screen
"wraps" from top to bottom, bottom to top.  This means that if you fly the
Jar off the top of the screen, it will appear at the bottom, and vice versa.

The "fire" button has two separate firing functions:  it will fire an
energy missile in the direction the Jar is pointed, or operate the Zorlon
Cannon when it is on the screen.  (NOTE:  Information about operating the
Cannon is covered in Section 2 - GAME PLAY.)


Press SPACE to pause game, use joystick to leave pause mode.


                       SCORE CHART:

ACTIVITY                     POINTS      BONUS
Cell, hit by Missile           69
Cell, devoured by Jar          69       100 points
Base, destroyed              1000
Swirl, destroyed in place    2000
Swirl, destroyed in mid-air  6000       additional life


70,000       Swirl triples in frequency and sometimes fires instantly.
             Shield turns blue.
150,000      Swirl returns to normal frequency but will remain in mid-air
             to hit you.  Shield turns grey.
230,000      Swirl again triples in frequency and sometimes fires instantly.
             Shield turns pink.
300,000      Shield moves two times faster
             Shield turns brown.


When you destroy the base, or a Swirl, there will be an explosion, during
which the Jar stays on the screen.  Use this opportunity to make up your own
victory dance.

The base continually changes colors.  The color sequence is your cue to the
appearance of a Swirl, and gives you warning to plan your attack and defense.

If you fly over the base as it changes to a Swirl, it will destroy you, so
be careful.

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